Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1201: Bai Youwei's highlight moment

Below the city wall.

Mu Wuqing and the Phantom rushed through the group of corpses like two sharp swords.

The unstoppable figure felt that the entire battlefield was going to be pierced by them.

The real horror of the supernatural beings is vividly manifested in them at this moment.

The grown-up superpowers, let alone the human level four fighters, are difficult to match. Even if they are zombies, there is no opponent that can restrict their steps. What about the tide of tens of millions of corpses?

You who killed the same thing turned on their backs and had nothing to resist.

Bai Youwei is here.

She has a "soft spot" for that giant metal pillar. She doesn't need to use much extra power. She only needs to control the giant metal pillar to roll, crush it all the way to her control limit and go back and forth, seriously hurting the metal pillar. The number of zombies dropped is not 100,000 or 80,000, which is simply a nightmare for zombies.

Wei Xiaochu stared at the performance of the three women with the biting sword.

The calm face was very relieved.

My own women have grown up.

In the future, even without him by the women's side, the women will have enough strength to deal with everything.


The three women's invincible posture was quickly noticed by the corpse.

The tall and long-ranged Cyclops were the first to attack Bai Youwei and the others.

The three one-eyed giant corpses released their abilities at the same time, and the petrified rays flew out, and the sharp white light swept past the locations of Mu Wuqing, Phantom, and Bai Youwei like a laser beam.

The first two easily avoided by relying on the terrifying speed of movement. Only Bai Youwei, too late to dodge, could only free up a hand to gather a metal passport to protect herself.

"Those who disturb people's interests, watch me kill you."

With the interference of the Cyclops, it is impossible for Bai Youwei to want to play with a stick happily.

Somewhat reluctantly, she looked at the huge metal pillar that was crisscrossing all directions on the battlefield and there was no corpse. She saw her other hand spread out with five fingers, and then suddenly joined.

Immediately, the huge metal pillars decomposed, turning into a rain of metal arrows and falling towards the corpse group below.

"Puff puff……"

Metal arrows with terrifying penetrating power swept through the corpses like a violent storm.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of zombies died tragically under the shooting of a rain of metal arrows.


This is not over yet.

The metal arrow rain that shot the zombies decomposed again, turning into small grains of sand and converging into a river.

"Husband, escort!"

Bai Youwei was not polite, calling Wei Xiao, and stepping out, immediately there was a metal object to build a foothold for her.

Step by step towards the battlefield below, the whole person is like a fairy descending to the earth, the beauty is breathtaking.

Wei Xiao knew what Bai Youwei was going to do, and did not hesitate.

The Emperor Devouring Sword came out of its sheath, and also stepped on the metal substance that appeared in the air to guard Bai Youwei's side.


The corpse appeared.

There are four in total.

The sky corpse flying at an invincible supersonic speed rushed down, and the wind blades that cut the space swept towards Bai Youwei's figure.

"Clang clang..."

As a guardian, how could Wei Xiao let the corpse hurt Bai Youwei?

The moving figure that was faster than the wind blade continued to flicker around Bai Youwei, and the frantically brandished Emperor Devouring Knife blocked all the wind blades that swept Bai Youwei's figure.

Bai Youwei quickly fell to the ground.

As he approached the one-eyed giant corpse, a golden river spread around her.

"Ho ho..."

As she walked around, the tiny golden sand particles eroded the entire group of corpses like all-pervasive water.

Many zombies with extremely strong external defenses but extremely fragile inside their bodies were disintegrated from their bodies by metal particles.

For the sky corpses, Bai Youwei really didn't have much to do with them, unless he worked hard with them at all costs, otherwise, it would be difficult for Bai Youwei to attack them with the speed of the sky corpses, but the zombies on the ground were different.

I don't know when I found Bai Youwei with such attacking moves. The whole person is like a metal emperor, carrying a real metal ocean, and submerging all the zombies in the land touched by the ability under the golden metal river.

The number of corpses that she has wiped out at this moment alone exceeds one hundred thousand.

"This, this is the same young Wei from yesterday?"

Mu Wuqing quickly noticed the situation on Bai Youwei's side.

Seeing Bai Youwei, who was escorted by Wei Xiao and swept through the corpses with a metal storm, she suddenly realized that Bai Youwei was far more powerful than her in terms of her ability to kill on the battlefield.

There is still a huge gap between elemental abilities and physical abilities in many places.

We can't say which of them is strong or weak, only that each kind of ability has its own advantages and disadvantages.

A physical ability like Bai Youwei that controls a real object does not require the ability to transform into an attack form. It is completely possible to draw materials from the spot and change the shape of the control object at will, which greatly reduces her consumption of abilities.

As for the Phantoms, if they want to materialize the elemental form and produce scale, they will consume a part of their abilities just to transform the elemental image.

If you want the materialized abilities to have an effective attack, you have to consume more abilities, and the gains outweigh the losses.

They are only suitable for frontal combat, not limited to the form of abilities, as long as they maintain a strong power.

The Phantom, who was killing the zombies, also noticed Bai Youwei's side, frowning involuntarily.

"You Wei is messing up again."

"Did you find something?" Mu Wuqing asked worriedly when he merged with Phantom.

Phantom nodded.

While flashing to avoid the attack of the zombies, he continued to kill the surrounding zombies.

"She decomposes all metal materials into fine sand grains. That is to say, to mobilize metal particles of unknown geometry, she needs to attach supernatural powers to each metal sand grain."

"Metal grains of sand are consuming her abilities all the time, and she will soon be unable to hold on."

Mu Wuqing was taken aback, then looked at Bai Youwei.

"It's no wonder that she wants her husband to **** her, not only to prevent the corpse's sneak attack, but also to let her husband take her away safely after she is relieved."

At the moment when the two women were talking, Bai Youwei had already begun to work on the cyclops.

Countless grains of sand rushed to the cyclops like running water.

Although he controls the petrification ability, as long as Bai Youwei can control things with metal substances, a large number of sand particles are like ant colony chewing elephants, gradually wrapping them along the feet of the cyclops.

Endless grains of metal sand enter the body of the Cyclops, and then turn into sharp blades to cut it from the inside.


The wailing and training one-eyed giant corpse fell over in struggle, and walked into death in pain.

The three one-eyed giant corpses were silent for a while.

"Husband, I, I have no strength."

It was Bai Youwei's limit to kill three giant one-eyed corpses. Her abilities were almost exhausted, and her figure showed signs of falling.

Wei Xiao blocked Bai Youwei's body while blocking the attack from the heavenly corpse.

"You know it's messing up." Wei Xiao blamed.

Bai Youwei smiled brightly, and took the initiative to hold Wei Xiao's neck with both hands.

"With a husband, I am not afraid of messing around."


Looking at her, Wei Xiao felt distressed and helpless.

But Bai Youwei's trust in him is a lie to say that Wei Xiao is not moved.

Bai Youwei completely entrusted her life and death to him.

How could Wei Xiao let down such a woman who completely trusted her?

"Let's go back!"

Without saying more, Wei Xiao picked up Bai Youwei's body, dodged to avoid the attack from the sky, and then galloped towards the city wall.

"Xiaoying, give me a place to stay."

As Wei Xiao shouted, the phantom with extraordinary ear power accurately captured Wei Xiao's voice on the noisy battlefield.

Without a love for war, she left the battlefield in an instant, with electricity and magnetism in her hands, set off a lot of sand particles scattered on the ground without Bai Youwei's control, forming a spaced stream linking the city wall and the ground in front of Wei Xiao moving.


The speed was so fast that Wei Xiao, who could not be exaggerated, stepped on the suspended particles and came to the eldest sister and the others in a blink of an eye.

"Brother-in-law, how is Sister Youwei?" Ai Luoer, who was with the eldest sister and them, hurried up and asked with concern.

"It's okay, it's just getting off." Wei Xiao looked at the elder sister, "Help me take care of her, and prepare some food to replenish her strength."

The eldest sister will naturally not refuse.

Taking Bai Youwei from Wei Xiao's hands, she immediately sent her to prepare.

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