Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 95 - Golden Trio

On the train.

This is an old-looking 4-6-0 steam engine red train.

Inside the train, there are many rooms filled with young girls and boys, some of them wearing a classic school dress with black robes.

In one of the rooms, there are three small kids.

Two boys sitting beside each other with many sweets besides them.

One of them had red hair, a round face looks a little bit smarter than the other children's. While the other is a black-haired child wearing a bigger size from his body clothes with round glasses on his face.

And in front of them is a brown-haired little girl wearing the classic school dress with a big black coat, holding a small wand on her hand while looking at the glass kid in front of her with a smile.

The three of them were talking about something till a small blue vortex suddenly interrupted them and appeared beside the brown-haired girl.

The vortex appeared so suddenly so the three of them couldn't react, but the vortex appeared so fast and disappeared faster, leaving another small kid beside the little girl.


Gray who came back to his mind, shook his head and looked around.

"Train?" Gray said while looking around.

Then he turned his face to the three people beside him.

"Redhead... Round glass... Brownhead....." Gray looked at the three kids with suspicion eyes.

He saw those faces before, but he couldn't remember directly.

".... Hello...." After a few seconds Gray saw everyone is silent, so he opened his mouth first and said.

Those kids are properly surprised by his way of entering the room...

"..." The three kids looked at Gray in front of them with surprise on their eyes. This is probably the first time they see someone enter like Gray. And even Gray's look is so unique! After all, it's not normal to see white hair with silver eyes like Gray!

"I'm Gray... Nice to meet you all... Can I know your names?" Gray thought for a second and asked.

Since he's in a new world, he should first gather some information, help him guess which world he's in. But those three kids look way so familiar to him... This familiarity might be the key to know where he is.

"... Hello. I'm Ron Weasley," The redhead spoke first and looked at Gray up and down. But there is no fear from the fact that Gray came from the vortex.

"Harry Potter," The round glasses said. But he was somehow fascinated by Gray's look.

"Hello, I'm Hermione Granger, can you tell me what was that just now? Is it teleportation kind of magic?!" The brown head said and started asking questions. Apparently, she's interested in what Gray just did.

As for Gray, he looked at the three kids in front of him and finally understand why he felt familiar.

In front of him the Golden Trio... a brave Weasel, a Master of Death, and a mutant(genius) witch...

No wonder he felt familiar...

This world is the Harry Potter world!

And this situation is... Not so right!

If his memories serve right... This train should be on the way to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!

The finest school of witchcraft and wizardry in this world...

What can he get from this world? Many things!

And the magic in this world is actually relying on the blood! Which means he can directly access the magic of this world!

Not only magic and spills he can learn inside this world. But the artifacts here are ridiculously strong!

Thinking of this, Gray smiled nicely to the iron trio in front of him and said; "It's nice to meet you all, and yes this was teleportation magic, I wanted to join Hogwarts before, but I was so late, so I used magic to come here"

Gray said this and waved his hand, and a few metal objects appeared out of the air, floated around Gray.

"Awesome!" The two kids were fooled directly.

Only the little girl observed Gray movement carefully trying to see how Gray did this.

Gray smiled and looked at the three of them with deep eyes.

He will try his best to act friendly to those three kids. After all, if he wants to get more benefits from this world, those three are essential~!

So for the next ten minutes, Gray talked with the three of them and acted very normally as if he's a part of the world.

Like acting surprised when hearing Harry's name, or being curious about the scar on his head.

"Gray. Your ears look weird, its much sharper than ours, more like... house-elf ears?" Hermione beside him looked at Gray's ears and asked with wonder.

Had to say this little girl's eyes are sharper than the other two.

Hearing her words Gray didn't know how to answer for a second. Telling her that he's really an elf? But not the kind of elf of your world?

Speaking of, this world really has elves. But not like the one on the other worlds. This world elf has gone to Shakesperean and the Victorian concepts of elves, tiny happy fellows who are usually good-natured and willing to help humans.

But apparently, those little elves are very good at magic, even better than all the wizards in this world...

The fact that they can use magic without a wand show how good they are.

If it wasn't for some reason they actually serve the human as slaves, Gray doesn't think elves rank will be so low in this magical world...

Gray wondered since he's an elf from another world, what kind of change will happen when he copies wizard blood. After all, Elf has a connection to magic somehow... Even though Gray didn't try to feel this connection before.

"I and my sister were born with sharper ears from the other..." Gray thought for a few minutes and gave an answer.

"Is that so..." Hearing Gray's answer, the three kids were surprised again. This is a very weird birth condition, but it doesn't look bad anyway...

After talking for some time, Gray already got to know those three cute kids.

Gray also found a random reason to came in contact with Harry and the other to enter their Disks.

Harry as a little boy who just came in touch with the outside world shouldn't have many things inside D disk.

But as the little protagonist, Gray found some interesting things inside.

For example, a skill called [Parseltongue language], which is the language of the serpents!

This language allows the owner to talk to all kinds of serpents. Which is... a very unusual skill.

Gray copy it for himself and entered his C disk.

Like normal humans, nothing special inside his C disk.

Except [Half-blood wizard bloodline]...

Speaking of the wizard bloodline. there are actually three types of wizards.

Pureblood, half-blood, and muggle-born wizards.

Pure-blood individuals are people who have no Muggles or Muggle-borns as parents or grandparents.

(Non-magic people, commonly known as Muggles in this world)

While Half-blood is the term commonly given to wizards and witches who had known Muggle or Muggle-born parents or grandparents.

As for the last muggle-born are expressions referring to witches or wizards who are born to two non-magical parents. Their magical abilities do not seem to be at all affected by their Muggle parentage.

And in front of Gray is the three types.

Harry Potter is a half-blood while Weasley is a Pureblood. And Hermione is a muggle-born witch and that's why Gray thought of her as a mutant...

Even though she shouldn't be really a mutant, but his ancestors probably were a wizard or witch. And her blood simply awakened by time.

In fact, there is no real difference between the three of them, all three types can use magic. And all of them raise their strength by learning magic. It's just after seeing [Half-blood wizard bloodline] Gray thought about it more.

But this didn't stop him, and he directly copied this blood to himself.

The size wasn't so large, about 7GB.

Then he took the chance and came in contact with both Weasley and Hermione.

Surprisingly the size of everyone's blood is different.

Weasley [Pureblood wizard bloodline] is 9GB While Hermione [Mutant wizard genes] were only 5GB.

Gray copied the three of them and then was combined for a new [Wizard bloodline] 12GB.

Gray didn't feel any real change inside him... But he knows that if he really tried now, he will be able to learn and use magic. Or maybe he was already qualified to use magic since he's an elf, to begin with, and that's why he didn't feel much different.

After talking for sometime Hermione as if remembered something said bye and left leaving Gray and the two kids.

Gray also found that he needs some space by himself, so he came out and told Harry and Weasley that they should meet again at the school, then left and came to another free room alone.

"Gray! Have we entered a new world?" Perona said as soon as she came out from the ring.

"Yeah, we really entered a new world... Are you okay? Did you feel something wrong inside the castle just now?" Gray heard Perona and focused on what he wants to know for now.

"Hmmm, it was so calm inside..." Perona thought for a second and said to Gray.

Hearing Perona's words, Gray's heart calmed down completely. Like this, he knows that his idea was completely safe. Crossing while letting others stay inside the ring is a very good thing.

"Well... Perona, I have to tell you a few things.....

Gray started explaining everything about the world he knows to Perona. After all, they are about to reach Hogwart, without even having a formal invitation. So to enter Hogwart as students he needs to plan this carefully...

To enter Hogwart first he needs an invitation... And this can't be acquired... Besides he needs a wand and a few things every new student has...

But he has nothing...

If he came down from the train and went to Hogwarts like this...

"But all the students on this train have....." Gray thought of this and showed a thief's smile.


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