Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1174: Brother-in-law

The little girl was a little embarrassed. She looked at Lin Xiao and then at Mu Wuqing next to her, seeming to hesitate.

Seeing the little girl's thoughts, Mu Wuqing said with a smile: "Answer to General Lin whatever you think. I believe he respects your choice."

"is it okay?"

The little girl asked.

Mu Wuqing did not answer her, but looked at Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao: "Of course you can. No matter what choice you make, in this Longwei City in the future, Uncle promises that no one will bully you again."

The little girl gritted her teeth.

After hesitating for a while, he looked up at Mu Wuqing, with a few moments in his eyes: "Sister, I want to go with you?"


As soon as she said this, many people were a little unexpected when she was there.

Lin Xiao asked: "Tell Uncle, why did you choose to follow this sister?"

The little girl did not hesitate this time, and said seriously: "Because uncle you are afraid of sisters."


Unexpectedly, the little girl's answer turned out to be like this.

Lin Xiao couldn't help but was stunned.


Immediately, Lin Xiao laughed.

He stood up without a trace of anger on his face.

"I'm so smart, I know how to find a stronger backer. You are right, this sister is indeed stronger than her uncle. Not only she, but also these few, any of them are better than him. But..."

Lin Xiao's conversation turned.

Under the little girl's nervous gaze, Lin Xiao continued: "You want to follow these big sisters, and you have to agree with them. If they don't agree, can you be the goddaughter of your uncle?"

For the little girl, Lin Xiao was taken seriously.

This kind of words for others as a "spare tire" is said, and it can be seen that he really wants to make up for the harm that his own rebellious son has done to the little girl.

It is very rare for a big boss to do this to an ordinary girl in this last days.

The little girl was a little nervous.

Holding Mu Wuqing's hand.

"Sister, can you?"

Mu Wuqing smiled slightly.

"Husband, what do you think?"

Wei Xiao glanced at the little girl, his face still cold.

"You only need to be happy."

With Wei Xiao's permission, Mu Wuqing didn't need to think about anything.

"What's your name?"

When the little girl heard Mu Wuqing’s question, she was smart enough to know Mu Wuqing’s decision, and her face suddenly burst into a bright smile: "My name is Ai Luoer, and my sister can call me Luoer."

"Ailuoer? This name is so nice. Remember, my sister is called Mu Wuqing, and you will be my sister Mu Wuqing from now on. Does my sister know?"

Little girl, ah no, it should be called Ai Luoer now.

Luo Er was very happy to see that Mu Wuqing had agreed to her.

"Well, sister..."


"Haha! Congratulations to Mrs. Wei for acknowledging her next sister, congratulations!" Lin Xiao blessed.

Others also sent their blessings.

"Thank you!" Mu Wuqing thanked one by one, "Come on, Luo Er, my sister will introduce to you, these two are good sisters of my sister, Bai Youwei, Phantom, you can call them Sister Youwei and Sister Xiaoying. "

Under Mu Wuqing's introduction, although Luo Er was a little shy, she still called the second girl sweetly.

The two daughters also admitted to her sister one by one.

When it came to Wei Xiao.

Mu Wuqing saw that her husband still had the arrogant and arrogant likeness, and smiled cleverly: "This is my sister's husband, my brother-in-law."

Facing Wei Xiao, Luo Er was still a little afraid.

After all, a person who looks cold, Luo Er and Wei Xiao are not yet familiar with each other, so it's strange that they can let go in front of him.

However, she also knew that she would follow Mu Wuqing in the future, and how her life would be depends on the man's attitude towards her. Although she was in awe of Wei Xiao, she still summoned the courage to shout.

"Sister, brother-in-law are good!"

"Husband, this is my sister, can't you just keep a cold face? Smile." Mu Wuqing relieved Luo'er.

Wei Xiao was helpless.

The icy male god's person immediately broke the power.

A faint smile appeared on his face, and he stretched out his left hand and stroked Luo Er's forehead.

"Brother-in-law will cover you from now on."

Unexpectedly, Wei Xiao still had such a gentle side of Luo Er, and most of the anxiety he had been feeling about Wei Xiao suddenly disappeared.

Luo Er smiled sweetly as if she had eaten honey.

"Thank you brother-in-law."

Seeing Luo Er's confession, Lin Xiao was happy for her from the heart: "Everyone is happy. Luo Er, although you did not become the daughter of your uncle, you have already admitted the existence of your daughter in your uncle's mind. In the future, Longweicheng The door is always open for you, and you can come to Uncle’s base to play at any time."

Luo Er, who has already let go, is no longer timid at this time, and replied: "Thank you, Uncle Lin, Luo Er will."

However, after Luo Er called out "Uncle Lin", Wei Xiao's expression became a little abnormal.

He looked at Lin Xiao who was smiling as brilliant as a chrysanthemum.

He always felt that this bad old man was taking advantage of him.

Luo Er called her brother-in-law and Lin Xiao was his uncle. Doesn't this mean that he became Lin Xiao's son?

Damn, this bad old man is really bad.

"Huh! What is Uncle Lin's name? I will just call him Lao Lin from now on." Wei Xiao snorted coldly.


Seeing Wei Xiao's more serious attitude, Mu Wuqing and the others couldn't help but chuckle.

Lin Xiao and the others were also taken aback.

The people who soon thought of something, looked dumbfounded.

"Brother Wei, you, what do you want me to say about you? We each have our own affairs. Doesn't this conflict?" Lin Xiao said.

His phrase "Brother Wei" has undoubtedly eased the relationship between the two parties, and it has changed invisibly.

"I can't say no, Luo Er, remember to call him Lao Lin."

Luo Er is also very obedient.

"Sorry Lao Lin, I want to listen to my brother-in-law."

"Hahaha...If your identity has not been confirmed, who would have thought that the dignified phoenix lord, the number one strongman in Longxia Earth, has such a more authentic side? Forget it, just call it what you love! as long as you are happy."

"I just don't want Luo Er to be taken advantage of."


Said grandiosely.

But do you really think so in your heart?

After Luo'er's matter was settled, Lin Xiao lost his expression again.

For Lin Yang, who was still lying on the ground and his friends and friends, Lin Xiao who was upright, except that Lin Yang was called by his servant to take him upstairs for treatment, everyone else, whether dead or unconscious, was screamed by Lin Xiao. The guard came out of the villa.

Of course, Lin Xiao would not let it go.

When asked the guards to take the people out of the villa, Lin Xiao confessed and asked the guards to find out their identities, and then sent the people directly to his home.


The area of ​​the villa complex where the upper floors of the base housekeeping team live.

"How can this be? How can this be? Who, who killed my son?"

"Check, check it out for me. I want to hurt my daughter's **** to die."

"No matter who you are, I want you to bury my son."


On this day, as the second-generation guards were sent to their homes, not long after, the senior management of the internal affairs team said that there was a heart-piercing roar in the villas where they lived.

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