Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1181: Big sister? who can that be?

The Queen of the Earth has no reason to refuse.

On the one hand, it is one's own safety.

There is no longer a corpse emperor below the second level on the non-emirate continent, and those who come from there are at least a second-level corpse emperor.

Because of this, the situation of the Queen of the Earth is very embarrassing.

As long as she is perceived by the other corpse emperor, the other corpse emperor will find a way to swallow her.

After all, the risk of picking soft persimmons to swallow is far greater than the competition between corpse emperors at the same level.

Even if she joins forces with the human race in the West Polar Region to repel this attack on the Outer Corpse Emperor, what about next time? The next time she confronts her corpse emperor, will she be able to stop it?

On the other hand, it is the issue of promotion.

Around her, there is no corpse emperor of the same level to let her plan to deal with the corpse emperor of the second level, she is undoubtedly looking for death.

The Queen of the Earth wanted to stand out in the cruel advancement of the corpse race, and now she can only join forces with a powerful force as a helper, otherwise, what is waiting for her is chronic death.

Therefore, now that Wei Xiao and the others are powerful, their cooperation is absolutely profitable and harmless to her.

However, although she understands the opportunities that exist, Wei Xiao's current attitude is not what she wants to see. If she agrees to the alliance with Wei Xiao in this way, wouldn't it make others feel that she is afraid of Wei Xiao's threat.

How can this imperial corpse boss succumb to the **** of mankind?

It is impossible.

After all, you have to give the emperor a step down.

After thinking about this, the Empress of the Earth said calmly: "It makes sense. With the help of the emperor’s army, plus your strength, there is really no problem with dealing with the second-level corpse emperor, but you believe that the emperor will definitely do it. Help you? Couldn't this emperor choose to sacrifice himself for the future of the corpse clan?"

"Hahaha... if you really had this consciousness, you wouldn't have thought of joining forces with the human forces in the Western Polar Land to fight against the forces of the outer corpse emperor."

Empress of the Earth: "That is because the emperor knew that your human race did not have the strength to threaten the overall interests of the corpse race. But your appearance made the emperor start to feel jealous."

Wei Xiao: "Why? You are not the first corpse king to cooperate with me. They still choose to cooperate with me after knowing my purpose. Apart from their self-confidence, it is not a selfish behavior. Selfishness, you and I both need each other, isn't cooperation a win-win situation?"

The Queen of the Earth frowned upon hearing this.

"You seem to know our corpse emperor very well?"

"That won't be enough, but I understand a truth. Ants can still survive, let alone you higher beings? Since there is a chance to evolve towards a higher level, who is willing to give up?"

Speaking of this, Wei Xiaoxie smiled and looked at the corpse emperor of the earth: "What do you think?"

The eyes of both sides met each other.

After a while.

"You won. Well, the emperor promised to cooperate with you."

After wasting a lot of tongue, Wei Xiao finally achieved his goal.

Wei Xiao smiled triumphantly.

"A wise move. But in addition to what I said before, after we cooperate, you still need to do one thing for me." Wei Xiao said.

Empress of the Earth.

"What else do you have?"


Finally, I don't know what Wei Xiao and the Queen of the Earth said, and the two sides quickly reached an agreement.

It was almost evening when Wei Xiao and the others left the Corpse Emperor's Cave.

On the way to leave the imperial nest.

"Brother-in-law, you are so amazing, that is the corpse king! If it weren't for personal experience, I can't believe that the corpse king can talk so easily." Walk out alive in the emperor cave.

Not only that.

Before, Wei Xiao and the others did not communicate with the Queen of the Earth in a low voice.

Wei Xiao suppressed the opponent the whole time.

But even so, in her imagination, the corpse emperor, who should be extremely cruel and murderous, actually agreed to a new cooperative relationship between the two parties under that situation.

Such a result, before meeting Wei Xiao and the others, Ai Luoer couldn't even think of it.

Or, she never thought that one day she could see an existence like the corpse emperor.

Looking at Ai Luoer with some lingering fears on his face, Mu Wuqing smiled and said: "The corpse emperor is actually not as scary as you think. They have no less human intelligence. As long as you are strong enough, they will be scared. Later, you will have more contact. , You will get used to it."


Ellor nodded vigorously.

Bai Youwei: "Husband, shall we go directly to the heroine city or return to Longwei City?"

Wei Xiao, who was walking ahead, looked at the distant sky.

"Go to the women's main city." After saying that, Wei Xiao looked at the third of the gods list. "How much do you know about the women's main city?"

Three to four: "Basically everything that should be understood is understood."

"Tell me."

Three Yaoyao nodded four times, and said: "Speaking of Women's City, then we have to say that its owner is a legendary figure."

"The leader of the heroine city does not have a specific name. Everyone calls her'elder sister'. It is said that before the outbreak of the end times, she was not from the western polar region, but from the direction of Minghai..."

"Wait, the heroine city leader you are talking about is not a woman, right?" Bai Youwei asked in surprise when she interrupted her.


"It's true, how did she do it?"

Three Yaoyao shook his head four times: "Master Youwei, you are embarrassed by your subordinates, and these subordinates don't know."

"Is that so?"

Bai Youwei was a little disappointed and pouted.

Three and one four continued the topic just now: "This big sister is indeed worthy of admiration. At the beginning of the end of the world, the West Pole is a very chaotic place. Because of the reasons on the non-Emirati continent, the West Pole is merged. All kinds of people, especially those from the non-Emirate continent. They rely on their numbers to occupy a place in the Western Polar Region in a very short period of time."

"At that time, there were not many decent forces in the West Pole. The most powerful Longwei City. In addition to guarding their own base, they completely ignored external affairs. This led to the survival of Longxia in the West Pole. Many people are enslaved and tortured by races of other colors."

"This phenomenon changed after the arrival of the eldest sister. It was she who ended the life of the Longxia people in the West Polar Region being enslaved by foreigners. The superior aristocrat of the imperial foreigners. The Longxia people in the entire Western Polar region, except those living in Longwei City, all respect the elder sister. In terms of influence, Lin Xiao is less than one-third of the elder sister..."

After listening to what they said, Mu Wuqing and the others couldn't help but become curious about the mysterious "big sister".

A person who ended the chaos in the West Pole and reached the top step by step, such a person, it is not an exaggeration to say that she is a legend.

Mu Wuqing and the others can be said to be strange women in the last days.

Now it is not an exaggeration to find a strong woman who is not worse than them, and even worse than them, will be attracted by them.

But compared to them, there was one person present wrinkled his head.

Who else would this person be if he wasn't Wei Xiao?

After listening to the description of the eldest sister, Wei Xiao always felt a little familiar.

Big sister? From Minghai City?

Wei Xiao felt that he should know each other, but he couldn't remember it for a while.


Wei Xiao muttered.

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