Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1200: Not the same



"Boom boom boom..."

"Da da da……"

This time the enemy zombies' attack did not encounter a minefield, and the two sides were confronted completely head-on.

The battle started.

Just one face, in the tide-like corpse group, cannonballs bloomed everywhere.

The battle line tens of miles long, in a flash, the number of casualties of the enemy's corpse group is likely to exceed tens of thousands.

"Look at my Optimus Pillar."

Bai Youwei, who was on the top of the city wall, also started her performance at this time.

There are no accidents.

Bai Youwei fully releases her metal manipulation ability.

The metal material remaining on the battlefield yesterday quickly condensed into a huge column of one hundred meters long.

Seeing this scene, Mu Wuqing covered his face.

"I knew it would be like this. Xiaoying, after a while you look at this silly woman who is not a big man."


The Phantom has nothing to say, but its attitude is firm.

Wei Xiao looked at Bai Youwei interestingly.

He believed that his woman would not make the same mistake.

Since she is still using similar moves as yesterday, she must have some thoughts, so she doesn't interrupt Bai Youwei to continue to consume abilities.

As a result, Bai Youwei did not disappoint Wei Xiao either.

The huge metal pillar was formed. This time Bai Youwei did not throw it into the sky, but directly let it hit the enemy zombies that were already 500 meters away from the city wall.


With a loud noise, the huge metal pillar fell into the group of corpses.

"Roll me up."

Bai Youwei shouted.

The huge metal pillar weighing hundreds of tons began to roll in one direction among the corpses.

The rapidly rotating metal pillar pressed a large piece.

In just a few minutes, thousands of corpses were so dense that they could not see the underground mud, and thousands of them lost their combat effectiveness.

But because of the tenacious vitality of the zombies, except for the corpse slaves, the third-level zombies are basically not directly crushed, but it is certain that they have broken hands and feet.

The giant metal column is still rolling.

Wherever he went, all zombies on the ground were crushed crazily by them.

The zombies lying on the ground wailing after being crushed by the huge metal pillar made the guards on the city wall dumbfounded.

The ability can still be used like this?

"This..." Mu Wuqing did not expect that Bai Youwei's condensed metal pillar would attack the zombies in this way.

But you have to say that Bai Youwei's trick is really easy to use.

Compared with the supernatural powers needed to control the giant metal column in the air, this method of rolling it on the ground is not too easy.

"Hahaha... Sister Wu Qing, did you see it? I didn't disappoint you this time? Just now, I have lost tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of zombies." Bai Youwei couldn't wait to turn around and return to face. Mu Wuqing showed off.

Mu Wuqing admitted that she really underestimated this Seventh Sister.

Before, she was worried that she would use supernatural powers indiscriminately, but now, Mu Wuqing was relieved.

"I have ideas, but my elder sister will not be surpassed by you. This time, let the enemy zombies know how terrifying the abilities are in combat." Mu Wuqing was completely relieved, and glanced at the Phantom.

The two people who often act together and train together can be said to have a clear mind.

There was no need for too many hints. After understanding their eyes, they flashed past Wei Xiao directly.

The figure walked along the 20-meter-high city wall directly to the bottom of the city wall.

"Wu Qing (Xiaoying)..."

The eldest sisters who were directing the battle on the side saw this scene, and a heart was instantly raised in their throats.

How did Mu Wuqing and the Phantom jump under the city wall?

The eldest sister hurriedly looked at Wei Xiao, hoping to see some clues on Wei Xiao's face.

However, Wei Xiao seemed indifferent to all this.

"Isn't he worried about the safety of the two? Or is it that these two actions were in his expectation?"

The eldest sister frowned.

I didn't care about shooting the zombies below, and looked at Mu Wuqing and the others.

Under the city wall.

"Xiaoying, we can't lose to You Wei."

Phantom nodded: "Sister Wu Qing, be careful yourself."

Mu Wuqing smiled confidently.

The energy armor instantly covered the entire body.

"Look at my raging prairie fire."

With the protection formed and safety guaranteed, Mu Wuqing put his hands on the ground.

Suddenly, starting with the place where her figure was, the ground in front of her was cracking and bleeding black cracks like spider silk.


Beneath the crack, blood black flames sprang out, turning into hundreds of fiery snakes and spreading the fire of a prairie prairie towards the enemy zombies in front.


Covered by the fire snake, among the corpses, a large number of zombies swallowed by flames wailed, and a sea of ​​flames instantly burned thousands of zombies.

The phantom on the other side is not to be outdone.

The energy armor covered the whole body, and then turned into purple lightning and rushed into a place with dense zombies.


The earth trembled for a while, and under the gaze of many people on the city wall, a large number of zombies were trapped in a thunder field covering hundreds of meters, which resembled an energy shield.

The thunder flickered, and the purple electricity bombarded.

With just one blow, the zombies surrounded by the Phantom Thunder Realm were all turned into ashes under the bombardment of the terrifying purple lightning in the realm.

A place is cleaned up, and the Phantom immediately releases the energy of the domain.

The purple arc of light spreads in all directions like a wave.

Wherever the energy light wave went, the zombies twitched, wailed in their mouths, and fell completely on the ground.


The sky-grabbers in the sky noticed this scene, and a large part of them roared and swooped down towards the Phantom and Mu Wuqing.

"Die to me!"

Mu Wuqing was the first to do it.

Both hands stretched out in front of her, and from under her feet, the flames continued to expand like a blooming lotus.

When the flame lotus petals stretched for a hundred meters, they suddenly collapsed into the air. Before the flying skimmers could touch Mu Wuqing's figure, they were surrounded by the flame lotus petals and turned to ashes in the blink of an eye.

The Phantom is the same.

Purple lightning is scattered all over the person.

The purple sky and earth nets visible to the naked eye spread out towards the sky and underground.

All the zombies within 500 meters of her figure, mainly close to this area, were cut by the purple grid, and the corpses fell to the ground in fragments.

The eldest sisters witnessed this scene, and they have a new understanding of the power of the supernatural being.

Yesterday the three people basically threw their abilities into the corpse group as magic. The visual effects were very good, and the lethality was obvious. However, compared with the two people who released the abilities in the battle, their actions yesterday seemed a little inadequate. road,

The eldest sisters really didn't expect that the power displayed by the supernatural beings who really entered the battle would be so terrible.

The offensive methods that can't be compared before and after have completely different visual impact on the eldest sisters.

"This is the real strength of the superpowers, right?"

Witnessing the power of the Phantoms, many people forget to shoot in a short time.

But it is an instant matter.

When the people on the wall came back to their senses, they were excited, excited, and hopelessly crazy.


"Fuck, there are such strong people around us, what zombies are we afraid of? Brothers, beat me, beat me fiercely, there are abilities, no matter how many zombies come, we are not afraid."

"Damn, they've all done this. My big masters can't weaken their aura by saying anything. Come on! Beasts, all come to pick up your grandfather's bullets."

Everyone became excited under the lead of Mu Wuqing and the others.

That kind of madness, that kind of blood, as if it would be contagious, led all the defenders to die toward the corpse army crazy output.

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