Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 78 - Baccarat Worries.

"I'm Fleet admiral Sengoku, I have something to talk to you" Sengoku's voice came from the slug phone.

"Huh?" Hearing Sengoku's voice Gray was surprised! He expected Garp to call him since he's the one who gave him this phone. But it wasn't Garp. But Sengoku!

"Hello, Mr. Sengoku, I wonder what the dignified Fleet admiral like you are calling me for?" But soon Gray calmed down and answered normally.

They just turned two pigs to golden statues and one flew away not knowing if he's dead or alive. It's not that weird that this guy will try to talk to him.

"Gray you bastard, do you know what trouble you are making!! You can beat anyone you want but you shouldn't have beaten those (fat pi....) Celestial Dragons!!" Sengoku screams came from the phone.

"..." Oy. Sengoku brother, as a Fleet admiral, is it okay for you to say this? You will be wanted by your superiors if they heard you...

"He won't be calling for this, right?" Mary stood beside Baccarat and asked.

"Well don't worry Mr. Sengoku... Those pigs are not dead(for now), ... My partner hand slipped and hit that pig by mistake,... Anyway, you didn't call me for such thing am I right?" Gray wasn't really in the mood to talk about the pigs so he directly asked about the main pointe.

"*sigh*, Gray, I want you to join the Navy as a warlord..." Sengoku told his reason for the call directly.

"...." Everyone.

"Sorry, Mr. Sengoku, I didnt hear you, can you repeat what did you just said?" Gray felt that he heard wrong.

"The unknown fay, Gray. I Sengoku the Fleet admiral, asks you to replace Moria's position as a warlord. In exchange, you and your crew bounties will be removed and won't be chased by the Navy anymore and will possess the same authorities that other warlords have....." Sengoku said this for the second time, with a very serious tone.

"...." Gray looked at the phone and his eyes flashed a weird light. He didn't mishear what Sengoku said. This guy is really inviting him... That's completely unexpected.

"Thank you for your invitation Mr. Sengoku, but I have to refuse" Even though this might be good for his plan for the war. But he won't forget that the navy tried to hunt him and his partners when he was in a coma, which gave his partners so much trouble.

"Gray! You shouldn't refuse. I can promise you one more thing you ask, as long as the navy can do!" Sengoku expected Gray to refuse. So he promised Gray one thing as long as he can do.

Gray didnt answer but looked at his crew for a few seconds then he looked at the phone again.

"Mr. Sengoku, I understand... if you want me to join, you have to pay more then just what you said. 10 devil fruit Only Paramecia and Logia, if you can do this, I'll join the so-called warlord" After some thoughts, Gray said.

"What! are you trying to rob us!" Sengoku didn't expect Gray's answer. Even if Gray wants Devil fruit, at most three, But not ten in one time! This is a Devil fruit, not cabbage!

"I heard that you arrested Ace... I wonder when the war will start...." Gray didnt care about Sengoku's scream and said with an evil smile.

Hearing Gray's words, Sengoku calmed down. He didnt expects Gray actually know this news. This Gray already knows his real purpose...

"..... three fruits" After some silence, Sengoku said.

"five no less...." Gray also knows that ten is so much. So he lowered them to five.

"Deal!" Sengoku didn't refuse and accepted Gray's words.

"...." Hearing Sengoku's words Gray felt weird... So easy?

"Well. Let someone come to take us. And send the fruits with him" After finishing his words. Gray closed the phone.


After closing the phone Sengoku smiled like a thief. Does the navy lack devil fruit? Of course not, but he simply didn't want to give Gray what he wants so easily.

"Well, Let do this" After this Sengoku called many departments preparing for what he has to do next.


"Gray... Are you serious? You know that we can't trust them!" Legolas beside Gray said with a worried tone.

"Yes... We really can't trust them, besides I don't like those false justice navies! I don't want to help them either!" Mary had a similar opinion to what Legolas just said.

"Who said we will help them?" Gray looked at his companions that is looking at him and said with a deep smile.

"Huh? didn't you accept Sengoku's offer?" Tauriel wondered what Gray meant and asked.

"Yes, I did... But this doesn't mean we will fight beside them or against them. What I really want is to raise our strength... Trust? Of course, I don't trust them. But they can't do anything to us since we are leaving after the war anyway. And they won't really attack us before the war ends. The Navy is trying to gather as much power as it can to fight Whitebeard right now. So Sengoku won't make a mistake and make more enemies for himself, and even if this happened. Thay can't stop us if we tried to run away" Gray spoke his mind.

Hearing Gray's words, They finally understand why Gray chooses to accept Sengoku's invitation.

Yes, As Gray said, this is the real reason why Sengoku called Gray.

When Sengoku was ready to call Borsalino admiral. He stopped his action for two reasons.

First, he remembered what fate all the fruit owners had after meeting Gray. So there is a chance that Borsalino will lose his ability like others after meeting Gray, such a risk he won't take. Borsalino is one of the Navy backbones, he can't lose it, especially in a time like this.

Second, he thought of another idea. Gray's actions until now weren't so aggressive or against the navy directly. So maybe he can use him against whitebeard.

Sengoku considered many things inside his mind. But ultimately he found that this might work. From what he knows about Gray and his partners. They never came in touch with whitebeard. And most of the random pirates they encountered have been destroyed. And till now they never hurt civilians, not even once. The more he thought about this the more he found that his plan is suitable, Gray might really be a good helper for him in this war. As for after the war, that's another story.

In fact, Sengoku's way of thinking is very right. In this way, he will have more power against whitebeard and will be able to get a good look at Gray and his crew real power. And also confirm some of his previous doubts about Gray.

But will his plan work as he wants?


Gray and his crew decided to stay in a hotel not far away since Sengoku will send someone to deliver the fruit for them, they don't have to go anywhere.

Gray took the chance and copied the elven bloodline to Perona. As for skills, he only copied observation Haki and Conqueror Haki, Since both of them mental type skills.

Perona ate Horo Horo no Mi(Hollow-Hollow Fruit) a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to produce ghosts and even became a ghost herself. So when she usually fight she doesn't use her body but her soul form, so she doesn't really need skills other than these two.

With this Perona transformed from a little girl doll. To a little fairy doll.

After seeing her new look, finally, Perona learned why everyone around Gray has sharp ears!

(Elven bloodline: .....)

She felt lucky being caught by them! And in fact, she's really lucky. If she didn't meet Gray, she would have remained as a mortal and live normal human life till she dies...


"Gray I want to talk to you..." Baccarat came to Gray's side and said while holding his sleeve.

Gray didn't refuse and walked with her to another room.

"What's wrong?" after being alone with her. Gray looked at her and asked. He can see that there is something making her restless.

"I feel something bad will happen....." Baccarat looked at Gray eyes and said with a sad voice.

"Bad thing? Did you see something?" Gray thought for a second and asked. Since he copied Fortune Telling skill for her, she should have felt or predicted something.

"No... And that's the problem, no matter how I tried, I always see that things will go smoothly, But something inside me telling me that something... Something so sad will happen, I don't know! I don't understand! Why Is this felling keep growing bounding on my heart! " Baccarat walked left and right holding her head trying to figure out why this feeling is creeping inside her heart. Her eyes even started to shed tears.

"Hey, calm down, calm down, Nothing wrong will happen, As long as am here, I won't allow something wrong to happen, this feeling you have right now should soon disappear" Gray held Baccarat shoulder and tried to calm her down. He can see how distressed she is.

He can't understand why or what reason suddenly such feeling appeared inside her heart. But he has to calm her first.

"Gray... promise me you will be careful...." Baccarat leaned her on Gray's chest and said.

"Don't worry, I'll be extra careful in the war...." Gray said.

"Not in the war..... But all the time, until we leave this world!" Baccarat raised her head and looked at Gray eyes.

"I... Promise you, did I ever failed you?" Gray wanted to say something, But after seeing Baccarat eyes, he couldn't say anything and only promised her.

Baccarat shook her head. As Gray said, he always found a way to win no matter how bad the situation is.

"You need some rest, I'll call you when we are ready to leave," Gray said this and kissed her forehead then left the room.

Baccarat looked at the door of the room that Gray left for a few minutes. Then she lowered her head and looked at the card on her hand, with an empty feeling eyes.

The picture of the card is a floating heart that is pierced by three swords.

Tarot Card: Three of Swords

The card that no matter how she used luck always appears when she tries to see their fortune.


After leaving the room, Gray walked slowly while thinking about what did Baccarat said.

He's about to leave the world soon, and not many things might hurt him if he tried his best in this world.

So he's not really sure what will happen.

"Well... Even if something really happened...." Gray spoke to himself and touched the crown on his head while thinking.

Gray felt confident again inside his heart. It's not that he's not being careful, It's just he always was careful about his acts.

But since he promised Baccarat, Gray thought about things deeper.

While walking suddenly a little pink-haired girl run away from the hotel kitchen, and run to his side.

"She is...." Gray saw the little girl and his eyes brightened.




"Well, let's go" Gray put a box that contains five different shapes Devil fruit into his space pocket, and walked out followed by Mary and Taureil.

As soon as he left the hotel, Gray saw many Navy soldiers are standing outside looking at him with scared eyes.

"You brought many people...." Gray smiled gently and said to the leader of this group of soldiers.

"Mr. Gray, Please came with us, we have to go back to Marineford fast" The man who said this has four X-shaped scars on his face and two on his neck, from the Marine coat he's wearing, Gray can see his rank.

Vice Admiral! and not one but there are three of them. Dose, Sengoku thinks that they will run away?

"Well... Lead the way...." Gray didn't say much to him since he's acting so respectful and asked him to lead the way.

Under his leading, Gray soon reached the ship port.

Looking at the huge navy ship in front of him, Gray simply jumped in.

Taureil and Mary also did the same.

Seeing this the Vice Admiral, gave the order to sail, and the ship left Sabaody Archipelago, the last island for Gray in this world.

Looking at Sabaody are getting further and further, Gray sighed and entered the room that was prepared for them.



The Marine Headquarters, the main division of the Marine organization that has jurisdiction over the Grand Line.

This is the place where the war will start.

"So huge...." Mary looked at the huge Headquarters they about to enter and said with a surprised tone.

"Mr. Gray, please..." The Vice-Admiral who brought him here asked Gray to follow him respectfully.

Gray nodded his head and walked down with Mary and Taureil.

"Look, look it's the fairies, "So beautiful, Valkyrie and sword fairy!!!" The navy around looked at Gray and the two ladies beside him with many different eyes.

Most of the eyes were already obsessed.

Especially when they look at Mary and Tauriel. Both of them are like poison for those male navies.

"fairies? That what they call us?" Mary heard what the soldiers around and said.

"Well, That not a bad name but.... their eyes are annoying" Taureil doesn't like the feeling of being watched by many eyes like this.

*WOOG* She and Mary on her side released their Haki which made almost all the soldiers around lose consciousness.

"Please stop your actions. You cant do this!" The Vice-Admiral looked at Mary and Taureil and said with panic. It's very rare to see conqueror Haki users. But now there are two in front of him! Really what kind of monsters those beautiful fairies are!

Under the fearful eyes of few still consciousness navy, they walked all leaving the port completely.



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