Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 97 - Sorting Hat

What appeared behind McGonagall is a tall and thin old man, with silver hair and a beard that is so long it almost reached to his belt.

Seeing this old mand it was so easy for Gray to guess who he is!

It's Gand***... I mean Albus Dumbledore! The strongest wizard in the current age!

(Author: There was a time when I thought Gandalf and Dumbledore were the same person...)

"Oh, you are here..." McGonagall saw Dumbledore appeared here and stood up to greet him.

"Thank you, Professor McGonagall..." Dumbledore thanked her for bringing Gray and Perona here.

Gray looked at Dumbledore. While Dumbledore also looked at Gray carefully.

"Little one... It's the first time I see someone like you and your sister..." Dumbledore finally opened his mouth and said first.

While saying this, Gray noticed the old man was looking at his crown and ring.

"I heard that you want to join this school, and apparently you really have the qualifications to join... I don't see any reason to not allow both of you to join, Hogwarts should be your new home." Dumbledore didn't wait for Gray to answer and directly accepted Gray and Perona to the school.

Hearing Dumbledore, Gray was taken aback... This... isn't so easy?

He knows the story of this world... This old man even planned Voldemort's death even after his own death...

His way of acting has always been so weird and mysterious, but one thing is clear to Gray.

Letting him and Perona enter the school easily is not just a good feeling from elder to kids.

Even though he knows this, but he just came to the world anyway, planning or having a purpose... Gray won't react so much for this, Gray can guess one or two...

Most likely this old man wants to keep a close eye on them. From his words, he and Perona are unique..... So he probably wants to observe this uniqueness?

Letting them join Hogwarts is the best way to keep close eyes on them...

But that's also good news for Gray, he doesn't really have any connection with anything in this world, so he won't find anything for real, and staying in the school is what he wanted to do from the beginning... Besides this old man should have many secrets and the good things inside his Disks... Even the skills the other have, should be much larger than the others...

Since Dumbledore made it easy for him, then let's play the way he wants.

So Gray showed a very silly smile and said; "Thanks Gand*** I mean Headmaster Dumbledore, I'll do my best to be a good wizard...

Dumbledore smiled and looked at Perona then he looked around the room and said; "Those are some weird ghosts..... Try not to create too many of them...

After saying this Dumbledore disappeared just like he appeared. Without even noticing how he disappeared...

Looking at this, Gray smiled even weirder... Magic... He wasn't interested in magic when he was in The middle earth before, after all, he didn't understand that world magic completely. But in this world, Magic is so direct and powerful... Naturally, he's interested...

"Ha...? Gray... your smile looks so weird... are you okay?" Perona beside Gray looked at his silly smile and said.




McGonagall with Gray and Perona walked back to the group of kids who are waiting.

But the difference is that Gray and Perona are not intruders who came here without even formal invitation. But real students of Hogwarts.

"The Sorting Ceremony will take place in a few minutes in front of the rest of the school...." McGonagall looked at everyone and said. then she let them wait and left alone until she came back. To make sure everything is ready.

Harry beside Gray was nervous and wondered how the sorting will be, but everyone here is a new student so something wasn't told for them.

Speaking about Sorting, it's not a test to show, but a hat... a funny but arrogant hat.

Sorting hat...

The way that hat sort the students is by reading their personalities, so it probably enters their minds...

Gray thought of this and touched the crown on his head...

He wonders what that annoying hat will say when it's his turn, but he's not worried about it entering his mind, the crown on his head, is not just an accessory...

While waiting, a scream came from one of the kids.

Gray and Perona already looked at the direction that kid screamed from. After all, what appeared is a bunch of ghosts!

About twenty ghosts had just streamed through the walls around.

Those ghosts are Pearly-white and slightly transparent. Look so real.

Looking at those ghosts Gray couldn't link them with the real ghost but more like a soul without a body... Even though that's what ghosts are...

Gray looked at those ghosts normally. But Perona besides him looked at them with surprise.

Ghosts! A real ghost! Not one she made by her fruit ability... But a completely real ghost!

Looking at those ghosts, Perona suddenly thought of something.

"HraHraHra" From her hands a few white funny-looking ghosts appeared and rushed the other ghosts.

"What is this?" The other ghost who was talking about something noticed the familiar but weird presence that is coming in their direction and looked back.

"What!" As soon as they saw the funny ghosts all the soul ghosts spread and tried to run away.

The kids down looked at the ghosts scared by other funny ghosts and then focused at Perona who did all this.

One of the ghosts run from beside Ron, and Perona's ghost also followed but came directly through Ron.

"Huh? Ron... What's wrong?" Harry beside Ron, saw Ron, became so weird, and slowly kneeled down.

"I'm not good at magic.... Why am here... Even a bossy girl like Hermione can do magic better them me... Am not worthy to be even a Muggle" Ron Weasley...said.

"..." With Ron's words, everyone kept silent, even Perona who was watching her ghosts hunting the other ghost stopped and looked at Ron.

Even Hermione looked at Ron with weird eyes... Bossy?

"Pfft....." Another platinum head kid not far away laughed when he heard Ron's words and wanted to say something, but Perona's ghosts were still following the other ghosts. So he also got his chance to test being touched by Perona's depressing ghosts...

A similar scene appeared...

This time everyone didn't laugh and moved ten steps form Perona the source of all this evil...

Soon the ghost left the place and Perona's ghost also came back to her side and disappeared.

"Hrahrahra... That was fun! I like this school!" Perona laughed and said with great satisfaction!

"What is happening here?!" Professor McGonagall, came back and looked at the students who are not daring to get closer to Perona.

Everyone pointed at Perona and Gray's side.

Seeing this McGonagall looked at them with doubt.

Gray beside Perona looked at all this and couldn't help but smile helplessly, Perona reaction against the ghosts was so violent, he expected this to happen, Perona as the ghost princess will naturally be interested in the other ghosts...

Looks like the ghosts in this school will have a hard time very soon...

McGonagall didn't think much and ordered everyone to a follower in line. She doesn't have much time, the sorting should begin.

"Cheer up :3" Along the way, Perona looked at Ron and said.

"...." Gray.

Soon she took everyone to a big hall. A very familiar hall. The hall was lit by thousands and thousands of candles that were floating in midair over four long tables, where the rest of the students were sitting. At the top of the hall was another long table where the teachers were sitting.

Well, what really catches Gray's eyes is the ceiling of this hall.

What he can see is a stray sky dotted with stars! As if the ceiling is connected with heaven directly!

Hermione was standing beside Gray and Perona, saw them looking at the ceiling and explain to them that the ceiling is bewitched...

Looking at this ceiling Gray thought of the castle inside his ring... Maybe he can decorate it...

Soon Gray saw the dirty hat.

McGonagall held a big list of names and looked at the kid in front of her.

She started calling names one by one. Sorting everyone to which house they will belong to in the future.

And like the original, everyone went as Gray expected.

Only Gray and Perona was left to the last.

"Gray....." McGonagall called Gray's name and asked him to step forward.

Everyone in the hall looked at Gray. Most of them were surprised by Gray's appearance.

Gray's silver eyes and the long snow-white hair, with the black flowery crown on his head, wearing the classic uniform with a black coat, is really... Brilliant!

(Author: *sigh*...I want to learn to draw...)

Gray took a few steps and sit on the chair beside McGonagall so she can put the hat on his head. And McGonagall did this and slowly put the hat on Gray's head...

"Huh? What is this! I can't see anything..... Weird and so dark... Can't be read... It's like an empty jar with no life but also feels like life itself... What is this!... I can feel power not lower than any... But actually can't feel anything...." The sorting hat started talking to itself But didn't give a clear reading at all.

The hat words were heard by everyone, even Dumbledore looked at Gray with deep eyes.

"Ughaaaa....." The sorting hat suddenly took a deep breath and calmed down without saying anything just kept shivering.

"Just say Gryffindor...." Gray knows what is happening to this hat, the hat probably did his job and wanted to enter his mind, but the crown on his head wasn't friendly with objects that will try to enter his mind. The ring on his hand was the first object that tried to do this and has been remade by the crown... But looks like this hat is not worthy so the crown only blocks it and didn't do anything...

"GRYFFINDOR" As soon as Gray said this, this lossy hat really did this and sorted him to Gryffindor...

As soon as McGonagall took the hat away the hat actually gave a sigh of relief as if it survived a very scary thing.

It's just a sorting hat anyway... It's weird if it managed to detect more without being affected by the crown...



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