Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1178: Partial mutation of animals

West Antarctic Plateau.

The territory controlled by the Queen of the Earth.

Because the territory happened to be separated from the African Emirates, and it was behind the Heroine City and Longwei City. Therefore, on the West Antarctic Plateau, except for the people under the Queen of the Earth, there is no enemy Corpse King's influence, let alone the battlefield.

Wei Xiao and the others entered each other's territory under the leadership of three to four.

The situation is the same as they suspected.

Even if zombies spotted them along the way, they would stop and take a look at most and leave, which didn't cause any trouble to Wei Xiao and the others.

As for the Queen of the Earth that Wei Xiao and the others wanted to meet, her nest was located between the sacred mountains of Xiwang, amidst the endless mountains.

It connects with Outland from the top to the Qingjiang Territory from the bottom. Not to mention the area of ​​Outland, two-fifths of the entire Qingjiang is covered by it. It can be said to be vast and vast.

Before the end of the world, the West Antarctic Plateau had beautiful scenery. After the end of the world, the vegetation grew wildly. Many towering trees that took several years or more than ten years to grow into the sky. The growth of one month is worth the work of the previous decades.

Therefore, the entire West Antarctic Plateau is covered by a large area of ​​newly formed forest.

The unique geographical environment also makes animals that are rare in other places on the West Antarctic plateau can be seen here from time to time.

Especially for birds, the active and wide forests provide them with shelters for survival.



The loud crowing spread in the sky, and then the hoarse and thick roar of the zombies followed.

"Husband, look at the sky."

"How is it possible? Is that an eagle?"

On the way to the imperial nest, Wei Xiao and the others encountered a surprising scene.

In the cloudless sky, a behemoth that did not look like this world flew out of the forest.

This bird of prey is more than two meters long, with its wings spread more than ten meters, and it is currently fighting a group of skimmers in the sky.

The speed between the two parties can be described as swift and endless.

Fierce tearing and fighting, set off a **** storm in the air.

When Wei Xiao noticed this scene, his brows couldn't help but frowned.

Mutant animals?

"Lord, hostess, what you are seeing now is part of the phenomenon of other animals in this world. I don't know why, some other animals that survived in the early end of the world have a crazy growth. Many animals that were common in the past, Nowadays, his body shape has changed significantly." The three and one who led the way said.

"Are these animals, like zombies, evolving?"

Three and one four shook their heads: "I don’t know, but one thing is for sure. Animal mutations are not infectious. Except for their obvious changes in shape and strength, there are no other places where the corpse clan’s strange things are found. Ability."

Wei Xiao said with a sullen face: "Why doesn't the base have such records?"

"We also discovered it after the human forces in the Western Polar Region reached an alliance with the Queen of the Earth."

"I don't know if members of the Shadow Guards in other places have made this discovery, but in the Western Polar Regions, no other animals can be seen in areas where humans live, or in forests near areas where humans live, so, We did not notice this in advance."

Mu Wuqing said: "This change in other animals may have limitations. We also keep a lot of livestock and poultry in captivity on Haixin Island, but their size has not changed. I doubt what we don't know. The reason has led to the appearance of such animal variants in other animals."

"Master Wu Qing's suspicions are similar to our previous guesses, but now we have not found the root cause for other animals to grow up quickly."


In the three-year-old four-year explanation, in the sky, the giant eagle, which was besieged by hundreds of sky predators, paid the price of scars and failed to destroy a sky predator. It has a certain wisdom and no longer loves to fight, Zhang The open wings vibrated, forming a powerful air current that shook the surrounding skimmers away, and then fled towards the distance.

The skimmers continued to chase and kill them, and within a few breaths, they turned into black spots and disappeared in front of Wei Xiao and the others.

I don't know what Wei Xiao is thinking.

Looking at the disappearing black spots, he was stunned, and he recovered after a moment.

"It's getting more and more interesting. Even other animals have begun to mutate in order to adapt to the current environment. I really don't know how many interesting things will happen in the future."

"What does the master think?" Phantom asked curiously.

Wei Xiao smiled.

"Not yet. I don't care about this. Let's wait for the matter of the West Pole to be resolved before thinking about other things. Three to four, just take us to the Imperial Nest."

"Yes, Lord."

Wei Xiao was not entangled by this unexpected discovery.

What about mutations in other animals?

At the moment, for Wei Xiao and the others, it is the most important thing to solve the corpse clan forces that invaded the western polar land from the non-chief continent.

The group of people did not pause, speeding up their approach to the corpse emperor's lair.


More than three hours later, Wei Xiao and the others came to the outer border of the Imperial Nest.

"Humans, what are you doing here?"

There was no accident. Not long after Wei Xiao and the others set foot on the periphery of the Emperor's Nest domain, a human figure appeared in their headspace while driving the skidder.

Wei Xiao looked up.

The talking guy is a corpse.

He is about 1.8 meters tall, his body is bronzed with horns, and his half-naked upper body shows looming lines.

Wei Xiao said coldly: "Let him roll down and talk."

Phantom took the initiative to step forward.

Electricity generates magnetism in his hand, and a huge pulling force acts on the air-grabber and the corpse.



The corpse felt the change in his body, and before he had time to react, the figure and the sky-grabber under his feet fell towards the ground at the same time.

"Humans, what do you want to do?"

The fallen corpse was frightened.

It was about to hit the ground.

At the juncture of the crisis, I saw fluctuations in his supernatural powers.


With a bang, from the ground, a square pillar of soil rose from the ground, accurately catching the fallen corpse and the sky-grabber.

"Human...damn it—"

The corpse stabilized his figure and was about to get angry at Wei Xiao and the others, but before he could say a few words, a purple light ray condensed with purple electricity had already swept across the soil pillar under his feet.

The corpse who dare not risk can only dodge.

"Pouch" with a sound.

As the purple rays passed through the soil pillars, the top soil pillars directly slid down and hit the ground.

The corpse fell to the ground, his eyes full of anger.

"Damn, you guys..."


The same situation happened again.

The corpse who didn't have a chance to say a complete sentence, only felt a flower in front of him, and couldn't close his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, a cold-lighted blade was already resting on his neck.

"You'd better keep silent and listen to me to finish. Go and tell the Queen of the Earth, Human Race Wei Xiao will visit, and hope she will show up."

The corpse was ashamed.

"Humanity, are you going to abandon the covenant?"

"You can continue to talk nonsense here, but for every minute of delay, your mother emperor will be more threatening. If she is not afraid of being swallowed by another corpse emperor, I have time to spend with you here."


Wei Xiao spoke, and put the knife back into the scabbard.


The corpse was extremely embarrassed.

But since Wei Xiao had retracted the long knife on his shoulder, it meant that the opponent was not here to find fault.

Although angry, the corpse does not have as much thought as a human being.

Hearing that it was about the safety of the Empress of the Earth, even if he was irritated, he could only endure it.


He didn't see the corpse leaving, just beside Wei Xiao, the corpse got in touch with the corpse emperor through the method of the corpse clan.

After freezing in place for a while, the corpse recovered.

"The mother asked me to take you in, come with me!"


Wei Xiao nodded deeply, his ruthless attitude was so perfect.

The corpse did not drag, and summoned a few sky-grabbers, and asked them to drive everyone to the cave where the corpse emperor was.

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