Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 80 - Tauriel The Sword Fairy

Soon the meeting ended and everyone was ready to leave the palace.

Warlords are not under the control of anyone, even though they work for the government, but their action is free as long as they won't hinder the government itself. so they are free to act until the next day when the war starts.

Gray with Mary and Tauriel walked out to the port, he's not planning to stay in this ugly place anymore.

And soon they reached the port. But he found an extra two people waiting for him there.

"Mihawk? Hancock?" Gray looked at those two people and wondered for a second.

But soon Mihawk's action made him understand.

Mihawk stared at them and from his body, a strong and aggressive provocation appeared, directed at Gray and Taureil.

This guy eyes are really unique, being stared by these eyes. It's like being stared by a beast, not a human.

"It happened that I also want to find you" Taureil held Gray hand as if telling him to let me try, then she stepped forward and looked at Mihawk directly on the eyes.

The air around became so tense. Two top-level sword users aura clash is not a normal phenomenon.

Gray wanted to say something but Mary caught his other hand and look at him while shocking her head.

Gray couldn't understand what she means until he saw Taureil eyes.

Well... This woman is very serious about what she just said.

But Gray couldn't help but get worried. This is Mihawk! The strongest swordsman in the world! He's worried that Taureil will get hurt of she really fought with him.

But after a few seconds, he calmed down. Get hurt?... If she really got hurt in front of him then, doesn't that mean he's so useless?

Fighting with Mihawk will be an extremely useful fight for her. In many different ways. Besides this is what she wants, he shouldn't stop her, all he has to do is to save her if something went wrong.

Mihawk didn't choose to fight here. After all, they are in the holy land. It's not a good place to fight.

So everyone took a free ship and sailed to the nearest empty island not far away. The navy soldier was panicked when seeing many warlords actually want to take the same ship to go away. But they were ordered to stay and do what the warlords want.

So in the end, the navy soldier took them where they want to go, as long as it's not far away from their real direction the Marineford.

"So how is it?" Gray looked at Taureil beside him and asked.

"So strong..." Taureil thought for a second and said.

"Think you can defeat him?" Gray expected such an answer, so he asked her idea.

".... I can't... But I shouldn't lose either." Taureil paused for a second and answered. Her answer was so clear and true. She knows her level, but she also wants to break it.

As Tauriel said this, her shadow twitched a little. If someone looked at her shadow carefully, he will notice a dim blue dot in the middle of her shadow.

Gray wanted to copy Mihawk skills, after all... He's a top skill holder in this world! Naturally Gray wants to copy his skills. So he was planning to wait till he found a chance in the war maybe. But looks like this chance came earlier.

While thinking how he should copy Mihawk skills, Gray noticed Hancock who's walking to there side. Yes, this woman didn't leave but followed them to the ship.

"Hancock?" Gray looked at her and wondered what she wants?

"Gray... I want to talk to you..." Hancock looked at Gray and said with a commanding tone.

"What do you want to talk about with him? I don't think there is anything we can talk about..." But before Gray answer, Taureil stepped forward and said.

Somehow Tauriel doesn't want Hancock to talk with Gray. Baccarat and this new threat called Mary is enough...

"You... Well, is it true that you hit the dragon....." Hancock wanted to get angry, but after thinking about what she wanted to know, she calmed down and asked.

".... No, It was Legolas, and I turned them to gold, Gray did nothing... just threw something in their shadows which will kill those pigs on their nest" Mary saw Taureil trying to stop Hancock from getting close to Gray and did the same. But the evil smile on her face was so clear.

"What?! Kill the Celestial Dragons?!!!!" Hancock was shocked by what she just heard. Kill the dragons? Is this even possible? Can someone really do this?!

"Huh..." After taking a deep breath, Hancock calmed down and looked at Gray with shining eyes.

Mary saw this and took Hancock to the side and told her the whole story.

Gray saw Mary hooked Hancock and felt weird. But from the chat just now he understood why Hancock is here. Looks like she wanted to see them after learning about the human auction accident.

And most likely after learning that they became warlords, she overcomes her fear to meet them and ask what she really wants to hear.

Thinking of this Gray couldn't help but think about her history.

She and her sisters were captured by slavers and sold to the World Nobles. During her time as a slave, Hancock was fed the Mero Mero no Mi(Love-Love Fruit) to entertain her captors. The three sisters suffered the greatest horrors imaginably. For four years of suffering as slaves, until finally, a current man appeared and made troubles and freed many slaves from Mary Geoise.

Hancock and her two sisters managed to run away, and after many twists and turns she meet Shakky and Rayleigh, who helped them go back to Amazon Lily he home. And after a few years. This is the result, she became the most beautiful and one of the strongest woman in the world.

For Hancock, Gray only hold good feeling. She's a strong woman...

Thinking of all this, Gray couldn't help but think more and looked again at them.

Suddenly Mary looked at Gray while telling what happened to Hancock in great detail and gave him a big thumb.

"She's making troubles..." Gray said.

"Absolutely..." Taureil said.

No wonder her smile wasn't so nice when she talked before...

After half an hour, finally, they reach the nearest empty island not far away.

Taureil and Mihawk both of them stood in an empty field facing each other.

"*GIIG**TISHH*" In a second, both Tauriel and Mihawk draw their swords and clashed together.

No words, no-nonsense, they started directly.

Mihawk with his sword {Yoru} cut a huge deep tunnel behind Taureil going all the way to the end of the island.

(Yoru is one of the strongest swords in the world, ranked as one of the 12 Supreme Grade swords)

While Taureil moved her body dodging the slash and attacked with the two black and white swords in her both hands.

One black one red, two sharp shadows clashed together.

"So strong!" The navy on the ship looked at Taureil and Mihawk's fight and couldn't help but step back with fear.

"Will your friend be okay? This man. He's so strong..." Hancock beside Mary couldn't help but say.

"Yeah... He's so strong, but! Our cute Tarueil is not weak..." Mary looked at the battle and said.

*BOOM**WIIIG* After a few rounds, Mihawk threw a huge green slash toward Taureil.

Taureil didn't dodge it, but actually used her swords and met with the green slash.

*WII.....GGGgggg" But a weird scene happened. The slash was separated and lose its power as soon as it touched her swords.

"This? What did Taureil do?" Mary looked at the scene just now and asked Gray.

"She... Cut it... Or actually cut his attack heart!" Gray looked at Tauriel and said with a surprised tone.

As he just said, Taureil really cut his attack, the heart of his slash itself.

Tauriel's way of fighting is really unique.

Having the same skill size doesn't mean they have to fight in the same way. Coping some sword skills doesn't mean he will fight like him.

Gray copied many swords kills for her before. But Tauriel didn't change much her original elven sword style.

But, making it more elegant and beautiful, powerful, and deadly.

Tauriel like a fairy dancing on the fire, all the skills she learned till now is merging together making her stronger than ever. Every step, every sword swing, every clash. Her skills are rising under the pressure fight with Mihawk.

"Beautiful" Both Mary and Hancock looked at Tauriel with marvelous eyes.

"She's losing..." Only Gray looked at this fight with deep eyes and started to get nervous. Taureil is losing.

Even though her skills are so good and somehow better than Mihawk, like Haki. But her sword skills and physical power are much weaker than him.

Continue like this will only lead her to lose this fight.

Taureil also knows this fact so she's trying to find a way to end this fight.

"You should be better than that" Mihawk still so calm and strong like always, he said this and attacked again throwing another huge sword slash toward Tauriel.

But this time Taureil didn't dare to face his attack like before and jumped away, then disappeared from her place and appeared again on Mihawk's left side.

"Useless..." Mihawk said this and counterattacked so easily. Which made Taureil move back a few meters away.

This time Taureil didn't attack again, bit looked at the swords on her hands.

Then she put the Orcrist on her left hand back to her space pocket. And opened her palm to the ground and if she wants to hold something.

From her shadow a black shiny sword with blue mysterious runes all over it.

"This sword?!" Mihawk looked at the sword on her hand and said with a surprised tone.

This is a good sword, he can feel it. Even better than his sword!

"This is Aduial... My precious sword" Taureil said this and gave a look to Gray not far away.

"Good... Come! Try to surpass me!" Mihawk felt the change of Taureil after holding that sword.

It's as if... She's one with it! This made him very excited. He saw many weird swords fighting styles on the sea before. But this is the first time he sees someone like Taureil. So he said with a happy tone!

"As you wish..." Taureil lowered the other sword black sword on her right hand and raised Aduial.

"Cut.." As Taureil said this, she waved her sword slowly down.


As the sword falls down. An enormous ridiculously huge blue sword wave came out from her sword cutting everything on its way. Even the space around it started twitching from the strength of this sword.

Mihawk face finally changed his calm expression. And a strong smile appeared on his face.

"Come Sword Fairy!" He held his sword with two hands and slashed down sending another similar green sword slash also so big and powerful.

*JOOOOJ**BOOM* As the two swords slashed meet. The entire world started shaking.

One blue, one Green, two sword energies. Like two dragons clashed together trying to overpower each other until finally non of the two could eat the other and separated for four different directions.

*BOOM* From both sides of the ship where Gray standing. Two strong slash debris moved at a fast speed making a deep cut in the water.

And in fact not only in the water, but the entire island has been cited for four halves!

This is how strong Taureil and Mihawk fighting level are!

Tauriel and Mihawk looked at each other and both of them smiled at the same time. Then disappeared from the place.

When they appeared again. The already clashed again.

*TISHHH* With every time Tauriel waves her sword. A strong disaster will generate from her sword.

Gray and Mary already turned the area around them for gold and Darkness to protect the ship from their fight.

"Gray, what is this sword that Tauriel is carrying!" Mary looked at Gray and asked him.

"This is her old sword after I....*cough* I mean she found it when we were in Sabaody Archipelago" Gray wanted to talk about the origin of Aduial. But suddenly stopped and spoke a lie.

"After you what... Let me guess. You probably made this sword with your weird abilities right..." But it was already late. She already guessed what happened, form his first part.


Taureil was moving in circles as if dancing with her two black and shiny blue swords. While the sword on her left hand kept lunching slashed all the time while she's moving.

While Mihawk moving around with very fast speed, attacking and defending at the same time, not leaving Taureil a chance to even think of pausing for a second.

Taureil already felt her energy is about to end.

This fight is so tiring for her. But she still wants to win. So she's pushing herself to the limit right now.

Mihawk almost the same. He's using his sword to attack and remove Taureil crazy attacks that kept pushing him backward.

But this doesn't mean he's losing. In fact such a war he can continue for weeks. Every time he defends the ground under him shines a green light, and green slashes kept stoping her sword slashes again and again.

It's really weird how fast he can move his big sword.

"Hm?" Suddenly Mihawk found that Taureil is actually attacking him with her black sword. Which made her heart area exposed for him. Normal swordsman won't be able to see this opening, especially under such dangers fighting. But Mihawk eyes captured directly.

Seeing this he also took the chance and waved his sword to her heart.

He won't show mercy, as long as there is a little chance he won't waste it. This shows that he already respects Taureil as a worthy opponent.

But weirdly Taureil smiled at this moment and changed the way she's holding the black sword on her hand blocking Mihawk.

Her grasp for the sword is not really good because she's holding the sword backward. So Mihawk's attack shouldn't be stopped by her attack, because her hand won't have enough power to stop it.

But it was blocked. Completly blocked! Blocking Mihawk sword completely not allowing it to even advance forward a little bit!

"You!" Mihawk realized that he was traped by Tauriel and said with amazement!

Taureil left hand also held Aduial in a backward way and from the ground she slashed upward toward Mihawk face in front of her.


A huge sword slash almost like a beam shocked the world even the air around color turned to blue, moving all the way to the sky until it reached the clouds!

This was another strong swing even a little bigger than the one before it. Which should be her last and strongest attack.

"O.O" Almost everyone had the same reaction. When they saw the huge beam like slash moving all the way to the sky separating the clouds!

Only Gray looked at all this with a stressed mind. He saw everything. Even many time wanted to stop this dangerous fight! Especially when he saw Mihawk last attack. He was so scared! This bastard was about to kill her!

But he saw Taureil's lips moving at that time and said one word which stopped him.


Yes, she still has this skill.

Which completely blocked Mihawk's attack! And she took the chance to attack him with all she has!

Soon the slash disappeared in the sky. And Mihawk flew back a few meters away, and his hat flew away. But he didn't fall on the ground and stood on his legs, which seems impossible after taking this attack. And on his face!

While Tauriel stood in her place breathing heavily while looking at Mihawk in front of her with amazing eyes.

Then she looked at her left-hand wrist.

What just happened was so fast that she almost didn't see it. The moment she launched her attack... Mihawk moved his sword to the left at a very fast speed, which wounded her hand forcing her to move it away only a little bit.

And ultimately she missed her attack which was supposed to cut his face.

*TIGH* Tauril falls on her back to the ground while breathing heavily. The can't summon any strength right now.

All her energy was used in that last attack!

*Rumble* Mary with lightning came to Tauril side and Gray already emerged from her shadow beside her.

"I...Lost...." Tauriel looked at Gray and Mary and said with a happy smile on her face.

She not sad at all, Taureil is not the kind that will be sad for losing a fight. But happy!

She's happy, very happy at this moment. This fight made her so happy! The felling of crushing strength. The clash between her and Mihawk, everything in the fight just now made her skip a beat.

This is the fight she always wanted! this is the strength she longed for!

"Sword Fairy... Tauriel you have surprised me, you're the strongest swordsman I ever meet... But can you tell me how did you block my attack?" Mihawk walked to his hat and looked at Taureil not far away asked with a smile on his face.

Today is a really good day! Actually meet such a strong swordsman like Taureil.

Mihawk always felt lonely and sad that no one can fight with him with a sword in the world.

Other than Shanks which is one of the four emperors, Taureil is the second one made him feel excited.

And he's interested in the way she blocked him just now. That wasn't Haki, but skill he never saw before.

"This... It's a skill my captain gave me! you can ask him about it !" Tauriel pointed at Gray who's supporting her to stand up and said with a cheerful smile.....


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