Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1186: Upcoming meeting

The captain dared not keep his eyes on Bai Youwei for too long.

He was also considered a hard-hearted person, he didn't even glance at Bai Youwei, a heart that didn't know how long he was calm actually beats.

The captain was afraid that bad thoughts would breed if he watched it further, so he moved away decisively.

Now, for Wei Xiao and their identities, the captain has a little more confidence in them.

Among the current human forces, the only powers with supernatural powers are Wolf City and Phoenix. Since Wei Xiao and the others possess supernatural powers, it can also prove that what Wei Xiao said before was not just talking.

Controlling abilities, at least half of their identities may be related to the Phoenix.

"Several people, it will take some time for the news to go back and forth. If you can trust us, why don't you come to our station and rest first?" The captain said, and actively invited the five people to the station opposite the bridge to wait for the main city's reply.

Wei Xiao had nothing to trust or disbelief.

With their strength, as long as they are not bombarded with taboo weapons, Wei Xiao and the others are sufficient to deal with any crisis, as long as they are not bombarded by taboo weapons.

"Then it will work."

Without refusal, Wei Xiao agreed.

The captain did not hesitate, and directly took Wei Xiao and the others to the station.

On the way to the station, the team leader couldn't help asking Wei Xiao after learning part of the purpose of Wei Xiao's trip from Mu Wuqing and the others.

"Since Chief Wei came to our eldest sister to discuss alliance matters, with your status, as long as you tell us your identity, I don't think anyone dares to stop you. Why did you make that scene? It almost made us misunderstand that we are the enemy. The spies of Emperor Fang Corpse came to attack the camp?"

Wei Xiao: "I said I am the master of the Phoenix Base, do you believe Wei Xiao?"


"You see, even you know the result yourself. What is the use of my self-reporting house? Instead of wasting your tongue, it is better to frighten you first, and then explain your identities. In this way, even if you still doubt, you have to go up. In reporting the situation, the most important thing is that you can hear what I said at that time, right?"

Facing Wei Xiao's explanation, the captain suddenly found himself speechless to refute.

What you said makes sense, if it weren't for things to happen to me, I believe you are evil!

It didn't take long.

Wei Xiao and the others came to the other side of the Wuguan Bridge.

At this checkpoint, the camp where the armed personnel live is on the side of a big mountain opposite the bridge, less than 500 meters from the bridge head.

More than 1,000 armed personnel are stationed here. The camp is equipped with four tanks, two helicopter gunships, and several mortars. The firepower is good.

That is why Bai Youwei extended the control of the power to them from the beginning, otherwise, with the firepower of this camp, they would not necessarily give in to Wei Xiao and the others so easily.

But now it's unnecessary to say that, because the captain basically believes Wei Xiao and the others.

The captain did not dare to neglect Wei Xiao and the others' hospitality.

While waiting for news from the main city, the captain personally accompany him, and at the same time explained the situation of the current frontline battlefield to Wei Xiao and the others.

It's all news that can be known by inquiring.

The only information that needs some insiders to know, and only the use of taboo weapons.

Taboo weapons can be said to be the strongest means for the two major base cities in the Western Polar Region to deal with zombies and deter other forces.

But for the time being, the air dominance above the West Pole is controlled by the heavenly corpses. Whether the taboo weapons are transported by planes or guided by missile launchers, there are lightning-fast celestial corpses that are difficult to touch the ground. Let alone an effective blow to the zombies on the ground.

In other words, there is basically no use for taboo weapons today.

However, the coalition forces do not intend to use taboo weapons, but these weapons have changed from active to passive.

Now the West Pole is still in control of the base cities in the hands of humans. Many of them have one or two forbidden weapons installed. Once these forbidden weapons are placed in the base cities, they will be detonated regularly before they leave or die. , It can be regarded as a way to die with the corpse clan.

This is also no alternative.

Don’t want to consume a part of the enemy’s corpse clan’s vitality before dying. Once the enemy’s zombies occupy a new base city, not to mention that the captured people will turn to each other. It’s just the human corpses in that city. No one knows it will. How many new companions to bring to the enemy zombies.

The coalition's idea is very simple. It does not seek to drastically reduce the viable power of the enemy's zombies, but it absolutely cannot increase their number.

Since the people in the enemy-occupied area cannot escape, it is better to be completely destroyed.

In this way, it will neither increase the number of enemy zombies nor cause unnecessary trouble for the coalition forces.

It's cruel, but the coalition forces have to do it.

You can't "capture the enemy", right?

At about three o'clock in the afternoon, someone from the heroine city finally came over.

They directly dispatched two armed helicopters to the Wuguan Bridge station.

In order to confirm whether the visitor is the owner of the Phoenix, the plane also carried two Phoenix personnel responsible for the transaction of genetic medicine with the two major forces in the Western Polar Region.

As soon as the two sides met, the people from the Phoenix Base looked very excited after seeing Wei Xiao and them.

"Really Lord?"

"You can't go wrong, there are also a few hostesses."

"The subordinate Red Oriole (Bao Daquan) has seen the lord and three mistresses."

The people in charge of the trade in the West Polar Region are Hongying and Bao Daquan.

They were naturally familiar with Wei Xiao.

Seeing the faces of a few people, they went straight up to say hello.

The high-level leaders of the main city who had followed them saw this. At this moment, there was no longer a trace of doubt about Wei Xiao and their identities.

The two parties exchanged greetings and did not talk much.

After the main city manager explained that the eldest sister had already set up a banquet in the city lord's mansion and waited for Wei Xiao and the others to pass, Wei Xiao and the others boarded the helicopter and went to the main city on the same day.


On the airfield inside the main female city.

At this time, the main managers and leaders in the base city were already here waiting for Wei Xiao and the others to arrive.

Before, when they heard that the leader of the Phoenix Base personally appeared in the territory of Women's City, many people immediately thought of unreliability.

Where is the Western Polar Region today?

That is a dangerous zone of wars. It can be said that in the sphere of influence of the women's city, it may be attacked by enemy zombies at any time.

As a vital soul figure of the Phoenix, Wei Xiao dared to venture into the Western Polar region with only four women in such an environment. Isn't he worried about his own safety at all?

To take a step back, even if Wei Xiao relies on the daring of the art experts to not fear the threat of zombies in the outer regions of the West Pole, but the other senior officials of the Phoenix base will let it go?

The so-called gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall.

Given the importance of Wei Xiao to the Phoenix, even if there is only a one-thousandth threat, it is impossible for the high-level Phoenix to allow their master to go crazy.

At least, the protective force around him is definitely not less than the four women in the intelligence.

Because of this, they would be suspicious when they heard the news that the Lord of Phoenix appeared on the Wuguan Bridge with only four women.

However, the people on the Wuguan Bridge have repeatedly emphasized that the people who came to them claim to be the Lord of the Phoenix, and even though they are skeptical, they dare not neglect.

After all, that is the leader of the Phoenix, the first power in Longxia, and this identity alone is worthy of the attention of important members of the heroine city.

Fortunately, the heroine city happens to have a high-level guest from the Phoenix base. Since the other party claims to be the master of the Phoenix, let the high-level Phoenix personally verify the truth.

Really, needless to say, the current actions of the top women in the city speak for themselves.

If it's fake, it's easier.

Not to mention that the heroine city will not let the other party go, even the high level of Phoenix, in order to maintain the face of the Lord, will never lightly pretend to be Wei Xiao's counterfeit goods.

"It's not far from here to Wuguan Bridge. Ms. Hongying and the others should almost be back, right?"

"It should be soon."

Many people in the crowd were talking about it.

They have been curious about the mysterious Lord Phoenix for a long time.

They hope that the news from the Wuguan Bridge is true, so that they will soon be "mythical" phoenix masters, and they will also have the honor to see the honor.

"Sister, do you think the news from the Wuguan Bridge is true?" A subordinate asked a woman with a mask next to her.

A woman can't see her face clearly, but her deep eyes are very attractive.

The figure is also extremely hot.

The unique aura of a royal sister, the queen temperament that is contaminated by being in a high position, even if it is just a stop in the crowd, it has attracted much attention.

"I hope it's true."

There is no need to answer, but the enchanting Yu Jie's voice makes people's bones crisp.

"Da da da……"

Just as the elder sister's voice fell, the sound of the helicopter's engine came from a distance.


Seeing the two armed helicopters appearing in the sky, everyone's eyes looked over at the same time.

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