Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 119: Little girl sweet

It was more than five o'clock in the afternoon.

Five or six hundred people started construction at the same time. On the open ground outside the base, more than one hundred large vehicles were filled with steel and cement.

There are more than a dozen empty cars nearby.

Those are what Wei Xiao intends to use to pull the livestock inside the natural farm.

After working for the whole afternoon, although the survivors here all had a full meal, they were already hungry after the intensive work.

Everyone found a place to rest around the cart, and some of them looked at Wei Xiao's side from time to time.

They didn't know whether Wei Xiao would let them eat a meal after finishing work.

Even if they don't need to be full, they can accept a bite.

"Master, we have finished loading all the cars that can be loaded, about a thousand tons of steel and cement, when will we leave?" Pay million reported back to Huihui.

"No hurry, we will leave after dinner."

"eat here?"

"Yeah! Go and arrange. The working people have a bottle of drinking water, three breads, two ham sausages, and a marinated egg. These foods are not enough to replace others. The elderly and children try to give soft foods to make sure Everyone has meat and is full."

Seeing that Wei Xiao was serious, Fu Wan nodded and proceeded to make arrangements.

"Let's go eat something too!"

"Yes, Lord (Master)."

Wei Xiao and the others also left the wall.

Before long, I saw Fu million and dozens of soldiers walking towards the cart carrying large and small packages of food.

"Distribute it to ensure that everyone has their own food."


The soldiers separated.

When they came to the survivors, under the eager gaze of these people, they gave them designated food and drinking water.

"Warriors, fighters, are you sending too much?" The survivor who was the first to receive food and drinking water asked in a bit of surprise when he found that he could hardly hold the food with one hand.

The soldier who had given him food glanced at him.

"Yes, this is the amount of food designated by the Lord. Eat it! There are still things for you to do after eating." After the soldier said, he went directly to the next person.

The survivor looked at the food in his hands, shaking severely.

They didn't make a mistake, they were all given to him, and they were only for one person.

There are bread, eggs, and ham.

The survivor couldn't believe it.

If it were left in the past, the food in his hand would have belonged to them for at least three days, and it hadn't been so good.

Ham sausage and braised eggs are simply something they can't even think of.

There are many survivors who have the same thoughts as this person, and they have all received their own food. Not everyone is the same, but the weight is definitely the same.

"Good person!" an old man sighed.

"If there is such food every day, even if I let me do a day's work, I would be willing."

"They are really different from the lone wolves and others, at least we will not get nothing from our labor."

Some people can't wait to eat, but they shed tears while eating.

When the lone wolves saw this scene, their hearts were bleeding.

These are their food! According to Wei Xiao and the others, even if Wei Xiao and the others can continue to control the place after Wei Xiao and the others are gone, but the food is gone, what is the use of them staying here?

"Brother Wolf, the situation seems to be different from what we imagined!" A little brother became worried.

"It's okay, just one meal. We collected enough food. These bastards, please make them happy first. After Wei Xiao and the others are gone, I want them to take their lives to find everything they eat." Lone Wolf He said viciously, and at the same time the bread in his hand was like an enemy he was biting, chewing, and swallowing.

Because they were leaving, Wei Xiao and the others did not stay in the base.

Those who come outside have their own circle.

The warriors were all eating their own food, and he and Phantom weren't special, the same as Yi Jianfeng and the others.


At this time, a dirty little girl from the team of survivors ran towards Wei Xiao.

Before she got close to Wei Xiao, she was stopped by warriors.

"Master!" The soldier looked at Wei Xiao bitterly.

The main reason was that the person he stopped was too young, and the other party was obviously scared to tears by him, and he didn't know how to deal with it.

Wei Xiao glanced.

"Let her come over!"

The soldier was relieved and allowed the little girl to pass.

The little girl gave the soldier a frightened look, and then ran to Wei Xiao.

"Uncle, thank you, thank you for giving Tiantian and Dad food, and giving Tiantian the medicine for treatment, thank you uncle." The little girl was very afraid of life, and came to Wei Xiao to thank him in a tender, intermittent tone.

The girl is only five or six years old, and the baby's white and tender skin can be seen on her dirty face.

Her big watery eyes seemed to be able to speak, and no matter how much dirt she got on her body, she couldn't stop her being cute and beautiful.

Such a little girl, if there is no end of the world, she should have a very good family.

Tian Tian didn't dare to look at Wei Xiao again, lowered his head, fearful in his eyes.

For adults, Wei Xiao has always followed his heart. Regardless of acquaintances or strangers, he will not deliberately hide his emotions, but in the face of children, this domineering man reveals Yi Jianfeng that they have never been in Wei Xiao. The side seen.

Wei Xiao stood up from his seat, walked slowly to Tiantian and squatted down.

"Children, did you say this yourself or was someone taught you?" Wei Xiao's tone was gentle and friendly.

The little girl glanced at the survivors secretly, and then whispered: "It's Dad! Dad let Tiantian say it."

"Then your father?"


Tiantian turned and shouted to the survivor.

Old Tang hurriedly stood up. He didn't hear the conversation between the big and the small. He thought that his arrogance had annoyed Wei Xiao, and ran towards Wei Xiao and the others in one step and two steps.

However, he had no chance to get close to Wei Xiao, and was directly stopped by the soldier before.

The guilt in his heart to stop the little girl is very strong, but it is nothing for adults.

Without the Lord's order, the Heavenly King Lao Tzu would not want to pass from him to disturb the Lord's meal.

"First, sir, I just want to thank you. I don’t mean anything else. If the child ran into you, don’t embarrass her and kill me to bear it? Please don’t hurt the child. She is still young, no sensible."

It is said that men have tears and do not flick them lightly.

But at this moment, Old Tang, whose whole heart was placed on Tiantian, was apologizing to Wei Xiao, while tears were streaming down his eyes.

This is a good father.

"Dad...uuuu...Dad, to go home, I'm looking for mom..." The little girl saw Lao Tang weeping and started crying.

Perhaps it was because Old Tang had taught her something, she obviously wanted to run to Old Tang, but stood still and did not dare to move.

Wei Xiao suddenly felt evil.

Once frightened Jiang Xiyu, now, he tried to make himself kind, but he still made the little girl cry.


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