Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1162: Live for others

The top of the mountain.

In a dense forest.

At this time, a simple temporary camp has been set up here.

There were soldiers patrolling the outposts around, and in the middle position, a group of refugees surrounded in twos and threes.

They have not recovered from the previous crisis.

Although the roar of the zombies could not be heard in the ear, but they were chased and killed by the corpse for an unknown period of time, until now, they are still terrified.

"team leader!"

The soldiers on the outpost saw Thunder and they came up, and took the initiative to greet him.

Lei Ming smiled: "After the notification, all the zombies have been wiped out, and we are safe."

Hearing the thunder, the soldier's eyes clearly showed incredible color.

"Why, don't you believe me?" Leiming asked with a smile.

It took a long time for the soldier to come back to his senses.

Somewhat incredulously asked: "Captain, what you said is true? That's hundreds of thousands of zombies! Are they really wiped out?"

"Can I lie to you? Come, let me introduce you. This is Brother Wei, and the other three are his wives. They are supernatural beings, and they wiped out the zombies."


The soldiers looked at Wei Xiao and the others in shock.

"You, you are all supernatural beings?"

There was not much color on Wei Xiao's face.

Calmly spoke: "If you don't believe it, you can find someone to check it out."

"No, no, I believe, I believe." As he said, without thunder, the soldiers ran away eagerly, and then spread the good news in the camp.

Hearing the shouts of cheering and joy from the soldiers in my ears, thundering smiled helplessly.

"Brother Wei laughed. We have been chased by corpses these days. No one thought about whether we could return to the base alive, so..."

"No need to explain, I can understand." Wei Xiao interrupted him without waiting for Lei Ming to finish.

When Wei Xiao's voice fell, thunderous cheers had erupted in the entire temporary camp.

"Great, great, we are finally safe."

"Die well, die well, those **** zombies, they should have died long ago."

"Uuuuu...Finally I can have a good rest, Mom and Dad, you heard that, we are safe, and the zombies have been wiped out."

"I heard it, I heard it all, just stay alive, just stay alive..."

"Thank you Captain Lei, thank you..."

Hearing all kinds of catharsis from everyone in the camp, thunder and other soldiers around Wei Xiao and the others, their faces twitched.

It seems sad and relieved, and there are some unknown emotions contained in it.

Although Lei Ming and others didn't explain anything, Wei Xiao and the others could feel that before they arrived, this team must have gone through a lot of hardships.

Now that they can survive, there are too many accidents for them.

"Let's go over there."

Without saying much, Lei Ming took Wei Xiao and his party towards a place with few people.

There is no camp, no shelter, just in this dense forest.

Everyone cleared up an open space and sat on it.

"Tell us about your situation, right?" Wei Xiao spoke first.

Lei Ming didn't hesitate, and asked the soldiers around him to hand Wei Xiao and the others the kettle. After Wei Xiao and the others refused, they talked about the team.

The result was unexpected, and it made Wei Xiao and the others a little unbelievable.

This team, Wei Xiao and the others thought, should have escaped from the base city that was captured by the zombies, but after Thunder explained the situation, Wei Xiao and the others realized that their thoughts were not completely correct.

First of all, the armed personnel protecting this team, that is, thundering them, are not armed forces in the occupied areas.

They are from Longwei City.

Since the corpse forces on the non-Emirate continent invaded the West Pole, the Heroine City and Longwei City have reached a strategic cooperative relationship.

Because the territories invaded by the corpse clan forces are mainly in the territory of the women’s city, the heroes of the heroines who do not want to see unnecessary casualties among the citizens in their own territories, they discussed with the heroes of the Longwei City, and the heroes of the women's city are not capable of fighting. Min moved to Longwei City.

The lord of Longwei City directly agreed with this decision.

Thunder and them are the team sent by the city lord of Longwei City to **** the citizens of the female city.

There are still many teams like them who are only responsible for protecting the withdrawal of ordinary citizens in the West Polar Region.

They were scattered all over the western poles, constantly gathering the survivors who had escaped from the occupied base city. When the number of survivors reached a certain level or the gathering place was discovered by zombies, they immediately took the gathered survivors and moved towards Longwei City.

Thunder and the others were the team that was discovered by the small group of corpses in the process of gathering the survivors.

From the beginning of their evacuation to today, they have been fighting with zombies in the wild for two days and one night.

During this period, a team of more than 3,000 people lost most of their losses on the way to protect the survivors from retreating.

If Wei Xiao and the others do not show up today, Thunder and the soldiers will be ready for the battlefield.

After hearing the thunderous narration, Wei Xiao and the others frowned.

It feels a little weird, besides that, Wei Xiao even thinks Thunder and them are a little stupid.

From what he said, Wei Xiao could fully understand that the main reason why the thundering team had suffered such a large casualty was to protect the old, young, and young women and children around him.

I would rather sacrifice my own people than give up any survivor’s practice. For those Wei Xiao and others who have been used to the phenomenon of intricacies and deceitfulness in the last days, such warriors as Lei Ming are absolutely weird. .

Most importantly, listen to the thunderous tone, as if they did not complain at all.

"Are you a regular army before the end of the world?" Mu Wuqing couldn't help asking.

Thunder nodded.

"Longwei City is a base established by the merger of the two armies. The base can fight. Before the end of the world, they are all iron-clad warriors. Of course, it is impossible to stick to the present with the few people we started. , And later selected many civilians to join the combat team."

"At present, there are nearly 500,000 combatable soldiers in Longwei City, and thank you Phoenix Base. Because your base provides genetic medicine exchange, the 500,000 combatable soldiers in the base have become super soldiers. Strength has grown unprecedentedly."

Upon hearing Leiming's explanation, Mu Wuqing, Wei Xiao and others seemed to understand what Leiming had done before.

It is the style of Longxia soldiers.

Only the soldiers of Longxia Kingdom still maintain a heart of innocence in an environment where there is no order in the last days and most of the survivors lose their humanity.

Not to mention that all fighters are like this, but as long as the faith and responsibilities are carved into their bones, they are willing to let go of everything when they see their comrades-in-arms and brothers and servants who have sacrificed to protect the people, whether it is for revenge or for the friendship. He did not hesitate to complete the long-cherished wish and protection of the dead comrades.

You might think that they are very high-spirited, they are stupid, but this is the army of Longxia.

Wei Xiao: "Is it worth it? In the last days, there is nothing to restrain you. With your strength, you can live better if you want. But now, in order to protect a group of people who have nothing to do with you, you sacrifice your comrades in arms. , Don’t you regret it?"

Thunder smiled indifferently.

"The lord of the heroine city also asked our general about this, but the general said such a sentence."

"What are you talking about?"

"Looking at the comrades around me who sacrificed to protect irrelevant people, it hurts to live. We can ignore the lives and deaths of others, but we can't make the contributions of our comrades worthless, so there is no way, and the people behind can only continue to go up. Fulfill the unfulfilled long-cherished wish of the dead comrades. There are too many dead, and there is nothing left to care about."

"Instead of living alive and looking at the relics of the former comrades secretly every day, it is better to follow their footsteps and die. We will continue to fight side by side below. If we live, then continue to fight for the people that the dead comrades want to protect. ."

Speaking of this, Lei Ming said seriously: "We are not living to protect others, we are just protecting what our comrades want to protect."

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