Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 96 - Hogwarts!

The journey on the train didn't take too long. After almost one hour, finally, the train reached its destination.

The students came out from the train together with their own things.

And soon another big man appeared to gather the first-year students and asked them to follow him.

This big man is Hagrid, the Keeper of Keys and Grounds of Hogwarts, he's a half-giant and the good big friend of the golden trio in the future. His job here is to take the new students to the school, like every year.

"Hey, Ron... have you seen Gray?" Harry looked at the students around him and couldn't find Gray who should be here, so he asked Ron.

"No" Ron also looked around and didn't find Gray.

"I'm here" But Gray suddenly appeared beside them and said which scared the two little guys.

Ron and Harry looked at Gray and notice another little pink-haired girl beside him.

"She's Perona, my sister..." Gray saw the two kids looking at Perona with doubt and explained.

Hearing Gray's words both were surprised again, Gray already told them that he has a sister, but didn't think she would be here.

Both Gray and Perona at this moment are also wearing the same school uniform as all the students around.

He already took a tour inside the train stealing whatever they might need, while not letting the other notice, for example, the clothes they are wearing, belongs to students who brought a few extra changes from the same uniform.

But he didn't really find another useful thing to get. So he has to find another way.

Following Hagrid, all the way in the dark and steep narrow path until everyone saw a lake and a big mountain with a castle on top of it.

This big castle should be Hogwarts!

"Is this the school we will enter..." Perona beside Gray looked at Hogwarts not far away and felt good about it.

She didn't think that she will enter school someday, and actually a magic school! This sounds so exciting!

Even Gray beside her, couldn't help but feel funny. Who knows he will become a child and go to school again...

"Hey, you two... Are you both new students?" Hagrid let everyone ride the boats on the shore of the lake, so they cross it and reach Hogwarts school. But when he put his eyes on Gray and Perona, he felt weird.

Gray and Perona's look just didn't seem natural to him, he hasn't seen any wizard or witch look so weird like those two.

"Yes... We will be students" Gray looked at Hagrid and gave him a good smile.

Yup, he's not a student for now... But he will be... As long as things worked as planned.

Even though he didn't really plan many things, just a fake identity and a way to leave the school in case something wrong happened, and things didn't work smoothly.

This world is not just Hogwart. If he really wants to get magic and other things, there are many ways outside.

Hagrid didn't think much, since both of them came here, they should really be students.

But a little weirder students. After all, not many students will wear a crown on his head or give a ghost-like feeling...

But come to think about it, he was a weird one himself before as a half-giant, so for him, there is nothing much to think about.

Gray and Perona rode one of the boats, And soon another two kid joined them in the same boat.

One of them which he already met before, Hermione. And the other is a depressed looking kid which should Neville who lost his frog.

Speaking of Neville, this kid's courage is not small at all. If he remembers correctly he's the only one of the students who refused Voldemort directly... except the golden trio.

Well, this is his future ...

Hermione saw a familiar face and greeted Gray with a smile.

"And you are?" Hermione looked at Perona beside Gray and said with doubt, but soon she noticed Perona's ears.

"I'm Perona... Gray's big sister :3" Perona smiled and said with a happy tone, but when she said *big sister* she looked at Gray with an evil smile.

Gray gave Perona a pair of dead fish eyes. This little girl is happy that she's taller than the current him...

Speaking about Perona, she's actually 24 years old already, but she's the type who looks much younger her own age, and that why everyone was treating her like a little girl, especially after being transformed by elven blood, her look can only be seen as a 15-16-year-old little girl...

But yup... still looks older than him now...

After saying a few things, everyone calmed down and refocused on the castle they are about to reach.

As for Neville, who was still so depressed, didn't say much and kept thinking about his lost frog.

After ten minutes the boats reached the other side, and everyone got off.

Hagrid came to Neville and showed him a little frog asking him if this frog belongs to him!

"Trevor!" Seeing this frog, Neville felt very happy seeing his frog again.

Hagrid guided everyone to the school entrance until they reached the school gate.

With his big hand, Hagrid knocked three-time, and soon the door opened.

Behind the gate, there is a black-haired witch in emerald-green robes stood there.

Professor Minerva McGonagall. The Head of Transfiguration.

Speaking of Transfiguration...

Transfiguration is the core magic in this school. It teaches the art of changing the form and appearance of an object or a person. This type of magic is commonly referred to as "Transfiguration" and is considered both complex and dangerous.

This is one of the magics Gray wants...

McGonagall thanked Hagrid and took everyone and led them inside the castle until they reached the gate of a big room.

Then she paused and turned back to look at them.

"Welcome to Hogwarts," said Professor McGonagall. "The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. The Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory, and spend free time in your house common room"

"The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Each house has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn your house points, while any rulebreaking will lose house points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup, a great honor. I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever house becomes yours."

McGonagall explained to everyone the rules here and what they will do next.

"And now I'd like to know who's Gray, can you come here with your sister?" Everything went as it should be until she said these words that froze Gray whos standing behind the crowd.

Perona beside Gray also looked at him with doubt.

"I'm here.." But Gray didn't try to hide and took Perona's hand and stepped forward.

"Oh... As he said, you both are really unique... Come with me" As soon as Gray stepped forward, everyone looked at Gray and Perona with surprise on their eyes.

In fact, everyone already noticed those two out of place elves beside them, but the air around Gray and Perona is so weird, so none of the kids dared to step forward and say anything.

As for McGonagall, she was surprised seeing Gray and Perona closely.

And from her words. Apparently, someone already notices their existence. And pointed them as *unique*.

Gray didn't think much who this person might be, after all, when he first appeared in this world, he appeared directly beside Harry potter.

So the old man Gand****..... I mean the headmaster of this school Albus Dumbledore, should be interested to know who is he.

And that's also one of the reasons, Gray would act too friendly and like a normal person in this world will act.

He saw the possibility that someone might be watching Harry all this time.

McGonagall made everyone wait, and took Gray and Perona to another room.

Along the way, Gray kept silent and only looked around him at this big magical school.

But in fact, he already told Perona to spread her ghost under them, in case something happened.

"We are here" McGonagall opened the door and led Gray and Perona to enter.

This is another big room, but more like an office.

McGonagall came to the office and sit down and let both Gray and Perona sit down.

"Mr. Gray, we in Hogwart didn't find any information about both of you and your sister. So I'd like to ask, who are you? And why did you come here?" McGonagall this old witch entered the main pointe directly.


Gray already thought about this, so he already thought of fake reason and identity for himself and Perona. Orphans who lived far away with their dead grandma who died not long ago. And after some time they met a wizard who told them about Hogwarts and sent them to the train.

Well... It's a story full of holes.... but he's not dealing with a government department anyway... Acting like a child and adding some emotions while talking will be enough to let this old woman believe him.

He extracted a few acting talents in one piece world before..... So his acting was so real...

Hearing Gray's lies, McGonagall didn't think much, Gray cute face and clear voice were so true for her. So she accepted what he said.

"*sigh* But we can't allow both of you to enter the school just like this..." McGonagall sighed and said. To enter the school, there are some rules. But both Gray and Perona didn't fill any of them.

"But I think we can make an exception this time...." But another old voice appeared from behind her.

With the voice, a tall and thin old man, with silver hair and beard that is so long it almost reached to his belt appeared beside McGonagall!



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