Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1184: Troublesome level

The West Pole was invaded by the corpse emperor forces of the non-emirate continent.

For a long time, many people have wondered whether the top bases in Longxia Land will send people to support them?

There are different opinions on whether to send troops or not.

In addition, as the leaders of several major forces, they have never revealed their intention to support the West Pole. This has caused many people to be less optimistic.

But now, it is very likely that the Phoenix Lord has already come to the West Pole, and the information revealed in it is worthy of recollection.

Does Phoenix intend to support the Western Polar Regions?

The main city of women.

It is also the main command center of the frontline battlefield.

Here, representatives of non-governmental organizations gathered, and some elites from Women City and Longwei City, as well as representatives of the Earth Corpse Emperor, also stopped here.

Most of the orders for the mobilization of troops on the coalition battlefield came from here.

Except for the general direction, it needs to be issued through the Longwei City headquarters in the rear, and the details of the processing are all implemented by the headquarters set up by the women's main city.

As the main command center of the frontline battlefield, the defense of the main heroine city is naturally extremely strict.

After entering the land of a hundred miles in the main heroine city, there are more hurdles on the road.

There are many checkpoints on almost every road leading to the main female city.

In addition to the necessary fortifications, there are also a large number of patrol personnel wandering around in the wild.

Their role is mainly to prevent the enemy Corpse Emperor forces from approaching the heroine's main city by digging underground passages.

These moving patrol personnel will carefully observe the surrounding terrain wherever they go, and use precision instruments to conduct rigorous detection of the ground.

After confirming that there is no abnormality underground, they will move on to the next place.

The task of ground detection is carried out every day.

The work carried out by tens of thousands of people, although I dare not say that it can 100% prevent the enemy's corpse emperor's sneak attack, but to a large extent, it has reduced the threat that the heroine city will face.

Wei Xiao and the others drove all the way and encountered a lot of interrogation.

Every time they pass a checkpoint, the fortified armed personnel will interrogate them to a certain extent.

Mainly ask about their identity and source.

The purpose of this is to prevent people from the enemy Corpse Emperor’s forces from entering the rear of the coalition forces and destroying them.

It is not the first time that people raped the rear of the coalition forces. Although the impact was not fatal, it also caused huge troubles to the coalition forces.

Confronting the enemy Corpse Emperor forces is like walking on thin ice. If you don't take strict precautions, if there is any irreversible result, the consequences will be disastrous.

Therefore, it is understandable that the coalition attaches so much importance to the investigation of the identities of outsiders.

If it were Wei Xiao and the others heading to the heroine's main city alone, there would be some trouble on the way.

Fortunately, Xiaoya, who led them, knew about the situation of the coalition forces. Therefore, the interrogators on the road came over and the fortifications asked them their questions. Not only did Wei Xiao and the others respond calmly, even if they wanted to verify what they said, they also had a little Ya speaks enough not to make people doubt it.

"This is the first level we have passed?"

Wei Xiao and the others just came out of a level at this moment.

In the beginning, Wei Xiao recognized the cautiousness of the coalition forces and readily accepted the other side's cross-examination.

The number of cross-examinations has increased, and even if Wei Xiao approves of the other party's method of preventing spies from entering the main city, he still feels a little upset now.

Bai Youwei: "The ninth one."

Xiaoya, who was following them, said: "We are still more than fifty miles away from the main heroine city, and there are at least seven levels ahead."

"It's too slow. I was left to waste a few hours every time I went to a place. I don't know how long it will be until we get to the heroine city to see the big sister. I have no patience to continue playing this kind of boring stuff with each other. Games." Wei Xiao said, looking at the mountains beside the avenue, "We bypassed the barriers on the road and walked directly on the unusual road."

"Unable adults." Xiaoya stopped her voice.

"Why?" Wei Xiao frowned.

Xiaoya smiled bitterly: "My lord, people outside who want to enter the main city can only enter the main city by obtaining the identity certificates issued by each checkpoint. Otherwise, bypass the previous checkpoint and approach the main city. We found out, and we couldn’t produce relevant certificates. We were lucky, but we were sent back at most. We were bad luck. Those who found us had every right to kill us on the spot."

"How can they do this?" Bai Youwei asked in shock.

"This is no way. The heroine city can be said to be the central nervous system of the coalition forces. It can't tolerate the slightest sloppy. Because the human spies of the corpse king's forces have caused a lot of influence in the city, the current high-level coalition forces are all holding I would rather kill a thousand by mistake than miss the idea of ​​one."

"People on the coalition side know this attitude of the top, so as long as they are not fools, they will not ask themselves to be boring."

Mu Wuqing: "Would it be troublesome for you civil organizations to join the coalition army?"

Xiaoya shook her head: "That won't be enough. As long as we don't go to the main base city, the coalition basically doesn't care about us."


Bai Youwei looked at Wei Xiao.

If Wei Xiao insists on taking an unusual road to the Women's City, it is very likely to cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

They are not afraid, but unpleasant things happen before they meet the "big sister". How does this make others feel?

Bullying or deceiving people?

Wei Xiao squinted.

"Unexpectedly, it would be so troublesome to see the eldest sister of this heroine city. According to the current situation, even if we go to the heroine city, we may not be able to see each other?"

Xiaoya nodded: "Now the coalition forces are fighting against the enemy's corpse clan forces. If it is not for important people or important news, it is basically difficult for outsiders to see the women's city elder sister. As the commander of the West Pole Alliance unanimously recognized, the woman The protection power around Sister Cheng can be said to be the best among all people, and Lin Xiao in Longwei City is inferior."

"Okay, I get it. Get in the car and let's go to the next level."

"Don't take the unusual road?" Mu Wuqing looked at Wei Xiao in surprise.

It seemed that Wei Xiao's transformation made her feel a little strange.

When did my husband become so obedient? This is not his style.

Wei Xiao rode on the motorcycle with a wicked smile on his face.

"The road is naturally an ordinary one, but I don't know if the next thing to do is an ordinary thing. Come up."

"Oh oh!"

It feels that Wei Xiao is going to do something.

Bai Youwei hesitated for a moment, and then repeatedly responded, and then sat down in a seat behind Wei Xiao.

Mu Wuqing and the others did not neglect, and returned to the locomotive one after another.

When Xiaoya was about to get in the car, Wei Xiao stopped her.

"Send us here! The road behind is no longer suitable for you."

Xiao Ya was stunned.

"My lord, let me leave now?"

"Well, you are free."

Wei Xiao didn't say much, the engine car, under Xiaoya's gaze, drove away.

Mu Wuqing and the others followed.

Unexpectedly, Wei Xiao would really throw himself here like this.

When being "coerced" by Wei Xiao, Xiaoya was still a little uncomfortable and even disgusted, but now, when people really don't need her, Xiaoya feels extremely uncomfortable.

There seems to be a feeling of being underestimated.

Sure enough, men are unreliable. They kick them when they use them up. Who is this?

After sighing, Xiaoya looked at the checkpoint not far away, and finally shook her head and walked towards the checkpoint again.

Wuguan Bridge.

A place that straddles a moat.

An 800-meter-long bridge was erected between the huge gaps.

At both ends of the bridge, there are also checkpoints set up by the coalition forces.

The heavily armed personnel above move around from time to time, and the armed forces guarding here are no less than 1,000.


Wei Xiao and the others came here.

They were already very familiar with the scene before them, except for Wei Xiao, the helplessness in the eyes of the others flashed by.

"Husband, this time without Xiaoya, I don't know if we can pass this place smoothly?" Bai Youwei sighed.

Wei Xiao said coldly: "Have I said that I will answer their questions this time?"

"Huh?" Bai Youwei's beautiful big eyes suddenly opened.

Here, my husband really wants to do something.

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