Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 67 - Golden World

Golden sky. Golden earth. Blue lightning moving between the haven and earth as if the gods are having a celebration.

"BOOM*RUMBLE*" On the air between this golden world. A black spot, dancing between the lightning.

With a closer look. This black spot is a white-haired man, with two dark wings on his back. holding a huge black scythe in his left hand. While his right hand is emitting smoke spreading around him.

Behind him, you can see many black dust spreading around.

"Bastard!" Enel wearing a golden armor all over him holding a golden fork on his hand suddenly appeared in front of Gray and attacked him.

"WOOOG" Gray also waved his dark scythe clashing with Enel. Wich made a weird hollowed sound on the air.

"BOOM" The clash between the two of them made a strong energy explosion and forced both of them to move a couple of meters back.

But Gray didnt halt and waved his wings directly and flew upward dodging the golden rays that are aiming at him from everywhere.

"You can't run away" Enel looked at Gray with strong hatred on his eyes and pointed his hand toward Gray.

"El Thor" With his word another blue beam of lightning energy generated toward Gray. But this time it was stronger than usual.

"Can't dodge..." Gray looked at the gold and blue energy beams coming in his direction and thought in his mind.

"BOOM" The two beams directly hit Gray and made a big explosion noise around.

"Hit him....." Enel looked at the sky and said with a smile.

Soon the smoke was cleared and they saw what happen inside.

They saw many black shards emitting black smoke floating in the void.

"Shards? reduced to dust?" Enel looked at Gray's place and wondered where did Gray disappear.

"Enel! the ship!" Gild on the ground was controlling many golden guns machines, that shoot Golden rays toward Gray before.

"The ship!" Enel heard Gild's voice and looked at the ship's direction.

The ship is still the same. But suddenly the top of the ship stopped emitting golden smoke. But weird black energy is spreading around the ship.

"Bad!" Enel wanted to go directly to the ship and stop Gray who might be inside it.

"This is the second time you let your back open...." Suddenly Gray voice appeared from behind Enel.

"WHAT!" Hearing Gray's voice behind him. Enel knows that he fell to Gray trap again.

"BOOM" Like a bullet, Enel fall to the ground and made a big noise.

"Saved again...." Gray was standing on the sky holding his scythe. And his body wasn't so real. You can see the energy shards on the sky are moving toward him, repairing his body slowly.

"DAMN DAMN DAMN!" On the ground, Enel stood up and looked at Gray on the air and kept cursing.

This is the second time, Gray appeared behind him like this. If Gild didn't save him twice. Maybe not only his earlobe, maybe a bigger part of his body will be chopped this time.

Gild saved Enel when Gray appeared on his back for the first time by pushing him away by the gold That was connected on his hand. So Enel had the chance to dodge a very fatal attack. Even though he lost his earlobe.

And now the golden armor Gild gave him saved him again. Even though it was already destroyed.

Speaking of this armor. It's a really good thing. Not only strong defense. But also strengthened all Enel's abilities.

For this reason, Enel was able to clash with Gray on the air before.

"BOOM" The ship behind them exploded and soon the darkness around it devour it completely.

From the darkness that swallowed the ship. Another winged figure flew out and came to Gray said.

This dark figure resembles Gray, or it can be said. It's Gray himself, but without any colors.

Completly black Gray emitting black smoke.

"Two of them?" Enel and Gild looked at two Gray on the sky and finally understood how did Gray succeed to destroy the ship even though he wasn't there.

One was very hard to fight, but now two Gray. Enel started to feel deep fear inside his heart.

Yup, this is Gray's shadow.

While fighting with Enel. Gray took the chance and separated his shadow without letting them notice. Then he ordered his shadow to destroy the ship. Not to help him with the fight.

The golden dust is almost endless.

This dust is so dangerous for Gray. The reason why kept spreading the dark smoke while moving around. Because he wanted to let his darkness remove the gold dust around.

But this didnt work as he expected.

So he planned to destroy the source.

How did he repair his body after being destroyed? As said before as long as he replaced his body with shadow energy. Gray's real body won't be really damaged. Even if his shadow energy reduced to dust.

But to reveal his real body again. He had to wait for the shadow energy to repair itself. Or replace himself by any part of his shadow that he separated somewhere else.

"Well. Now your little ship is gone, should we start the next round?" Gray smiled wickedly on the sky while looking at both Enel and Gild then said.

Gild looked at Gray and his shadow standing together on the sky deeply, not knowing what he was thinking. Then he looked at the completely golden clouds on the sky and smile with strong confident again.

"What if you destroyed the ship? It's already too late" Gild said this, and told Enel to start the plan.

Hearing Gild word. Enel's heart calmed down again. And his eyes also became calm as always. Then he disappeared and directly flew and entered the golden clouds in the sky.

Seeing the change of both of them. A very bad feeling banged Gray's heart!




Not far away from where Gary is fighting. Mary, Tauriel, and the others are fighting with many guards that suddenly came and hunted them.

"Damn, why are there many of them!" Perona hid behind the others and kept making ghosts, helping them from the back. While complaining about the enemy number.

Baccarat moved between the guards smoothly every guard wanted to attack her, a weird accident will always happen. so the guards kept falling one after the other.

The same for Mary and Taruiel. With every spear/sword, they wave. two or three guards will fly away.

"Yes.. there are many guards on this land because your friend is fighting with Enel. All the nest came out" An old man said.

He wears a metal armor with a dark red shirt, and brown pants. He also has the knight's visor always pulled up. He wears a long dark blue cloak that is yellow on the inside and at the back.

Knight of the Sky! Gan Fall. The former God of this island. In fact, Enel wasn't the god of Upper Yard.

For Skypian God is the king. So the God title is given for the one who rules them. Enel wasn't the real God of this island. When he came here. He used his overwhelmed power and take the God seat by force.

But Enel still has another opinion about God. That why Gray said he and Gild are similar.

From Gild and Enel's pointe of view. God's philosophy is so deep and twisted at the same time. Simple because they have the power to kill everyone and manipulate life they called themselves gods.

Enel already classified himself as a higher creature from all living beings.

"BOOM" "WGHAAAA" suddenly a big blue snake came to their side and attacked them.

"Dodge!" Tauriel shouted then carried Perona and jumped away.

With her word, everyone moved away.

"BOOM" Like a huge whip. The snake smashed the place where Mary and the other was standing.

"Chance!" Baccarat saw the snake tail not far away from her. She marched to it and touches it.

After doing this she turned back and run to Mary's direction.

"SHAHHHHH" The snake screamed and raised her head, apparently still want to attack.

"BOOOOM" But suddenly not far away. From the place where Gray is fighting, a huge noise came from it.

Mary and the others, even the snake looked in the sound direction.

When the snake looked there. What came into his sight is a huge golden beam is coming toward his face.

"BOOM" the beam directly hit the snake face.

After this, the snake falls on the ground and lost consciousness.

"You are... Really scary!" Mary looked at Baccarat who ran to her side and suddenly remembered that this woman is actually a dangerous woman...

Baccarat didnt care about what Mary said and looked at the snake in front of them.

"Another group is coming" Tauriel didnt care about the snake and looked at the left side of the forset then said.

Hearing Tauriel's words. Everyone looked at the left side. And prepared to fight again.

"Finally found you!" But it wasn't an enemy like before. But their partner Legolas.

Hearing Legolas' voice everyone calmed down.

"Who are they???" Tauriel looked at the group of similar looking people that is followed Legolas and asked.

"They are the Shandians! The original owners of this land" Legolas looked at Tauriel and said.

"Hmmm. Then.. why are you with them?" Tauriel still couldn't understand why he's with them.

"We became friends... So I'll help them get back their home :3" Heating Legolas answer. Everyone around felt heavy head.

What's with this answer!

Gan Fall told them about the Shandians while they are fighting with the god army before. So they already know one or two about this matter.

But Legolas already befriended those thick-headed guys and actually want to fight with them to help them get this island back? how did he manage to convince them?

From Gan Fall's explanation about them they should be a very thick-headed group who refuse the outsiders.

Tauriel looked at Legolas and didnt say anything. This Elf prince... Is still the same.

"Those are your friend that you said before" Beside Legolas, the man who's holding the rocket launcher stepped forward and looked at Mary and the others with a disappointed look.

"Haaa? Looking down on?!"Mary saw this man disappointed look. This made her annoyed. This weak chicken is looking down on them? She can understand what his eyes mean. Probably because they all are women, he thought that they are weak.

So she directly jumped to their side and walked to him ready to let him test her punch.

Legolas saw the air between Wyper and Legolas became so tense and wanted to calm them down.

But they still didn't realize the disaster that is about to happen.


"TICK TICK" Suddenly a drop of water fall on Tauriel's face.

"This is?" Tauriel whipped her face and looked at her hand.

What she whipped wasn't really a drop of water. But a gold liquid!

"GOLD?" Not only Tauriel everyone looked at the golden cloud on top of them.

"TICK TICK" Drop by drop. From the sky. Golden water started raining on top of them.

"BAD! EVERYONE TAKE COVER DONT LET THE RAIN TOUCH YOU!" Tauriel looked at her hand that is slowly turning into gold and screamed to everyone.

"UGHAAA" Suddenly the Shandians around screamed.

Many of them started to turn into gold statues because the rain hit them many times.

"FAST!!" Legolas and the other were faster. And started hiding between the tree from the golden rain.

Tauriel also did the same, then she took a bottle of seawater and washed her hand and face where the rain hit her.

With the seawater. Golden dust was washed. And the skin that turned into gold back to normal again.


A similar situation appeared all over Skypiea.

The Angel city Already became a Golden city. On the street, you can see many golden statues. Those statues are the Skypiean people that were turned into golden statues with panic expressions on their faces.

Upper Yard is the same. That should be made of huge trees. Already turned into golden land.

The world around already became a Golden World!

"I have to go....." Tarueil already knows that Gray is fighting with Gild and Enel. But the situation doesn't look so good anymore.

Gray may need their help now!

But in this situation. They cant even save themselves right now.

Looking at the seawater bottle on her hand. A deceiving color appeared on Tauriel's eyes.

"You can't go!" Legolas caught Tauriel's hand and wanted to stop her. He saw the deceiving look in her eyes. So he guessed what she wants to do.

"Let go..." Tauriel looked at Legolas with threatening eyes. Even though she knows why Legolas is stopping her. She still wants to help Gray!

"Are you crazy! Do you know how dangerous will it be for you to go out there like this?! Simple seawater will not protect you!" Legolas was very angry right now!

He knows how Tauriel thinks, He's also worried about Gray. But Tauriel's act is simply a suicide! He will never allow this to happen!

"Excuse me... Maybe I can help..." Perona sound came from the side...

"You?"x2 Both Legolas and Tauriel looked at Perona at the same time and said.


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