Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 118: Completely home

With Wei Xiao's instructions, the lone wolves did not resist at all.

The food that was usually hidden and tucked away, even if it was rotten, would not be brought out to the bottom survivors. At the request of Guo Chenghao and the others, large and small piles of materials were taken out by the lone wolves and piled up outside the steel plant.

Many of the survivors who received food came forward to make a fire and cook.

Behind the unfinished wall, there was such a lively scene.

Everyone sat in groups, staring at the big iron pots with rice in front of them.

The firewood was burning vigorously, and as the cooking water boiled, the scent of the rice bursts into one's mouth.

Except for these people who are waiting for food by the side of the pot, Lin Mei, who can be regarded as middle-level management, is not idle.

They were used by Wei Xiaozheng to take care of the elderly and children.

There are only eleven or two old people.

Judging from their appearance, it is estimated that few of them can persist. The reason they are still alive is nothing more than that certain concerns in their hearts have been supporting them, and there are more than 20 children. The oldest is 13 years old, and the youngest is less than three years old.

There are eleven sick children, mainly due to sequelae caused by colds and starvation.

Now Lin Mei and others are giving medicine to children who have a cold or cough.

They were very reluctant, especially to hold dirty children, but under the supervision of Guo Chenghao and the soldiers, they did not dare to take care of these people emotionally.

Wei Xiao asked Li Cunyong and the others to stay and take care of these survivors, but also to prevent the lone wolves from making small moves.

And he himself, with the Phantom and two teams, wandered around the entire industrial area.

Steel and cement are the basis for Wei Xiao to build the fortress of the villa group, but under these two premises, there are still many building materials needed to build a fortress.

If he can, he doesn't mind making his base stronger and more beautiful at the same time.

It was about twelve o'clock noon.

Wei Xiao and the others came back.

At this time, the group of survivors had a full meal.

Seeing Wei Xiao and the others came back, everyone hurriedly assembled.

"Are you full?" Wei Xiao said.

"Thank you, benefactor, we are all full."

"I have never eaten so full before, thank you, you are all good people."

A good person card just fell into Wei Xiao's hands.

Wei Xiao motioned for them to stop.

"I think you may have misunderstood something. I am not a good person, yes, absolutely not, and sometimes I am more cruel than the person who managed you before. You don’t need to thank me for anything, because it’s not sympathy for you to eat. You, but, I need you to work for me."


"I, I know that there are no good people in the last days. Fortunately, I thanked them just now."

"They are all raccoon dogs, my God, why do you punish us like this?"

Wei Xiao's words undoubtedly caused these survivors to blow up the pot.

Originally thought that Wei Xiao and the others came, treated them and gave them food, which proved that this group of people was not as cruel as the lone wolves and they were even sheltered by these people in the future. Zombies, there are also these soldiers charging forward to protect them, but now, all Wei Xiao is doing is just wanting them to work for himself?

The beautiful fantasies were almost shattered in an instant, and some people who had hoped for the future rioted at this time.

The lone wolf standing at the exit of the steel plant saw this scene and cast mocking eyes at the survivors who jumped.

The innocence of these people really surpassed his endurance. In the last days, is there any superior person who is soft-hearted?

"A bunch of idiots! We deserve to live only at the bottom."

The noise in his ears made Wei Xiao's face sink slightly.

"Bang bang bang" a few shots.

Wei Xiao directly took out his pistol and fired a few shots at the sky, his eyes were cold indescribably.

The survivors who heard the gunfire suddenly fell silent.

The look in Wei Xiao's eyes was no longer the same gratitude and relief as before, but fear.

The survivors who had been deceived by Wei Xiao and their appearance before, directly believed that these people would not do anything to them. Now that they heard the gunshots, they realized that compared to the lone wolf group, these heavily armed talents in front of them are the most dangerous. of.

Because they can kill them all anytime, anywhere.

Everyone was frightened, even if there were children crying, they were covered by the people around them to prevent them from making any noise.

Wei Xiao said with a cold face, "I am not your father, nor your mother! I am not obligated to take care of you. There is no free lunch in the world, and there will be no pie loss in the sky. Don't you understand such a simple truth? ?"

All the survivors were hesitant, but no one dared to speak aloud.

"I also rely on talking nonsense with you. Since I'm full, everyone present except the elderly and children will work for me. What you have to do is also very simple, then follow the arrangements of these soldiers and they let you do it. Give me whatever you want, and whoever doesn’t obey will be executed on the spot."

No longer paying attention to these survivors, Wei Xiao looked at Guo Chenghao: "I just went out for a round and found that there are a lot of big cars in this area. Go and drive them all. How many are counted. Set off before dark. base."


Guo Chenghao responded, and then left with a small group of soldiers.

"Millions, you arrange the next thing."

"Lord, do those people also need to call?" Fu million pointed at the lone wolf and them.

"Except for the warriors, the elderly, and the children who are in charge of vigilance, everyone else will act for me."

"Understood!" Fu million smirked, and then began to arrange.

The lone wolves did not escape the end of hard work, even the group of women, including Ling Qifen.

Everyone moved quickly under the supervision of paying millions.

It's not that they are swift, but they are being pointed at.

The entire base is moving.

Even if they were lone wolves, they could only comfort themselves in their hearts at this time and must bear it.

Only by being able to endure what others can't, can you achieve what others can't. In a word, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, ah no, the ninja is invincible.

While the lone wolves were working, Wei Xiao brought the Phantom and the others to the wall.

Standing above the seven- or eight-meter-high fence, condescending, the scenes inside and outside the base can be described as unobstructed.

"If we hadn't had a villa base, there would have been a good survivor stronghold here." Next to Wei Xiao, Chen Haojie suddenly sighed.

"It's really good, far from the city, far from the corpses, it would be better if there is electricity and water." Leng Chengfeng also felt the same.

Wei Xiao glanced at both of them.

"Do you really think so?"

"Don't you think the Lord?"

Wei Xiao shook his head: "There is nothing useful here except for a large area with sparsely populated areas and few zombies. The industrial zone is not suitable for agricultural development. There is no electricity or water, which cannot meet the long-term survival conditions of human beings. Moreover, it is far away from the urban area and it takes time for us to collect materials. Efforts, these alone can already explain a lot of problems."

"But the establishment of a base in the urban area is likely to face the cleaning of the tide of corpses." Chen Haojie said.

Wei Xiao stuck the Bone Mo knife in front of him, holding the handle of the knife with both hands, and looking straight into the distance with his deep eyes: "Do you think I'm afraid of corpse tide?"

A very calm sentence made Chen Haojie and the others hear an invincible aura that swallows mountains and rivers.

Inadvertently, Chen Haojie discovered that the Lord beside them had become extremely stalwart.

The eyes of the phantom are full of light of worship.

This is her man and her master, and only such a man who is fearless of everything is worthy of her.

Leng Chengfeng and Chen Haojie looked at each other.

From each other's eyes, they all saw a thrilling sigh.

Thinking back to their former boss, now compared with Wei Xiao, the gap between the two is clear at a glance.

"Such a strong and king is worthy of me, Leng Chengfeng swear to follow."

"Perhaps, by his side, I should really put my posture right." Chen Haojie helped his glasses, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

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