Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1180: Wei Huyou is online again

"Hahaha...haha...ridiculous, it's ridiculous."

The Empress of the Earth smiled angrily.

"Queen, please let the child punish this human being who doesn't know the height of the world."

"Child, please."

"The child is also willing to kill this arrogant man for the mother emperor."

The corpses all around jumped out, shouting one by one to kill Wei Xiao and hurry up.

The Queen of Earth stopped laughing.

He waved his hand to signal the corpse below to be safe and restless.

Looking at Wei Xiao, she already had a killing intent in her eyes, and said coldly: "Your name is Wei Xiao, right?"

Wei Xiao did not respond.

This is nonsense, he has already reported himself.

The Queen of the Earth didn't care, and continued: "You are very courageous, and you have a courage that Lin Xiao did not have. The emperor admits that from you, the emperor does feel a dangerous aura, but..."

At this point, the tone and expression of the Empress of the Earth had changed.

"However, you must be self-aware. With a few words of yours, you want the emperor to agree to establish a new cooperative relationship with you, and the cooperation established at the expense of the emperor's people, why do you think the emperor will promise you? And... …"

"Don't forget that this is the emperor's base camp. You despise the emperor and the power of the emperor's corpse clan so much. Are you not afraid that the emperor will let you people not get out of this cave?"

"Swish swish..."

The other party's voice fell. At this time, outside the cave, not only a few corpses came in, but also a lot of dirt corpses.

There seems to be a tendency to encircle and kill Wei Xiao and the others.


Seeing such a battle, when did Ai Luoer, who had faced so many top zombies, be frightened.

The whole person hurriedly took Mu Wuqing's arm and approached her for comfort.

Mu Wuqing patted the back of her hand lightly, beckoning her not to be afraid.

As for the others, they didn't panic at all in the face of corpse clan battles.

Wei Xiao had a cold face.

"I really don't want to do this. If you can solve the problem easily, who wants to leave an unhappy psychological shadow on each other? But there is no way. Since you are confident in your own strength, there is nothing to say. Xiaoying, Wu Qing, let the Queen of Earth see why I have such confidence?"

"Yes, husband (master)!"

When Wei Xiao let go, the Phantom and the others never hesitated.

Regardless of the phantom. Mu Wuqing, or Bai Youwei who later chased their growth, gathered a layer of energy armor on their bodies for the first time.

At the same time, around them, one person was covered with a layer of thunder, one person was full of flames, and another person, forty-eight emperor cutting flying knives suspended in the air, and the power of the three people, suppressed the surrounding corpses and level four with absolute aura The zombies made their eyes show agitation.

Before the Phantom and the others released their abilities, even if the Earth Corpse Emperor could feel a slight threat from them, it was not very obvious, but at this moment, the full strength of them, the aura that diffuses towards the surroundings, even if it is the Earth Queen, Feel a trace of fear.

Is this misleading?

The Queen of the Earth, who only felt the crisis from Wei Xiao, thought that Wei Xiao alone would be a little harder to deal with, but she did not expect that three of the four women who came with Wei Xiao actually threatened her safety. Strength.

This caused the Empress of the Earth to completely lose her peace.

"You, how can you have such a strong strength?"


The Empress of the Earth just opened her mouth, and Wei Xiao, who was standing still, suddenly flashed past.

"There are still many things you don't know. Now, do you think what I just said is convincing?"


The Empress of the Earth sat up in shock when she sensed something.

"Sit down, sit down, don't accidentally hit me on the edge of the knife, will you let me explain that?"

"Mother Queen?"

"Damn, human, do you dare to offend the mother emperor?"

When Wei Xiao's voice sounded again, his figure had already appeared on the side of the throne where the Empress of the Earth was.

The Emperor Sword in his hand lay on the opponent's shoulder at some point.

When the Empress of the Earth was about to get up in shock, Wei Xiao pushed her back again, allowing her possessed body to continue to sit back in position.

To put it bluntly, at this time, as long as Wei Xiao is willing, the female corpse possessed by the Queen of the Earth can be separated at any time.

The Empress of the Earth was furious.

"If it were not for the limitation of this corpse, you would not be so easy to appear next to the emperor."


Quite arrogant.

"Naturally, just a body of a corpse, how can you display all the strength of your dignified corpse? I never thought about what to do to you, just show you my strength and let you know how I command you People. Now, I don’t know if the Queen has changed my view?"

"Do you think the emperor will succumb to the goal achieved through threats?"


Wei Xiao laughed loudly.

Without even thinking about it, he withdrew the Emperor Devouring Sword, and at the same time allowed Bai Youwei and the others to reduce their abilities.

It seems that what happened just now has never happened.

Wei Xiao suddenly said to the Earth Corpse Emperor in earnest: "It's just that, naturally you can't let you hand over the command of the Corpse Clan to me, but if I say, as long as you listen to my command, I can let you swallow it directly. Only the second-level corpse emperor evolves to a higher level, so, would you still refuse?"


The face of the Queen of the Earth changed.

Turning to look at Wei Xiao.

"What do you mean?"

"literal meaning."

The two sides looked at each other for a moment, and the Empress of the Earth first diverted her eyes.

After calming down her inner anger, the Empress of Earth took a deep breath and said: "Why does this emperor trust you? You have shown strength enough to threaten this emperor. It really allows you to get rid of the external corpse emperor, and this emperor can still have Good end?"

To be a sensible person, well, it should be said that it is a zombie with a clear head.

I thought of it all.

Wei Xiao seemed to have anticipated that the Queen of the Earth would take this into consideration, and said clearly: "If there is only one corpse emperor on the non-emirate continent, then your worries are not wrong at all, solve the external corpse emperor, I I won't let you go either."

"But as the corpse emperor, you should be able to perceive the existence of a corpse emperor that is stronger than the outer corpse emperor who has invaded the West Pole now. If I use you to kill the donkey once, In the future, I will encounter a more powerful Corpse Emperor invading, what should I do against them?"


The Emperor Earth Corpse frowned, his face filled with puzzlement.

Wei Xiao continued: "Although we don't want to admit it, we have to face the reality. The number of human races is simply not enough to compete with the corpse race, and the growth cycle of newborns is too long. You can destroy our human race if you consume it."

"At that time, even if there are still a small number of strong human races survived, the name of the human race has survived in name. Therefore, we need your army. As long as you have a mother's corpse under your command, you can bring the dead corpse back. New zombies reproduced from the mother's corpse lair."

"To me, you are an inexhaustible arsenal. Until the threats on the non-emirate continent are not completely resolved, I will not do anything to you. If I lie to you, once you stop Cooperating with me, the biggest loss will only be our human race. Do you think I will do this behavior of killing chickens and getting eggs?"

After listening to Wei Xiao's explanation, the face of the Queen of the Earth twitched badly.

This bastard, do you want to be so blunt?

It is simply a blatant threat and temptation to yourself.

But the Queen of the Earth knows the pros and cons.

To put it bluntly, Wei Xiao is using her, and there is still a murderous intent towards her, but this murderous intent will only wait until she has no use value.

Similarly, although she was used, the benefits gained from it were also considerable.

Imagine that Wei Xiao used her troops to continuously destroy the foreign corpse emperor forces that invaded the West Pole, and then constantly took the corpses of those middle and high-level corpse emperors for her to swallow. Will her growth slow in the future?

Rather than being used by Wei Xiao, it is better to regard it as mutual benefit.

As for Wei Xiao's final lore?

She is not stupid. After she has evolved to a certain level, do she need to be afraid of Wei Xiao?

If you use this opportunity to directly advance to the Supreme Zombie, with the horror of the Zombie Supreme, it is not always certain who kills who will be.

It can be said that this is a life and death gamble.

Both sides have the ability to kill. In the end, who will become the biggest winner depends on who can walk in the forefront and who has better acting skills.


That was the supreme pursuit of every corpse emperor, and it was also the temptation that the corpse emperor could not resist.

Once this desire is seduced and amplified infinitely, it will be addictive, and it will make the corpse emperor unable to extricate himself.

The so-called wealth and wealth are in demand.

Yes, the Queen of the Earth was moved.

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