Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1175: Commander-in-chief

It is temporarily impossible for Wei Xiao and the others to know what happened in those second-generation homes.

After Lin Xiao dealt with the trivial matters, the leaders of the two bases in the last days of the Longxia Land officially had a conversation.

Inside the General Assembly Hall.

The attendees in Longwei City were Lin Xiao, Jiang Wei, Mo Zang (the guardian of the forehead), and Thunder. On the Phoenix side, in addition to Wei Xiao and his wife, there is now one more Elor.

The two parties were sitting in the meeting room, and the main people talking were Wei Xiao and Lin Xiao.

"Brother Wei, let's not talk more nonsense. You may also have a certain understanding of the situation in the Western Polar Region. We are straight to the point. What is the purpose of your coming to Longwei City?"

"I mean the same."

Wei Xiao likes to communicate with refreshing people, and he straightforwardly said: "I came to the West Pole in advance this time. My purpose is to lead the West Pole and all the forces that support the West Pole to invade the dragon. The corpse forces of Xia Dadi drove out of Longxia land and even wiped them out in one fell swoop."

Lin Xiao: "The Phoenix will come to support the Western Polar Region?"

"Yes, if according to the rules before I left, the Phoenix army should be on the way now. This time I dispatched a total of two million troops, and everyone reached the level of a second-level fighter. In addition to personal strength, On the weapons and equipment, 80% of the reserves are also used, which is enough to support a war of tens of millions of levels."

Hearing Wei Xiao's words, whether it was Lin Xiao or Thunder and the others, they were all ecstatic.

Phoenix's reinforcements have set off, and they are still coming to support the West Pole with absolute strength.

Among other things, the two hundred troops mentioned by Wei Xiao that started out as second-level fighters, their overall strength, to a certain extent, has completely surpassed the existing human strength in the West Pole.

What's more, people are also equipped with a large number of technological weapons.

Once the army of phoenixes arrives, will the battle in the Western Polar Region be stuck in a stalemate like it is now?

Lin Xiao's excited body was trembling.

"Thank you, thank you. Brother Wei, brother, I don’t know what to say. Lin Xiao remembers this kindness in my heart. When the Corpse Emperor is defeated, the Phoenix will be the best in Longwei City in the future. Friends. If you have any plans or need any help in the future, as long as Longweicheng can do it, it is my duty, Lin Xiao."

"General Lin, don't get excited, I haven't finished speaking yet."

"Sorry, it's my brother who took the picture. Brother, keep talking." Lin Xiao calmed down.

"The phoenixes are sure to support the West Pole, but after the arrival of the phoenix army, I have one condition."

"Let all forces in the Western Polar Region surrender the unified command of the troops, and let the phoenix people deploy?"

Lei Ming knew Wei Xiao's conditions, so he asked.

When Wei Xiao mentioned this request before, he thought that Wei Xiao was joking. Now Lei Ming doesn't think so.

Wei Xiao nodded without being wordy.

"Yes. Snakes have no heads and do nothing, birds have no wings and do not fly, and there is no unified deployment. Everyone fights on their own. It is impossible to exert the strength of our human army as a whole. Only everyone is twisted into a rope and uses power. A place, in this way, can it exert its greatest power."

"Mr. Wei, let me say something." Jiang Wei intervened.

"you say."

Jiang Wei: "You said to integrate all the forces of the human race in the western polar region. I agree with this point, but I want to know why the command must be given to you Phoenix? Don't get me wrong, I have no other meaning, I Just don't understand?"

Wei Xiaoxie smiled, "Do you have any ideas?"

"On the matter. In terms of marching and fighting, I don’t think we are inferior to Longwei City. Longwei City is now at the top of the army. Before the end of the world, more than half of them are from the battle base. We have rich combat experience and fight various modern battles. The troops also have an absolute understanding."

"In terms of strength, Longweicheng really cannot be compared with the Phoenix, but in the battle, we don’t think it is inferior to the Phoenix, and we even have it. Dealing with the enemy's corpse clan forces is a large-scale battle. Under the circumstances, doesn't Mr. Wei feel that it is more effective to hand over the coalition forces to our Longwei City to command?"

Sure enough, it is a matter of fact.

Jiang Wei's remarks didn't mean anyone, they were merely expounding personal views.

Lei Ming and others recognized his words very much.

The overall strength of Phoenix is ​​indeed not comparable to any power, but war is not a question of personal strength.

When the two sides are evenly matched, and even when the enemy is strong and we are weak, the key to victory in the war lies in command and deployment.

The generals of Longwei City had rich experience in battle before the end of the world.

It's okay for Wei Xiao not to propose unified command. Now that they are proposed, they are fully qualified to fight.

Nowadays, the war in the Western Polar Region is under the command of Longwei City, and the women's city and civil organizations are acting in accordance with the battle plan formulated by the Longwei City Command.

This is why Lin Xiao stayed at the battle base.

Wei Xiao couldn't agree with Jiang Wei's words.

"I know you are dissatisfied, but it doesn't matter. I will just say a few points. If you think Longweicheng is still better than Phoenix, then I have nothing to say."

"Brother Wei, you say. I agree with your proposal very much. Even if we win the final victory, our casualties will definitely not be small. This is not what I want to see. As long as you can leave us speechless, I will not only hand over the dragon. I can also help you persuade the city of women to be the commander of the Weicheng Armed Forces."

"It's easy to say, the few points I want to say are, first, fighting against the zombies is different from modern warfare. The pre-apocalyptic approach has great limitations. Now the war between the two clans is more like an ancient battlefield, with strong soldiers. The morale boost that the Titans can bring is beyond your imagination. We need this kind of morale, and the Phoenix has this condition."

"Second, there are not one or two Corpse Emperor forces that the Phoenix kills. Our understanding of the Corpse Emperor's forces is to say unceremoniously that there is no one in the land of Longxia. After all, no matter how good the theory is, there is no actual combat summary. The experience is more convincing, and we are in control of the command. There is nothing wrong with it."

"Third, the victory I want is not only to repel the forces of the corpse race, but also to allow them to leave us enough resources to grow the human race itself. I have never fought a loss-making battle. You have fought so far, have you ever thought about it? Seek post-war benefits from this war?"

Wei Xiao paused, giving Lin Xiao and the others time to think.

As a result, Lin Xiao and the others suddenly discovered that since the invasion of the corpse clan forces in the non-Emirate mainland, they had not thought about anything other than repulsing them.

It's not that they couldn't think of it, but that they didn't dare to think.

They are already satisfied if they can repel the enemy's corpse clan forces, and they want to reap certain benefits from this battle, but they have no confidence at all.

Seeing Lin Xiao and their expressions, Wei Xiao already had an answer in his heart.

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