Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1172: The wicked master

Lin Xiao said with a solemn face.

"Yes, I am Lin Xiao, the lord of Longwei City. Who are you and why come to my Longwei City to make trouble?"


Wei Xiao put away the Emperor Sword and at the same time signaled Bai Youwei to withdraw the ability.

Bai Youwei understood, and lifted the control of those weapons and equipment.

The sound of "crashing" came from outside the villa, and the guns floating in the air fell to the ground like raindrops.

The tanks and planes that were originally out of control were also under the control of the soldiers at Longwei Base at this time, and everything seemed to be back to normal.

"Are you going to stand and talk to me like this?" Wei Xiao said.

Lin Xiao frowned.

"General, before we figure out the identity of the other party and the purpose of coming to the base, we still have to be careful." A young man behind Lin Xiao reminded.

Wei Xiao caught the opponent's voice in his ears.

"Does the city lord of the dignified Longwei base have this courage?" Wei Xiaoji said.

Lin Xiao's expression became even colder.

Is the other party laughing at him?

"General..." The young general wanted to say something, but this time, Lin Xiao didn't let him finish.

He raised his hand and motioned to him without saying more.

Looking at Wei Xiao with piercing eyes.

"This is our base. The place behind them is my mansion. Others dare to come to our site alone. If we are afraid of our own site, what would it be like?"

Lin Xiao's words were made clear to Wei Xiao and the others.

Wei Xiao didn't take it seriously either.

If Lin Xiao didn't even have the courage to face him alone, then he would be the city lord of Longwei City.

Lin Xiao continued: "Besides, isn't there Lao Lei beside them? There should be some accidents. If Lao Lei and I can't deal with people together, what's the difference even if we don't get past?"

After finishing speaking, Lin Xiao, who was somewhat courageous, walked straight towards Wei Xiao.

The young general knew that he could not persuade Lin Xiao, but Lin Xiao's significance to Longwei City was too important, and he did not dare to take any risks.

He gestured to a man with a bandage on his head, forehead protection, and two samurai swords on his back, and the two followed at the same time.

As for the others, some of the fighters who had already retrieved their own weapons focused their attention on Wei Xiao and the others, including the snipers hidden in the distance.

These fighters, it can be said that they are ready for battle at this moment.


The imaginary thing did not happen, and Lin Xiao did not appear anywhere else to come to Wei Xiao's eyes.

Thunder called forward.

Lin Xiao glanced over him.

"Old Lei, are you hurt?"

Lei Ming smiled indifferently: "It's okay, it's all skin injuries."

Lin Xiao didn't say much.

Face Wei Xiao.

"I'm here. Now, you can ignore the purpose of coming to my base, but don't you first let me know which power you belong to? Wolf City, or Phoenix?"


Wei Xiao replied.

Lin Xiao nodded and said that he understood. He looked like this, as if he had guessed which force Wei Xiao and the others belonged to, but at first he was somewhat uncertain.

But now, his last suspicion disappeared.

Nothing strange.

Right now, the only human forces possessing supernatural powers are Phoenix and Wolf City, which is not difficult to guess.

Looking at Wei Xiao and the others, Lin Xiao's expression quickly became serious: "If I guessed correctly, your Excellency should be the master of the Phoenix Base, Wei Xiao and Mr. Wei, right?"


Unexpectedly, Lin Xiao would only judge their true identities based on where they came. As soon as he said this, Wei Xiao's expression changed a little.

"What, he is the rumored Lord of Phoenix?"

Compared with Lin Xiao's seriousness, Lei Ming was somewhat unable to himself.

It also includes the young generals and guard men who came with Lin Xiao.

They all stared at Wei Xiao in surprise, their eyes were very surprised.

Wei Xiao, this name may be a bit unfamiliar to most people in the last days, but when it comes to the Lord of the Phoenix, it is absolutely thunderous.

With the start of the gene medicine trade between the Phoenix and other bases, although the caravans from the Phoenix will not directly call Wei Xiao by the name of Wei Xiao, people who come into contact with them will often hear the word "Lord".

What makes Thundering unexpected is that the person who has been with him these past few days is actually the mysterious master of Phoenix?

Isn't this kidding him?

The rumored Phoenix Lord is a very difficult person to get along with, especially for strangers.

Mood and anger, the mind goes deep into the bottom of the sea, and it will kill others at every turn.

The massacres that occurred in his hands and the massacres that he personally caused were all horrible and horrible.

But it was such a person who was terrifying to the extreme in the hearts of outsiders. Before meeting Lin Yang and the others, he actually spent a few days peacefully with Thunder and them. Such an experience made Thunder feel unrealistic and unbelievable at the same time.

Wei Xiao did not deny it and nodded: "Yes, I am the master of the Phoenix Base, Wei Xiao."

"Really him?"

Thunder was completely stunned.

Lin Xiao was prepared long ago, but Wei Xiao really admitted his identity, and his heart was still a little moved.

The first person of Phoenix would actually come to his site, and there were only three or four people around him. If it weren't for Wei Xiao, he couldn't believe this fact.

The young general and the guardian frowned.

Perhaps it was because of the bad name, instinctively, their vigilance towards Wei Xiao was even stronger.

This is a demon who they absolutely cannot relax their vigilance.

It's not an exaggeration to treat it with a spirit of twelve points.

"It's really not as well known as meeting. I didn't expect that the famous Phoenix Lord was actually a young man. He is indeed young and promising!" Lin Xiao changed his previous attitude and said quite politely.

"Let's stop here! We have been delayed for a long time here. If General Lin is not in a hurry, why don't we go to your house to talk about it?" Wei Xiao said straightforwardly.

"Haha..." Lin Xiao chuckled, "I ignored it."

Immediately, Lin Xiao turned and said to the young general behind him: "Jiang Wei, let the troops withdraw, a misunderstanding. Mr. Wei is not our enemy, this should not be our way of hospitality in Longwei City."

The young generals were jealous of Wei Xiao.

But already knowing Wei Xiao's identity, he also knew that certain things could not be taken too seriously.

If you really offend the other person, maybe a small thing will become a big one.

Nodded, and then the young general turned around to let all the soldiers staying outside the villa retreat.

"Mr. Wei, let's go inside and say, please first."

Wei Xiao was not polite, turned around and took Bai Youwei and the little girl into the villa again.

Lin Xiao kept up side by side.

The young general who was a few steps behind, that is, Jiang Wei, came to the still a little surprised Thunder and asked.

"Old Lei, what's going on? How could Lord Phoenix come to our base?"

Hearing Jiang Wei's question, it took a long time for Thunder to come back to his senses.

He frowned.

"not good…"

Thinking of the thunder, he didn't care to answer Jiang Wei and the others at this time, and hurried to the villa.

Jiang Wei and the guardian were unidentified, so they looked at each other and didn't know what thunder was causing?

With confusion in their hearts, the two followed.

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