Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1176: One party has the right to transfer

"It seems that you haven't thought about it at all. Or, from the beginning, you have no confidence in repelling the enemy's corpse clan's power, while at the same time gaining sufficient resources for the human race's respective forces to develop and grow."

Lei Ming: "We really don't dare to think about this. The main thing is that the enemy Corpse King hasn't appeared yet, but the zombie army she sent has made us feel more pressure. Can we even repel the enemy Corpse Clan? We are not sure about the army, so how can we talk about seeking development resources from this war?"

The devil who has not spoken at this time said: "Listen to Mr. Wei, if the Phoenix controls the command of the Allied Forces in the Western Polar Region, can this be done?"

Wei Xiao shook his head: "I won't say anything in absolute terms, but you seem to have overlooked a key word in my words."

"What word?" Lin Xiao asked.


Wei Xiao said: "I said that since the beginning of the war, you have no confidence in seeking a development and growth resource for your respective forces, but I have. I never thought of fighting this battle as a defensive battle. Since I am here, I am confident of victory from the beginning."

"You, as high-level military officers, should understand the importance of having confidence or not. This is like a negotiation. If there is confidence or not, one party will have an absolute advantage before the negotiation begins. As for the result? Before, some things were doomed."

"Perhaps you can also say that you are confident to do this now, but do you believe it if you say it?"

Lin Xiao and the others were silent.

They all understood the meaning of Wei Xiao's words.

One thing, because of different starting points, the results obtained will vary greatly.

They faced the enemy Corpse Emperor's forces, because at the beginning they had no confidence in guaranteeing that they would become the victor in this battle, so they had a lot of worries.

To make any decision, you need to think twice before giving an order.

But Wei Xiao and the others are different.

There is absolute confidence that the coalition forces can win, so any decision they make will become decisive and swift, and they will not miss a fighter opportunity, and they will never be afraid of the tail.

The so-called narrow road meets the brave who wins.

A group of troops with firm beliefs, their potential on the battlefield, you can't imagine.

Lin Xiao and the others had to admit that compared with Phoenix, the gap between them was not so big.

One just wanted to fight back the enemy from the beginning, while the other, good fellow, didn't know how to write the word "failure".

Not only must we win this war, but we must also obtain absolute benefits from the war. How does this compare?

This is just like the heroes in the League of Legends, a 0-8-0 hero, online will just give you an 8-0-8 super-powerful aura.

Regardless of other things, just take this momentum, do you, Longweicheng, are embarrassed to compete with others for command-in-chief?

Anyway, I am embarrassed.

Lin Xiao: "Besides these, does Brother Wei have other reasons?"

Hearing Lin Xiao's sighing tone, we don't need to think about it. Wei Xiao only said three points. He basically gave up the fight for command.

No way, when he was still in the uppermost layer of the surface, he was already standing in the atmosphere and couldn't compete.

When Wei Xiao saw that the time was about to come, he smiled evilly.

"the last point……"

When I heard it was the last point, except for Wei Xiao, Lin Xiao and the others immediately cheered up.

According to experience, the last point of any reason used to persuade an opponent is the most representative and the most irrefutable.

What's more, these last words were from Wei Xiao, a well-known master, Lin Xiao and the others had to be serious.

Wei Xiao didn't jeer their appetite, and said domineering and confidently: "The last point, I also want to kill the corpse emperor of the enemy corpse clan directly through this war. If the corpse emperor sent to the door does not do something. What, isn't it a pity? You guys, do you have the courage to plot the enemy's corpse king?"


"You still have to do something against the enemy Corpse Emperor?"


As soon as Wei Xiao said this, Lin Xiao and the others stared at each other like thunder.


It's crazy.

If it is said that the idea of ​​repelling the enemy's corpse clan and gaining a certain benefit from the war has already had a huge impact on Lin Xiao and the others, then Wei Xiao now plans to even the enemy's corpse clan's corpse emperor, this kind of madness To them, the decision is simply a dream and fantasy.

"Brother Wei, are you sure you are not joking?"

This is what Wei Xiao said. If another person is changed, it is estimated that Lin Xiao will scold his mother on the spot.

Maade, you said that defeating the enemy's corpse clan forces while at the same time seeking sufficient resources for the coalition forces in this war is unbelievable.

Now you actually dare to fight the enemy's corpse king's idea...

If this TM is not a lunatic, it is definitely a spy sent by the enemy Corpse Emperor.

If you really give the command of the coalition forces to this kind of people who can only talk on paper and talk about it, no matter what kind of possibility it is, you will fall into the coalition.

But now that Wei Xiao said this, coupled with the achievements that Phoenix had achieved in the past, it would have to make people think deeply.

Is the Phoenix really strong enough to be so terrible?

In order to determine whether Wei Xiao really had this plan, Lin Xiao asked: "Brother Wei, are you sure you are not joking?"

"Can this kind of thing be a joke?" Wei Xiao asked back.

Lin Xiao suddenly had nothing to say.

Even the others around him don't know what to think of Wei Xiao in their hearts.

Is this the Lord of the Phoenix?

Is this the courage possessed by the first strongest in Longxia Land?

Grass, do you want to be so prestigious?

After Lin Xiao and the others were silent, Wei Xiao's fearless and self-respecting aura recovered.

"This is the reason I am fighting for the commander-in-chief for the Phoenix. Now that I have finished talking, if you feel that these reasons are not enough, then wait for the representatives of other forces to gather before making a conclusion."

Thunder, Demon Zang and Jiang Wei all looked at Lin Xiao.

From their inquiring eyes, it is not difficult to see that they can no longer refute the reasons Wei Xiao said. Now, it's up to Lin Xiao to make up his mind.

Waiting for a long time.

Lin Xiao looked at Wei Xiao: "Brother Wei, I want to know, how confident are you against the enemy Corpse Emperor?"

Lin Xiao still felt that Wei Xiao's decision to deal with the enemy Corpse Emperor was somewhat unrealistic.

Wei Xiao said bluntly: "It's hard to tell."

"What's the meaning?"

"It means that I don’t know. If it’s against the enemy Corpse Emperor alone, I’m 100% sure to kill her, but you have also said that the enemy Corpse Emperor has many soldiers and powerful forces. If you can’t defeat her I’m not even sure if the guards around me solve this problem. Whether this step can be achieved depends on the next performance of the coalition forces..."

"Of course, it also depends on whether the forces of the Earth Corpse Emperor who are allied with us are powerful."

"Huh? Mr. Wei also knows that the Corpse Emperor of the Earth has formed an alliance with us?"

"Old Lei said."

Lei Ming nodded, indicating that he had indeed told Wei Xiao about this.

Lin Xiao didn't take this little matter to heart.

Seriously said: "In other words, it is not necessary to deal with the enemy Corpse Emperor?"

"You can understand that."

After receiving Wei Xiao's reply, Lin Xiao breathed a sigh of relief for some reason.

He was really afraid that in order to deal with the enemy corpse emperor, after the coalition forces repelled the enemy's corpse clan, he would pursue and kill the non-emirate continent at all costs.

If that were the case, Lin Xiao would never let Wei Xiao come here.

But now Wei Xiao gave a premise. Lin Xiao knew that Wei Xiao was not that kind of reckless person, and he felt relieved a lot.

Now that the biggest concern was gone, and Wei Xiao also used his reasons to conquer everyone present, Lin Xiao, who had never lacked overall awareness, no longer had any reason to compete with Phoenix for command of the coalition forces.

Lin Xiao has a correct attitude.

"Okay, with the confidence of Brother Wei, if I, Lin Xiao, continue to stare at the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, I will be ignorant of good and bad. I agree that as long as the Phoenix Army arrives, all military operations in Longwei City will be undead. The command of the Bird Command. But this only represents my Longwei City. Whether other forces are willing or not, I cannot make a decision for them."

Wei Xiao smiled when he heard Lin Xiao's words.

Sure enough, he is a man who understands things, and he is also a man who can afford to let go.

With this mindset, I, Wei XiaoTM, approve of you.

"General Lin rest assured, you won't regret today's decision. This time, let my phoenix personally teach you how to defeat the Corpse Emperor forces."

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