Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1199: Don't worry, I know

Above the city wall.

Except for the soldiers who carried the corpses outside, the other defenders basically sat and rested on the ground.

"Eldest Sister..."

"General Xia (General Winter)..."

A group of people passed by these soldiers, and the soldiers shouted.

"Thank you, brothers have worked hard."

"General, we don't work hard, as long as we can stop the zombies, we won't be afraid of hard work."

"Take a good rest, there will be more cruel battles waiting for us."

"Sister, are they supernaturalists?"

"Yeah! They are all supernatural beings, and there is good news to tell you that the Phoenix has sent troops to support the West Pole. It won’t be long before we are no longer fighting alone, and we will have more reinforcements to join us. Come to the team resisting the forces of the enemy Corpse Emperor."

"Great. As long as there are reinforcements, even if we die on this wall, we will never let a zombie overturn the line of defense."


The eldest sisters continued to comfort the soldiers resting on both sides along the way.

Occasionally, they will be given some confidence-enhancing news.

For example, the support of the Phoenix.

Hearing that reinforcements were rushing to the West Pole, some of the soldiers who had been gaunt and gaunt suddenly regained their energy.

From their eyes, the eldest sister and others saw hope and the dawn.

The most taboo thing about war is to let people lose sight of the hope of victory.

Once there is hope, even those who have been fighting for days and nights without rest will have enough energy to support the day when victory comes.

Undoubtedly, the support of other forces has injected a powerful tranquilizer into these fighters who are struggling on the line of life and death, so that they are no longer confused.

Wei Xiao and the others also noticed the expressions of these soldiers.

They are all good children of Long Xia.

Facing tens of millions of zombies, they still dare to fight, dare to fight, knowing that they may die, but they don’t hesitate to rush to this perseverance and courage, they are all worthy of respect.

"They are really good." Mu Wuqing sighed.

Wei Xiaolang said: "I have experienced too much, and I am used to it. Since the end of the world, there are very few people in this world who will be afraid of zombies. They are all caused by life and death battles. He is the real elite teacher of Human Race."

"Husband, how do you compare them to our fighters?" Bai Youwei asked.

Wei Xiao glanced at the soldiers on both sides.

Although he doesn't want to hit people, he will not lie without conscience.

"Compared with ordinary people, they are indeed good enough, but compared with the heroes of the Phoenix, apart from courage, their gap is not only a star or a half. It is not only a matter of strength, but also the soul of a strong army. In my eyes, they are at best the courage of reckless men."

"Military soul? Does that kind of thing exist?" Ai Luoer looked confused.

Mu Wuqing answered her this question.

"Naturally exists. Before the end of the world, it is a belief, a belief carved into the bones. After the end of the world, I don't know about other forces, but the Phoenix, the invincible and invincible record has become their glory to guard, for this Glory, they are willing to go forward bravely and forget their lives."

"Because brother-in-law led them never to lose, so they firmly believe that the final victory must belong to them?"

"Hehe..." Mu Wuqing gently stroked Ai Luoer's small forehead, "Yes, as long as their masters can't stand down, they will be invincible. This is where the Phoenix Army's soul lies."

"Chief Wei, we have almost checked the city defense. It is estimated that the enemy zombies will not come again tonight. Big sister asked me to ask you, do you want to rest?" Xia Zhu came to Wei Xiao and the others and asked.

"No, just take care of yourself."

"That..." Xia Zhu looked at Bai Youwei and Mu Wuqing.

During the day, the two of them were very tired.

Bai Youwei chuckled: "Xia Zhu, we don’t have to worry about it. As long as we have a full meal, we don’t have a rest for days and nights. I don’t know when, if you don’t have energy, how can you direct the battle?"

Bai Youwei said everything to this point, and Xia Zhu didn't insist anymore.

"Well, if you want to rest, you can find a female soldier around and they will take you to a place to rest."


Xia Zhu didn't say more, turned and left.

Wei Xiao and the others continued to stay on the wall.

Five people spent this night, and the enemy zombies never attacked.

A new day will come soon.

The members of the Allied Shadowless Guard spread out to the outside of the city wall again, ready to transmit the news of the enemy's zombie attack back to the defense line as soon as possible.

After a night of rest, the eldest sisters came to the wall with great energy.

After greeting Wei Xiao and the others, the group began to get busy.

The transportation of various weapons and ammunition, the storage of food on the city wall, and the redeployment and planning of the city defense were all carried out in an orderly manner under the command of the elder sister.

From time to noon.

The Shadowless Guard members who were spying on the enemy in the front are back.

"Sister, General, the second wave of enemy zombies' attack is here."

"Boom boom boom..."

The attack of the enemy zombies is coming.

Before the group of corpses appeared, alarm bells sounded on the front that stretched for dozens of miles.

The busy soldiers immediately put down their work and returned to their posts with weapons to prepare for the battle.

"I was careless yesterday, and the ability was used in the wrong direction. Today, I must let the enemy zombies know how powerful Bai Youwei is."

Before the battle started, Bai Youwei began to "play a lot of talk" again.

I don't know who it was yesterday. I didn't make any achievements and became an object that needs protection from others. Is it possible to come again today?

"You Wei, pay attention, you wasted your supernatural powers like you did yesterday. If you didn't know that you were my sister, I would suspect that you were bought by the other party and deliberately put water on the battlefield." Mu Wuqing said mercilessly Bai Youwei said.

Bai Youwei's pink cheeks are bulging, and her cheeks are bulging, like a cute little hamster.

"Today is different, so be optimistic about it! I must make the enemy zombies attacking our side regret choosing the wrong opponent."

"I always feel that your words are not credible. What do you think, husband?"

Wei Xiao scratched Bai Youwei's little nose fondly.

"With me, you can rest assured to fight."

This is Bai Youwei and their men, who can be their most trustworthy and strong backing at any time.



Standing on the wall, listening to the low and messy roar and the shaking of the mountains and forests in the distance, Wei Xiao and the others could foresee the horror of the second attack on the enemy's corpse on the defensive position.

After the figure of the sky-grabber in the distant sky appeared first, everything on the defending side was also ready.


The eye-catching corpse climbed from the back of the mountain to the top of the mountain with a loud roar that shook the mountain. Then, behind the mountain, a group of corpses like tide water poured over the mountain, like a big wave washing the sand and running. The shaking sensation caused the earth to tremble.

"Ready to fight--"

An emotional Bai Youwei saw the enemy zombies rushing towards the city wall and jumped directly onto the stone pier above the city wall.

"It's time to show a wave of real technology."

Mu Wuqing had a bad feeling.

"Youwei, don't mess around."

"Okay, Sister Wu Qing, I know it in my heart."


Do you know it in mind?

I don't think you have 13 numbers at all in your heart.

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