Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1171: Lord comes

Once Wei Xiao and the others left, they were in the villa.

When the Phantom didn't kill him, Thunder was just a little bit thinner.

Struggling to get up from the ground.

"Lin Yang, Lin Yang..."

The first thing he cared about was Lin Yang's safety, so he hurriedly ran to Lin Yang's side.

Anxious and anxious in my heart.

Ignoring the weapons floating in the air that continued to threaten them, he hugged Lin Yang who had passed out on the ground.

He checked Lin Yang's breathing and stroked the arteries in his neck.

After discovering that Lin Yang hadn't lost his vitality, Lei Ming was worried that the ground was relaxed.

"Fortunately, there is still help."

With a low murmur, Thunder found Lin Yang's wound pierced by Wei Xiaochu's imperial sword still bleeding, and immediately rushed to the side of the servant who had been frightened and trembling by Wei Xiao and the others, and shouted, "Go and find the medical box. Help the young master to stop the bleeding."


The housekeeper was dumbfounded.

"Ah what? Why don't you go soon—" Leiming looked angry.

"Oh... well, I'm going now."

The housekeeper was a little at a loss at first, but she still knew what she was going to do, so she didn't dare to hesitate, turned and ran towards a room on the first floor.

At the moment when the housekeeper was going to get the medical kit, Lei Ming looked at Wei Xiao and the others as they walked out of the villa very uncomfortably.

Originally, Wei Xiao and the others were supposed to be a group of powerful men who came to help Longwei City. Why did they end up like this?

Outside the villa.

Wei Xiao and the four and the little girl had already walked out.

"Put down your weapons and immediately surrender."

The leader of the commanding troops outside shouted at Wei Xiao and the others.

"Don't destroy those weapons, control them all."

Wei Xiao said this to Bai Youwei.

Bai Youwei nodded.

The release of abilities is increased to the maximum.

An invisible energy shock wave swept around.

After the soldiers on the periphery felt their bodies tremble slightly, at this moment, the weapons they controlled were no longer under their control, and they broke away from their control and aimed at them.

When this scene appeared, there was an uproar among the troops.

Abnormal ability?

Is this a supernatural power?

Seeing the plane in the sky "actively" land towards the ground, the muzzle of the tank aimed at the villa also shifted to the other end, all the soldiers looked at Wei Xiao and their eyes changed.

They dare not move.

Because in front of them, the guns that were still in their hands before opened their insurance and aimed them at them at this time.

No one can guarantee that once they have any changes, these firearms controlled by others will instantly kill them.

However, in the distance, there are still some people whose weapons are not controlled by Bai Youwei.

Their guns have been aimed at the heads of the five Wei Xiao, and they only waited for an order to immediately sniper and kill Wei Xiao and the others.

"Don't shoot, no one is allowed to shoot..."

Inside the villa.

There was a loud cry of thunder.

I saw him rushing out the door quickly, shouting to the soldiers outside.

"Is Captain Lei?"

"Thunder God of War?"

Many soldiers saw the thunderous figure clearly. At this moment, they were a little confused.

What does thunder mean?

Lei Ming came to Wei Xiao and the others, and continued to shout at the soldiers outside.

"Misunderstanding, all this is a misunderstanding, no one is allowed to shoot." After saying that, Lei Ming looked at Wei Xiao: "Brother Wei, since you didn't kill Lin Yang, you obviously don't want to have a complete relationship with Longweicheng. I am here. Just let people go and inform the general, what's the matter, we wait for the general to come, and we will talk about you, okay?"

Wei Xiao glanced at him.

"Do I want you to teach me how to do things?"

"No, no, I just don't want to make things difficult to deal with. Believe me, the general will be back soon and won't delay too much time." Lei Ming said eagerly.

"No need to notify, I'm already here."

Wei Xiao hadn't responded to the thunder, at this moment, a deep voice came from the rear of the peripheral troops.

Many people turned their heads and looked behind.

On the way from the rear to the general's mansion, the team was walking towards them all the time. The man headed was the general that thunderously called Lin Xiao.

"It's the general, the general and they are back."


With the arrival of this group of people, along the way, many soldiers greeted the headed person one after another.

General Lin Xiao nodded with a solemn face, and walked slowly to the front of the team.

On Wei Xiao's side, when Lei Ming saw the general's figure, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief for some reason.

The person who can determine the destiny of Longwei City has finally come.

Damn, don't show up again, he doesn't know how to end this matter today.

"Brother Wei, it is our general, and our general is here."

Wei Xiao, who clenched the scabbard in one hand and the Emperor Sword in the other, looked at the person who appeared.

A group of people know at a glance that the identity is not simple.

The headed man looked like he was forty or fifty years old, very sturdy, with the aura of a mighty soldier.

Lin Xiao's face was slashed and his gaze was sharp, and when he stood in front of him, he gave people a murderous feeling.

It is worthy of being a figure who controlled military power before the end of the world, and the aura of the upper class is particularly strong.

And behind him, those who came with him were a group of full-blooded guys.

There are quite a few fourth-level fighters.

The worst also reached the level of a third-level fighter.

If you guess right, these people should be the most elite part of the army.

It gave Wei Xiao and the others "face", and didn't treat them as small fish and shrimp.

While Wei Xiao was looking at the opponent, the opponent was also looking at them.

Compared with Wei Xiao's calmness, Lin Xiao's expression at the moment was much more solemn.


This is the conclusion he reached after seeing the surrounding scenes.

The ability to remotely control the guns in mid-air and at the same time make the surrounding aircraft and tanks fail, except for the rumored supernatural person, he couldn't think of any other kind of people who could do this step.

As for why he didn't suspect that it was the "corpse" mentioned in the intelligence, this was already rejected when Lin Xiao noticed the appearance of Wei Xiao and the others.

Didn't he have never seen the corpse.

Although they are also similar to people, there are always some differences between them.

For example, the innate stripes on the body, the horns that a human head never possessed, etc., these are all distinguishing the difference between a corpse and a human.

Lin Xiao was able to appear here in time because the base city sent him an emergency report saying that there was a possibility that corpses were lurking in the general's mansion, so that he non-stop brought the remaining level 4 fighters of the battle base back to solve the problem.

However, it now appears that the intelligence is not accurate.

It's not the corpses that are causing trouble in the base city, but the people.

Even so, Lin Xiao did not dare to be careless.

Since the opponent is a superpower, their identity is definitely not simple, and their strength is enough to make him jealous.

"Who are you? What is the purpose of coming to my Longwei City?" Lin Xiao didn't talk nonsense, and asked straightforwardly.

Wei Xiao frowned.

"I'll go and tell the general, you guys wait here a moment."

Lei Ming was afraid of rebirth, so he planned to clarify the matter to Lin Xiao first.

"No need." Wei Xiao didn't plan to waste any more time, staring directly at Lin Xiao, "Are you the lord of Longwei City?"

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