Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1163: Corpse king of the earth

"It sounds stupid, but your spirit deserves the admiration of others."

Wei Xiao gave a comment.

Thundering didn't care, and gave a faint smile.

"Everyone has their own pursuit. It is undeniable that we are not as realistic as those who have risen in the end times. But in this **** end times, it is better to have faith than no faith. At least, we know that we should What to do, and fight for it, even if you sacrifice your life."

"I'm not as good as you." Mu Wuqing sighed.

"Huh?" Lei Ming was slightly stunned, looking at Mu Wuqing: "Why does Miss Wuqing say that?"

"Because I was also one of you, but we belonged to different armies. When the end of the world came, the corpses appeared on the battle base the most serious. We missed the opportunity because we didn't deal with our comrades in the first place. By the time I reacted and wanted to suppress the corpse as soon as possible, it was too late."

"The big army has become a member of the zombies, and the rest of the people flee and die. If it weren't for my husband in the end, I might not be able to make it to this day."

Thunder and the soldiers around were a little surprised.

They did not expect that Mu Wuqing had the same identity as them before.

Lei Ming asked, "Ms. Wu Qing came from Junlin Island?"

"Well! It's all the same. Now, I just want to live with the people I care about."

With that, Mu Wuqing looked at Wei Xiao tenderly.

When everyone saw this scene, they already understood what Mu Wuqing meant.

"Sister Wu Qing, let's work hard together." Bai Youwei beside her took her hand and smiled.

Mu Wuqing smiled back.


The sudden tenderness of the two women made Wei Xiao uncomfortable.

After coughing twice, Wei Xiao changed the subject: "You plan to return to Longwei Base next?"

Lei Ming: "Well! Now the corpses chasing us have been wiped out. Let's rest for one night and set off tomorrow. The next road should not encounter any more danger."

Wei Xiao narrowed his eyebrows.

"How much do you know about the current situation in the Western Polar Region?"

"Which aspect does Brother Wei mean?"


Lei Ming thought for a while and shook his head: "If it's the overall situation, it's hard to say."

"What's the meaning?"

Wei Xiao and Mu Wuqing frowned.

Lei Ming did not hesitate, and said: "The corpse forces of the non-Emirate continent have invaded the West Pole, and we have basically figured out the reasons. It can be said that the outbreak of this war, our West Pole Human forces are affected."

"Is it affected?" Wei Xiao was puzzled.

"Yes, according to our observations, the real target of the corpse races from the non-emirate continent is not our human race, but the corpse emperor forces on the West Antarctic Plateau. We suffer only because we are on the route they pass by. There is no disaster."

"Of course, although the target of the Outland Corpse Clan forces is the Corpse Sovereign on the West Antarctic Plateau, it does not prevent them from attacking us. Since Brother Wei is from the Phoenix, he should know one thing. The Corpse Sovereign forces also know that they will capture us humans for them. Fighting. Now there are many occupied base cities in the women's cities, and most of the survivors have joined the ranks of the Corpse Emperor forces."

"Those humans in the enemy-occupied area have begun to help the Outland Corpse Clan forces deal with you?" Bai Youwei was a little surprised.

Leiming nodded solemnly.

"Not only them, but some of the human forces on the non-Emirate continent have survived in the same way. Because of the existence of these people, the Outland Corpse Forces understand us humans far beyond our imagination."

"Take this invasion as an example, the blockade of the corpse clan from the air is extremely obvious. As long as there is an airplane in the sky, the corpse will destroy it outside the battlefield as soon as possible, and also attack our human base. There is one of the corpse clan. Like zombies that can dig underground passages, they use underground sneak attacks, often appearing in places we don't expect, and then launching fatal attacks on us."

Mu Wuqing: "Don't you pay attention to the underground?"

Lei Ming smiled bitterly: "The zombies are very smart. The tunnels they dug will not be close to the base city, usually tens of kilometers away. When we find out, the corpse clan's attack will come."

Wei Xiao narrowed his eyebrows.

"You just said that the real target of the Outland Corpse Clan forces is the Corpse Emperor forces on the West Antarctic Plateau. Then the target Corpse Emperor shouldn't sit still and wait for death, right?"

"Well, how did Brother Wei know?" Leiming was a little surprised.

Wei Xiao: "Don't forget, Phoenix has dealt with the corpse emperor far more often than you, and we know the corpse emperor better than you."

Thunder suddenly understood.

"It was ignored by me. Yes, the corpse emperor on the West Antarctic Plateau did make a lot of moves. Speaking of which, she is still our ally now."

"Have you teamed up with the corpse emperor of the earth?" Bai Youwei looked a little surprised.

Thunder nodded.

"The enemy's enemy is a friend. The Extraterrestrial Corpse Sovereign has great power. Since we and the Earth Corpse Sovereign are under her military front, the union is inevitable. Thanks to the zombies of the Earth Corpse Sovereign army, we currently have a certain degree of strength. Contend with the corpse emperor outside the region, otherwise, we will not be able to hold on to the present under the engulf of the corpse emperor outside the region."

"The current situation in the West Pole is a multi-party melee. There is a hostile relationship between humans, and so is the corpse race. Sometimes you can't even tell whether the zombies in front of you, the humans are enemies or friends."

Wei Xiao and the others were a little surprised to get such a result.

"Didn't you make some marks to distinguish the identity of the enemy from ourselves?" The Phantom, who had not spoken, suddenly asked.

Lei Ming smiled bitterly: "Naturally. Before the battle between the two armies, we usually bind some obvious markers on our bodies, but they will inevitably fall off in the melee. This phenomenon is very common, and accidental injuries are unavoidable."

After hearing Thunder's explanation, Bai Youwei and the others didn't know what to say.

This situation is indeed a bit speechless.

If this happens on the battlefield, no one can be blamed. If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself for bad luck.

Wei Xiao had no extra thoughts on this.

Just a little accidental injury, compared to the support received, this casualty is completely negligible.

However, what surprised Wei Xiao was that the human race in the Western Polar Region had already united with the power of the Earth Corpse Emperor, which Wei Xiao did not expect.

"Unexpectedly, you guys are really united. This time I came to your side. I originally planned to help you find a help. Now it seems that there is nothing wrong with me."

"Husband, you came to the West Pole in advance. Did you think of uniting with the corpse emperor forces on the West Pole from the beginning?" Mu Wuqing asked with some shock.

They really hadn't thought that Wei Xiao had such a plan to go to the Western Polar Region.

In other words, they have never thought about this.

Wei Xiao: "As long as you understand the situation of the corpse emperor, isn't it normal to have such thoughts?"

Bai Youwei and the others thought of the past Mingzhao.

It wasn't until this moment that they realized that their husbands always had a purpose in doing things.

No wonder Wei Xiao came to the West Pole in advance.

It turned out that he not only wanted to come over in advance to understand the situation here, but also wanted to win a strong ally for the human forces in the Western Polar Region before the arrival of reinforcements.

Think carefully.

"Captain, it's time for dinner."

When Wei Xiao was chatting with them, supper had already been prepared in the camp.

A soldier came to inform Thunder to them.

Lei Ming was stunned for a moment, and then ended the chat, smiling and saying to Wei Xiao and the others: "Time flies so fast, unknowingly, supper is ready. Brother Wei, and a few younger siblings, if we don’t dislike it, let’s go first. Go get something to eat. What else do you want to ask, how about when we finish eating?"

Wei Xiao and the others turned to look at the place where the survivors gathered.

At this time, many people were already eating dinner around the campfire.

Wei Xiao wasn't very hungry, but when he saw Bai Youwei subconsciously licking her **** red lips, Wei Xiao smiled slightly.

"Okay, trouble."

"What are you polite? You are our saviors, just one meal."

With that, Thunder stood up.

"Brother Wei, three younger siblings, come with me."

Wei Xiao and the others were not hypocritical, got up and followed Thunder, and walked towards the side where the survivors gathered.

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