Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 79 - Warlords Gathering.

"Kid! You have made many troubles until now! Do you know that!" In the room that was prepared for Gray, Garp was sitting in front of him and said while eating his donats.

"Well... Long time no see, old man..." Gray looked at Garp eating so cheerfully, his lips couldn't help but twitch, isn't your lovely grandson about to be executed? Why are you acting so happy like!

"You guys really got stronger than before. That's a relief..." Garp looked at Taureila and Mary and said with a gentle smile.

When he first met Gray and his partners it was on the 3rd day Gray came to this world. Gray and his crew were so weak for him at that time.

He spent a month with them after that so he was always concerned about this unique party.

But looks like his worries were only overthinking. The three people in front of him are not the same anymore. But really strong people.

Gray and the other talked with Garp for some time. Garp warned Gray and told him what the world government knows about him.

For this Gray wasn't really surprised, He didn't hide his action when hunting devil fruit before, and he's aware that soon someone will guess that he can take the fruit abilities.

So he didn't care much about this.

Soon Garp stood up and left.

Looking at Garp back, Gray eyes were somehow sad. Even though Garp didn't show it, But Gray was able to see the sadness that was inside his eyes.

This old man endures many things...

"*sigh* I don't like seeing Garp like this....." Mary beside Gray said with a depressed voice.

"Me neither... " Tauriel said.

"His grandson is about to be executed... It's good enough that he can still laugh as this" Gray said.

"And from the point of view... we are now helping the navy execute his grandson?" Mary thought of something and said.

"...." Gray didn't answer this time, What Mary just said is true. Even though Garp won't think like this, But that's what really happening here.

"Well, We... I own him so much... So in this war, we will save that kid for him..." After a few seconds, Gray said his real thought.

Gray really feels like this. Without Garp, he wouldn't have found Baccarat so easily.

And naturally, without Baccarat many things wouldn't work so easily like it is right now.

"Well... I can't wait for the war to begin! *grin*" After hearing Gray words. Mary grinned and was somehow excited. This war she can use her ability freely! From the time she got her new power till now, she couldn't use it against a real worthy enemy.

Gray and Taureil also smiled.

"BruBruBru...BruBruBru" A slug phone sound appeared from Gray.

"Legolas?" Gray looked at the phone and wondered why is he calling right now?



Somewhere on the sea.

Legolas and Perona looking at the red-haired woman who's standing on the top of the sea king.

"Baccarat sister is acting weird those days...." Perona looked at Baccarat and said.

"Yes..." Legolas also said with a worried tone.

Baccarat is really acting weird.

The way she acts is really weird. Both words and actions.

Usually, Baccarat won't actively go hunt for luck around, and simply take whatever luck came to her randomly.

But today she's not alright at all.

What is Baccarat doing?

She stealing luck.

Is that weird? Of course not, after all this is her ability.

But what made him worried is her unusually active luck hunting!

Yes, Baccarat is hunting luck.

Whatever comes to her sight she will hunt it. The sea king she's standing on is what she asked Legolas to bring her by using his Haki.

This is not the first one nor the second one.

He's pretty sure that she already stole more than a thousand fish luck!

And more weird is that they encountered countless ships on the sea. Both pirate and navy ships.

She didn't let go of any of them and stole everyone's luck.

He can see that everything happening here is because of her.

He's even sure if they have more time, Baccarat will probably go hunting the islands' luck around...

"She caught a bird...She let it go...The bird falls down... ... haha, that bird is holding his stomach... is he sick?.... Oh, he was eaten...." Perona looked at the scene in front of her and said.


Legolas decided to tell Gray.



".... I see, Let her do what she wants, just don't let her overdoing things., and be there on time..." After saying this, Gray closed the phone.

"Hmmm, is something wrong with Baccarat sister?" Tarueil looked at Gray and asked.

When Legolas told Gray about Baccarat, Gray didn't say much and was so calm, as if he knew something.

She's familiar with Gray, he should know why she's acting like this.

"Well...." Gray told them what Baccarat said to him before.

"So it was like this... Then that means... She's trying to gather luck to avoid whatever bad thing might happen...." Mary heard Gray's explanation and said with a smart voice.

"Yes... that's probably her idea...." Gray said with a helpless tone. Baccarat's action still surprised him somehow. But he didn't let Legolas try to stop her but to help her. The more luck Baccarat gathers the better for them, besides since this might let her be more confident then he will not stop her.

What Gray didn't know that Baccarat's action today will decide everyone's fate, very soon.

After this Gray and the two ladies discussed the war, and what everyone has to do.


The next day.

Gray finally met Sengoku this afro-headed old man.

The reason he was brought, but not the place were other warlord is meeting, that is Gray didn't become a real warlord till now.

To become a warlord he has to come here first and get the so-called warlord title.

This old man still made things interesting as usual.

He actually asked both Mary and Tauriel to replace the other two free warlords seats since both of them are will know powers on the sea.

The original seven warlords are only four right now.

Gecko Moria is powerless because Gray took his ability, so he was stripped of his title.

"Desert King" Sir Crocodile. Another unlucky warlord that fought Luffy the owner of the protagonist aura. After being defeated by Luffy and his crew, this guy was imprisoned. And naturally lost his warlord title.

"Knight of the Sea" Jinbe. He's a whale shark fish-man and a master of Fish-Man Karate. His dream is to fulfill his former captain Fisher Tiger's dying wish of coexistence and equality between humans and fish-men.

Jinba refused to fight against Whitebeard pirates. His relationship with the whitebeard pirates is so deep. And for that reason, Sengoku had to imprison him in the hope that he changes his mind. But looks like there is no hope.

And like this only four warlord are available for now.

As soon as he said this. Even before Gray agreed. Both Mary and Taureil agreed. Completely ignoring what they even agree about before.

For this Gray could only smile helplessly. Since they want to do this, he won't mind. And he doesn't have reason to not accept it either.

And like this, three new warlords appeared on the sea.

The news spread so fast. And soon many people around the world saw this weird news.

Why is it weird? Because Gray, Tauriel, and Mary are in the same group. Three warlords from one ship are really weird. And they are not even pirates!

But no one cared so much about this news. Because another shocking news was released.


[Blue color attribute] .....

Gray looked at the attribute that was extracted from the fruit in front of him and felt like eating dirt.

He forgot how sad his extraction skill could be without Baccarat.

Blue color? What is this? Really, What the hell is this! Can colors be extracted? Since I extracted this color, then why the hell the fruit is still so blue like this!

*sigh* Gray sighed and took the fruit back to his space pocket.

He already wasted his four chances today...

After a few hours, finally, someone came and asked Gray party to follow him to where the meeting is being held.

The warlord meeting won't be in the Marineford but in The Holy Land Mary Geoise.

The pig's homeland...

They were led to the building where the meeting will be held.

"Please..." When they reached the hall, Gray finally saw the other four warlords.

The first one who came to his eyes is Bartholomew Kuma who they meet before.

Besides him is a tall lean man with black hair, a short beard, mustache, and sideburns that point upwards. This guys have very unique eyes.

Dracule "Hawk Eyes" Mihawk! The man who holds the title of "Strongest Swordsman in the World" The man who can fight with any of the emperors alone...

On the other side of the table is a very tall man, light blond-haired, very lean and muscular man with tan skin. He dresses in flamboyant clothes. In reference to his animal theme, the flamingo, his clothes are brightly colored, with his light pink feather coat most distinctly of all.

Without much thinking, this chicken is Donquixote Doflamingo"Joker", the guys who Gray stole his ship when he came to this world at first.

And lastly. It was a woman.

The only woman between the warlord... or used to be the only one.

"Pirate Empress" Boa Hancock!

This woman is known as "the most beautiful woman in the world"

And these words really fit her.

Very tall and slender with long black hair that extends past her waist with locks of hair that frame her face down to her chin and shows off her high forehead, dark brown eyes with long, voluminous eyelashes and pale skin, and a narrow waist.

Gray was surprised when he saw her. Not for how beautiful or charming she is, But the fact that she is here!

He knows her history and knows how much she hates or can be said to fear this place. Until she meets Luffy she shouldn't come out from her fear...

But she probably didn't meet Luffy... Since things didn't go like the original! And even if she meets him, she shouldn't be here...

Speaking about Luffy... Will that kid be okay? He completely forgets about him!~

"Fufufufufufu... Look who's here, Isnt that the new warlords...." Doflamingo looked at Gray and the other who just entered the hall and said with his unique laughing.

With his words, everyone around looked at them.

Warlords are the collection of the best pirates that can be found on the sea. So the gaze of four of them naturally will carry huge pressure.

But will they be shocked by this pressure?

Gray, Mary, and Taureil released bigger and more majestic aura completly changing the air in the entire hall.

"Interesting..." Mihawk said while looking at Gary and Taureil.

He can feel it. The sharp sword from Gray and Taureil. Especially from Taureil, this feeling is more clear!

Gray reached the meeting table and sit down with both Mary and Taureil on his side.

It has to say, Gray and both Mary and Tauriel are really unique. Unlike everyone around. They gave a completely different feeling. Weather from their style or there looks.

And in fact, they are really different, In many ways. The fact they are not humans alone is enough!

"Gray is he the one who put a bounty on us before?" Mary pointed at Doflamingo's face and asked Gray who's sitting beside her.

"Yes, it's him" Gray didn't answer but Tauriel who's sitting on the other side.

"Hooo...*rumble*" Mary smiled weirdly and a bolt of golden lightning started generating from her hands as if she's ready to fight.

"Fufufufufufu, I apologize about this misunderstanding, But... It was you guys who stole my things" Doflamingo this guy, has already taken back the bounty he put on Gray and the others a long time ago.

After all, It's not really good to make enemies with a strong group like them fo a few devil fruits. It's not worth it. But this doesn't mean he will act weak against them. So he looked at Mary with a provoking smile.

"Calm down! You can't fight here!" A group of naive around tried to calm down both Mary and Doflamingo who might start fight any time soon.

"Mary..." Gray knows that if he didn't stop her she will probably fight. But it's not time.

"Hmm" Mary knows that it's not the time to fight. So she moved her eyes and looked at the other warlords. But inside her mind, she already added Doflamingo to her blacklist.

"I don't mind that Doflamingo, in fact, I have to thank you, What I found on that ship was really useful for me... But you know.... your actions have made many troubles for my friend... so...." As Gray spoke, the entire hall started losing its colors. And an evil black smoke like flames around started spreading around. With one second the entire hall turned to dark hell.

Doflamingo felt the threat around him and wanted to jump away.

But the darkness was already spread... And the shadows were already connected...

"What!" From behind him, Doflamingo felt great dangers suddenly appeared. He tried to jump away and dodge. But a hand has already caught his neck.

As soon as the hand caught him. Doflamingo felt weakness all over his body!

"You... how can...." Doflamingo looked at the taller figure that is completing itself from the dark smoke around and said with a shocked tone.

What appeared behind him is a tall smoky dark figure, as if a huge dark demon who caught him not Gray.

But what surprised him is not the dark demon that appeared behind him. But the familiar feeling he's feeling right now.

He knows this feeling. Sea stone! This guy glove is actually a sea stone!

Doflamingo couldn't understand why he can use his ability while wearing sea stone like this...

"Even though I'm not really angry... But...*BOOM*" Gray face revealed from the tall shadow a said this then crashed Doflamingo to the ground under him with all his strength. Which made a huge shook in the entire building where they are.

"You shouldn't look at her with this annoying expression, nor provoking her" Gray said while he's raising Doflamingo who's looking at Gray with an ugly expression on his face.

"Stop! I said you shou.....*RUMBLE*" Some navy tried to stop Gray, but many bolts of golden lightning suddenly struck them, turning them to gold.

"Go, Gray! beat his ass! Or not, let me beat him once!" Mary was so excited at this moment. She wanted to hit this chicken face just now. But Gray stopped her.

But she didn't expect that he will attack after stopping her! This Gray, she likes!

Gray beat Doflamingo a few times and threw him away as if he's throwing garbage.

"Well... You're weaker than I thought" Gray walked back to his seat while his figure returning to normal and the darkness around him returning to his shadow then said with a gentle smile as if the dark demon who did all this just now wasn't him.

"This darkness..." Mihawk looked at this scene with deep eyes. This really surprised him.

As for Kuma, he stayed silent all the time as if nothing is related to him.

Only Hancock looked at Gray with weird eyes. Then she looked at the golden navy and finally placed her gaze at Mary.

"Hm, cheater, taking all the fun alone...." Mary hugged Gray's hand and said with a spoiled tone. She's really happy now. Gray usual overthinking way of action wasn't her liking at all. But today he made her happy! Yes, things should be so imposing and strong like this! The nerdy act of calculating everything is for the weak!

Well. If Gray knows her mind, he will probably say; "My way of action is not the problem here. It's your mind that has a problem"

Doflamingo stood up and looked at Gray and Mary who's looking at him with a smile not far away. Doflamingo's mind at this moment was filled with rage. He can't remember when was the last time he received such a treatment.

From Doflamingo's body a raging conqueror Haki started leaking.

Seeing him like this Gray wasn't worried but smiled more gentle.

"Calm down..." Gray said to Doflamingo.

"Yu..." Doflamingo wanted to say something. But suddenly he found that his mood calmed down completly.

"Come sit down, lets continue the meeting" Gray spoke again.

And what surprised everyone around, is that Doflamingo listened to Gray, and sit down on his place again. As if nothing happened just now.

Is this the joker they know?!

Kuma on the side body twitched. He saw this before!

"Mary, return everyone to normal" Gray looked at Mary who's hugging his hand like a spoiled child and said while his lips twitching.

"Well," Mary waved her hand and all the navy around returned to the normal state.

With this everyone calmed down and tried to continue the meeting as if nothing happens.

Only Doflamingo's mind was about to explode right now. He didnt' understand why will he listen to Gray? Shouldn't he try to separate this man's head right now?

What Doflamingo didn't know that Gray wasn't ordering him. But his shadow that he poisoned when he caught his neck before.

As said before, Gray can order the shadows. But the owner should be much weaker than Gray.

But Gray also found another way. That is to poison this shadow by his dark energy. When he caught Doflamingo before. Doflamingo's resistance was so low at that time. So Gray took the chance and took control over his shadow.

And as said before. The shadow is a reflection of the soul, and the soul is the mirror of the body. So Doflamingo can't refuse any order Gray might order him right now. Even if he told him to bark like a dog, Doflamingo will do this.

The last fighting against Enel and Gild gave Gray a good lesson.

That is to not give the enemy get a chance to counter-attack. Or even to think about attacking him.


"Oy, Kuma how is your face? I remember that you slapped yourself the last time we meet you, right?" Suddenly Mary thought of something and said with an evil smile.

Gray heard Mary and started regrating taking her with him... This woman is really looking for trouble...

Kuma only gave her with a plunk look then looked at Gray silently.

Seeing Kuma ignoring her. Mary didn't talk anymore. Just kept looking at Taureil who's looking at her with sharp eyes from time to time. And acted more spoiled around Gray.

This meeting is held to let everyone know their positions in this war and what they have to do.

But looks like no one here cares about those navy orders and kept observing each other. Or to be more specific is to observe Gray who's sitting there not caring about them.


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