Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1185: Shot is Wang Fried

"The first few, please register here."

The armed personnel who set up the card point at the bridge spotted Wei Xiao and the others, and one of them waved to them.

"Do you want to go there?"

Mu Wuqing brought Phantom and Ai Luoer to Wei Xiao's side and asked jokingly.

Wei Xiao parked the locomotive.

"There is no need to be so troublesome. You Wei, it's up to you."

Bai Youwei: "What should I do?"

"First control all the weapons on them, including all weapons and equipment within the range of your perception."


Bai Youwei smiled brightly, then left Wei Xiao and the others, and walked towards the armed soldiers at the stuck point.

"Come here all."

The armed soldier on the opposite side found that only Bai Youwei was approaching, with a serious expression on his face, and then shouted again.

Bai Youwei: "Brothers, I'm sorry, my husband doesn't want to play games with you anymore, so I can only wrong you temporarily. Rest assured, as long as you obediently cooperate with us, we will never hurt you!"

"What did you say?"


Bai Youwei smiled.

She stood still, and raised her small hands slightly.

"Don't move!"

Seeing Bai Youwei's unusual behavior, armed men who hadn't taken them seriously before suddenly became vigilant.

The warning sounded, and suddenly, some of the armed men on the bridge head pointed their guns at them.

"Your weapons and equipment are temporarily in my custody." Bai Youwei said, and at the same time, the supernatural ability was activated.

A burst of invisible energy spread to the bridge ahead like a gust of wind.

With Bai Youwei's unfolding two hands folded, at this moment, a terrifying suction was acting on all the armed personnel.

"My gun—"

"not good……"

All the armed personnel were too late to react. Under the influence of the huge suction, the weapons in their hands and bodies broke away from their bodies and flew out into the air.

The sudden scene dazzled the armed soldiers on the bridge.

The uncontrollable weapons left the body, and soon, in their headspace, a large number of floating weapons turned their muzzles one after another, aiming at the people below them in unison.

"what happened?"

"Are these weapons refined?"

"No, they seem to be controlled by someone."

Some fighters didn't know what was going on. They were scared when they saw their own weapons that they automatically opened the insurance and aimed at them.

And the armed soldiers who witnessed Bai Youwei maneuvering all of this, their figure was pointed at the muzzle in darkness, and each instinctively raised his hands.

"Who are you?"

The scene in front of him was too shocking. Faced with countless gunpoints, the armed soldiers guarding the bridgehead stared at Wei Xiao and the others in shock.

"Don't be afraid, little brothers, I have nothing wrong with it, but you should not act rashly! Otherwise, if I fail to control the weapon in the air due to the fright, I will die."

Looking at Bai Youwei, who is harmless to humans and animals, but also exceptionally beautiful, cold sweat involuntarily flowed down the foreheads of many soldiers.

"You, what are you doing?"

Wei Xiao and the others came from behind at this time.

Facing a group of armed soldiers who were frightened and angry, Wei Xiao said coldly: "Congratulations, everyone in this stuck point will become my prisoner from now on. Before the person I want to see appears, please You guys keep cooperating, otherwise, I don’t mind having a slapstick."


"You, are you rape?"


Wei Xiao was irritated by the words of an armed soldier.


The dignified phoenix master will one day be raped as a man?

Is it so bad for me?

Or do I look like a rape?

"What's the matter, what happened here?"

Suddenly, a questioning voice came to Wei Xiao and the others.

As the voice sounded, a group of people came to Wei Xiao's side not long after.

The leader was a mature man, about 1.7 meters tall, and a dozen doomsday fighters by his side, the battle was not small.

"team leader?"

"Captain, are you here?"

The armed soldiers who raised their hands to surrender saw the people coming and made their voices.

The captain nodded with a solemn face, stepped to the front of the card point, and finally set his eyes on Wei Xiao and the others.

Just looking at it for a moment, the captain seemed to have understood something.

"You did these?" the captain asked, pointing to the air.

Wei Xiao's face sank slightly when he heard the words.

The other party is not at all polite.

Can't he see the current situation?

Wei Xiao didn't want to talk nonsense with the other party, and asked directly: "Are you the principal here?"

The captain was startled, but he still nodded: "Yes, I am the person in charge of this level."

"Yes, it's fine. Now you can go and inform the high level of your base, which means that the leader of the Haishi Phoenix Base, Wei Xiao, is here to visit, hoping to meet the leader of the Women's City."

"Huh? Are you the leader of the Phoenix Base?" Hearing Wei Xiao's words, the captain was shocked.

In addition to him, everyone around him also showed surprise.

Phoenix Lord?

To them, it was a legendary figure.

Fight against the heroes, kill the corpse emperor, sweep the whole world, and shock all directions.

Since his debut, all the battles he has led, whether against people or against zombies, have not failed, and they can be called the existence of a **** of war.

Although there is no intersection with the other party, who doesn't worship such a strong man and such a chaotic overlord?

But they didn't expect that the young and overly man in front of them was actually the rumored Phoenix Lord. How could they not be unbelievable?

"You can upload it as I say. Don't worry, I will only take over here temporarily. I won't embarrass you when your senior executives give a reply."

The captain hesitated.

"Captain, the current situation is not something we can solve. How about reporting to the main city as he said?" A Miri soldier whispered in the captain's ear.

The captain looked at the floating guns, and Wei Xiao and the others with an indifferent expression. After a moment of silence, he nodded.

"You go to the station now to let people contact the main city and explain the situation to the main city. We are here to guard against any accidents."


A doomsday soldier took the order and turned and left.

When the subordinates who were going to report the situation left, the captain said: "I have sent someone to inform the main city. I believe there will be news soon."

"Thank you."

"Well, Chief Wei, since we have figured out the situation, do you think you should return the weapons in the air first?" the captain asked.

Wei Xiao asked Bai Youwei to control these weapons just because he didn't want to waste time.

The deterrent effect that should be played now is obvious, and the other party does not believe in his identity at all. It is indeed unreasonable to continue to use other people's weapons at the other party.

"Youwei, return the weapon to them."


Bai Youwei did not want to continue to control these weapons.

Thousands of weapons and equipment are controlled by her alone, and she consumes the supernatural abilities in her body at all times, and she does not have so many supernatural abilities to maintain.

Now hearing Wei Xiao's words, Bai Youwei was happy, without hesitation, controlling the ability to send the weapons and equipment in the air into the hands of the armed fighters.

Taking back their own weapons, the soldiers at both ends of the Wuguan Bridge were still very surprised.

"This is the rumored ability, right?" the captain asked curiously.

Bai Youwei blinked at him.

"Yes, do you want to own it?"

Looking at Bai Youwei, who was eccentric and harmless to humans and animals, to be honest, the captain and the soldiers around him were deeply attracted by her appearance and liveliness.

Before, everyone hadn't paid much attention to the women around Wei Xiao.

After all, they were pointed at by their own weapons at the time, and they didn't know if their lives could be saved, and they didn't want to appreciate the perfection of the girls.

But now that the crisis is lifted, the misunderstanding is temporarily clarified, how many armed personnel who have relaxed a part of their mentality, and look at the beautiful women who are not like human beings, they are indescribably surprised and obsessed.

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