Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1177: Duplicity

The meeting was almost over when Lin Xiao was willing to hand over command to the Phoenix.

Next, the two parties discussed the details.

The main issue is the formation of the personnel of the general headquarters in the future.

It is undeniable that Phoenix has a unique capital in dealing with the power of the corpse king, but in a war, in addition to a person who can decide on the general direction, other people also need more opinions on the small direction.

One person counts the short, everyone counts the long.

One person's energy is always limited, and one more person can make a set of more effective combat plans.

In this regard, the headquarters of Longweicheng is a good choice.

Therefore, the commander-in-chief is in the hands of Phoenix, but in certain aspects, military talents from Longwei City are required to participate in it.

Lin Xiao and the others would naturally not refuse these requests from Wei Xiao.

They can enter the upcoming coalition headquarters, at least, they don't have to worry about Phoenix hiding behind them.

When the details are discussed, the meeting will end.

Afterwards, Lin Xiao personally hosted a banquet in the general's mansion to entertain Wei Xiao and the others.

During the banquet, the two sides had a very happy talk. Even outside of the war, the leaders of the two major forces also reached a lot of cooperation matters, which can be said to be a joy to everyone.

When the banquet was over, Wei Xiao and the others didn't plan to leave Longwei City, and stayed directly at the General's Mansion.

Into the night.

Wei Xiao was in the room where they were.

Phantom and Bai Youwei fall asleep early after enjoying the fun of husband and wife.

Mu Wuqing, who was still awake and leaning in Wei Xiao’s arms, looked at Wei Xiao with a grim complexion, and asked: "My husband, if you didn’t persuade Lin Xiao to surrender the command of Longwei City during the day, you really would Give up?"

Wei Xiao bowed his head and looked at his curious wife in his arms.

A sneer flashed across Wei Xiao's face.

"Give up? I think too much. The obedient people are all my Wei Xiao's allies. In this way, I don't mind giving them a little benefit after the war is won. If they are not obedient, then I will switch to an obedient person. Fortress, there will always be unstable factors inside it."

Sure enough, Wei Xiao.

If you really believe what he said and the promises he made to outsiders, just wait and cry!

With Wei Xiao's affirmative answer, Mu Wuqing felt relieved now.

Her husband is still her husband, as always "shameless", ah no, I was wrong, he is always able to do great things.

No words for a night, the next day.

Lin Yang, who passed out yesterday, has not recovered yet.

Although there is no life-threatening danger as a fourth-level fighter, it is estimated that he will be in a coma for a while because of his severe injuries.

In a short time, he won't cause Wei Xiao and the others any more trouble. Of course, he won't have this chance even if he wakes up now.

Because of Wei Xiao and the others, they came to Lin Xiao to say goodbye after dawn.

"Brother Wei, are you planning to go to the heroine city next?"

Wei Xiao shook his head.

"I will go there, but not now. Before going to the heroine city, I have to meet a special existence."

Special existence?

Lin Xiao was taken aback for a moment, then his eyes widened.

"Are you going to meet the Queen of the Earth?"

Wei Xiao did not deny it.

"Once the reinforcements come to the West Pole, your previous deployment will undergo a large-scale change, so I will first test the idea of ​​the Queen of the Earth. Okay, let’s not say much, we will have some time later."

Without delay, Wei Xiao bid farewell to Lin Xiao and the others, and left Longwei City directly with the three daughters and Ai Luoer.

Ellor was a blessing in disguise this time.

Yesterday, not only did he catch Wei Xiao and the others, the overlord-level "steel giant ship", out of debt to her, Lin Xiao also presented her with three genetic medicines last night.

From No. 1 to No. 3, she can pass the integration stage perfectly and become a super fighter with good strength.

As for why Lin Xiao gave her three potions that seem to have overlapping effects.

This is not difficult to understand.

Ordinary people who take the No. 2 medicine will die in pain, and those who are not determined can even be hurt alive. If you take the No. 3 medicine directly, I am afraid that they will be the hard-hearted people who are photographed from the pile of dead people. The previous fusion period.

With No. 1 and No. 2 medicine buffers, there is not much risk when taking No. 3 medicine. Lin Xiao is very considerate.

Seeing the five people walking outside the villa, Lin Xiao and the others seemed thoughtful.

"General, what do you say is Wei Xiao's purpose in going to see the Empress of the Earth?"

Jiang Wei asked.

Lin Xiao thought for a while and shook his head.

"I don't know, but it shouldn't be detrimental to our human race. Regardless of this, we have been delayed for a day because of the base. Prepare for it and go directly to the battle base today."

With that, Lin Xiao turned to look at Thunder.

"Lao Lei, you don't need to go to the task of searching and rescuing survivors outside. Stay in the base and wait for that rebellious son to wake up, and you will show him to me. No one can let him leave the villa without my order. Also, if Then I found out that he was robbing the female of the people, and he interrupted his fifth leg. I, Lin Xiao, don't need this kind of son to pass on from generation to generation."

Hearing Lin Xiao's last words, Thunder and other people around him couldn't help but feel cold.

Nima, do you want to be so cruel?


"You don't need to say anything, this is an order."

"Yes, I promise to complete the task."

There is no room for negotiation, Leiming can only accept the order Lin Xiao gave him.

Lin Xiao was relieved of thunder. He looked at Lin Yang, and Lin Yang was in his current state.

Of course, Lin Xiao has another plan to keep Thunder at the base.

Yesterday, there were many second generation casualties in Wei Xiao's hands, and the power behind them should not be underestimated.

Although Lin Xiao has the strength to suppress, but now the external troubles have not been eliminated, if internal troubles recur, who knows what will happen?

With the prestige of thunder in the base, keeping him, suppressing Xiao Xiao in the base is not a problem at all.

There is no need for Lin Xiao to explain this point, I believe Thunder also knows what to do.


Outside Longwei City.

Wei Xiao and the others came out.

"Husband, do you know where the Queen of the Earth's lair is?" When she came outside, Bai Youwei remembered that they didn't know where the Queen of the Earth was, so she stopped and asked.

Wei Xiao was not worried at all.

His complexion became cold, and only Wei Xiao called out, "I have followed all the way, don't you plan to come out?"

"Someone followed us?"

Both Bai Youwei and Ai Luoer were taken aback, and then they watched their surroundings.

Mu Wuqing smiled and said: "Don't be nervous, the other party did not show killing intent, it is not our enemy."

"Sister Wuqing, do you know someone is following us?" Bai Youwei looked at Mu Wuqing in surprise.

The latter nodded, and then said to the Phantom: "Xiaoying also found out, right?"

The Phantom did not speak, but still signaled that he found it.

Seeing this, Bai Youwei suddenly felt her own shortcomings.

It's also a fifth-level fighter, why didn't she notice this situation?

"Three members of the Shadow Guard have seen the Lord and three mistresses." A Shadow Guard member hidden in the air appeared and saluted Wei Xiao and the others respectfully.

Wei Xiao motioned to him to be polite.

"You should know where the Queen of the Earth is?"

Three Yaoyao nodded four times: "Subordinates know."

"Well, take us to see her."


Three to four without hesitation, agreed.

"Wait..." Bai Youwei called out suddenly.

"Do you have any more instructions from Master Youwei?"

"Just like this you take us to see the Queen of the Earth?"

Seeing the look of surprise in Bai Youwei's eyes, three Yaosi seemed to understand what she meant.

"Master Youwei can rest assured that now the Queen of the Earth has reached an alliance with the human forces in the West Polar Land. Humans will not be attacked by zombies when entering the territory of the Emperor. Only when they reach the royal nest, they need to let the corpse there give a notification. The Earth Corpse Emperor is not in danger."

"Can you do this?"

"Haha...you! Since my husband directly let the third and the fourth one lead the way, it means that this has been taken into consideration, and you are just worrying." Mu Wuqing quipped Bai Youwei.

Bai Youwei was stunned.

"You guessed it again?"

The word "you" is used very brilliantly.

"What do you say?"


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