Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1207: Terran has grown up

Jin did not entangle the question of the name, and answered truthfully: "I’m here to report to Master Wei Xiao, this time we brought a total of 13.21 million zombies. Among them, there are more than 7 million corpse slaves and 370 third-level zombies on the ground. More than 10,000, more than 60,000 fourth-level zombies, and the rest are skimmers."

Wei Xiao frowned: "Why are there so many corpse slaves?"

"Is there any problem, sir?" Yin asked.

"It's a waste. You should be aware of the power of the corpse slaves. In the face of high-level zombies, their combat power is limited. If you encounter a heavy armored zombie, it is basically a life-death existence. How could the Queen of the Earth think about breeding so Tasteless corpse slave?"

Jin explained: "Sir, it takes time to breed advanced zombies."

"It takes enough time for a third-level zombie to be born to have combat effectiveness. It takes a thousand corpse slaves to form combat effectiveness. The number of coalition forces is too much different from the number of other corpse tribes. If all the limited time is used to breed For high-level zombies, the strength of the coalition defense line will be insufficient."

Yin went on to say: "The mother corpse only breeds high-level zombies. In terms of time and number, it is far behind the consumption on the battlefield. Only with a corpse slave can it barely block the army of the corpse emperor."

It turns out that there is also this reason.

This was something Wei Xiao hadn't expected before.

It seems that if the problem of the number of coalition forces is not resolved, it will be impossible for the Queen of the Earth to follow the elite route.

Thinking of the number of coalition forces, Wei Xiao couldn't help but conceive the phoenix of a hundred warriors.

All second-level fighters, everyone is equipped with defensive battle suits and doomsday blades (weapons made of zombie bones above the second level). If phoenix fighters are stationed on the southern line of defense, let alone the support of the Queen of the Earth, even if not, Phoenix also has enough confidence to face the tens of millions of corpse emperor forces.

"Count the days, the heroes should be there in a few days, right?" Wei Xiao couldn't help but miss Chen heroes and others.

"My lord..." Jin couldn't help calling out when Wei Xiao was distracted.

"Oh..." Wei Xiao returned to his senses, "Ahem...I know what you said. Since it is to defend against the enemy Corpse Emperor forces, there is nothing to say. However, when the follow-up Human Race reinforcements arrive, you will inform you. The Empress of the Earth screamed. From now on, the Zombie Troops of the Earth System will try their best to follow the elite route. This is related to the plan behind me."


The Empress of the Earth has handed over the command and mobilization power of the Earth-based zombie army to Wei Xiao. Regarding Wei Xiao's proposal, Gold and Silver will naturally take it seriously.

"That's it. If there is nothing else, go and work on your own now! Knowing that you still need to transport the corpses back to your territory, I won't delay you anymore."

The docking with Wei Xiao has also been completed, and Jin and Silver will no longer stay.

After bidding farewell to Wei Xiao and Lin Xiao, the five corpses retreated.

Looking at their figures, Wei Xiao seemed to have a feeling of "seeing things and thinking about corpses".

They are the same man and woman, so obedient, how similar are they?

It's bad, their final ending is the same.

Ugh! What a real zombie, why are they not human?

"Brother Wei, even though we knew where you were going when you left Longwei City that day, brother really did not expect that you really convinced the Empress. That corpse emperor is not very easy to talk, how did you get her to have sex? The right to send troops?" Lin Xiao asked curiously in front of Wei Xiao at this time.

Not only him, but Jiang Wei and Mozang are also curious.

Wei Xiao smiled indifferently.

"As long as your strength is recognized by the other party, it is not difficult to do this step."

"The strength is recognized?" Lin Xiao was a little confused.

"What kind of strength do you want?" Mozou couldn't help asking.

Looking at this uniquely dressed, indifferent and somewhat arrogant person in front of him, Wei Xiaoxie smiled charmingly.

"The strength to be able to kill a first-level corpse emperor alone."


Hearing Wei Xiao's answer, the Demon Cang was stunned.

Lin Xiao and Jiang Wei were also astonished for a moment, then stared at Wei Xiao and the others dumbfounded.

The strength to be able to kill a corpse emperor alone?

Could it be that Wei Xiao and the others...

The three of them didn't dare to think about the next thing.

But from their eyes, it is not difficult to see that they were really surprised by Wei Xiao's words.

"Okay, the next wave of the enemy Corpse King's attack will come, I don't know when, General Lin, should you look at the layout of the city defense? Don't miss anything because of carelessness. When the time comes, the battle will be played. The impact is not small."

Lin Xiao returned to his senses.

"Brother Wei said, then we won't talk much. When the war is over, brother will personally invite him to drink a few drinks."

"It's easy to say."

Lin Xiao and the others nodded, then bid farewell to Wei Xiao and they retreated.

"Husband, count the time, the military division is almost there, what are your plans next?"

Wei Xiao turned and walked to the edge of the city wall, staring straight ahead.

"Now the combat strength of the coalition forces is still not up to my requirements. Just on the spot defense seems to be difficult. If we leave the city wall, even if we win, the coalition forces' casualties are not what we can bear."

"Although they are not my soldiers, but for the sake of the overall situation, I can't let them die in vain. Now let's hold on until our people arrive. When the Phoenix Army arrives, give the Queen of Earth a period of time to hoard the number of Level 3 zombies. , We counterattacked the enemy’s corpse emperor’s territory.

"Proactively attack? Will the risk be too great?" Bai Youwei worried.

Wei Xiao smiled confidently: "How did you feel about your strength when you became a second-level fighter?"

I don't know why Wei Xiao asked, Mu Wuqing and the others thought about it and said the truth.

"After I become a second-level fighter, if I am not afraid of zombies being scratched, I will kill a third-level zombies like a pig or dog. Unless I run out of energy, otherwise, I am not afraid of the third level..."

Just halfway through what Mu Wuqing said, his face suddenly looked at Wei Xiao in surprise.

"Did you think about it? Yes, don't forget, our people, the weakest now are the second-class fighters. Coupled with the guarding battle clothes to protect the vulnerable parts, the current army of phoenixes is like a group of Well-equipped warriors deal with a group of unarmed and defenseless desperadoes."

"Two million against tens of millions. It seems that the number of enemies far exceeds ours. However, when there is a huge gap in equipment between the two sides, the difference in numbers becomes insignificant."

"What's more, we still have the Queen of the Earth's troops. Wouldn't it be a waste to hold on to one side with such strength?"

After listening to Wei Xiao's explanation, Mu Wuqing and Bai Youwei were immediately convinced.

Mu Wuqing: "It's because we thought too far ahead. No, it should be that as our strength continues to improve, we should start from our own perspective when looking at problems. If it were not for my husband to remind me, I would have forgotten that today's phoenixes are two. Grade fighter."

"It's good to get used to it. From now on, the Citizens will be second-level fighters, and it's okay to be able to go to the battlefield for all the third-level fighters."

"Just don't know how long it will be for the military divisions?" When Bai Youwei was said by Wei Xiao, she couldn't help but look forward to it.

"It should be soon."

Wei Xiao looked into the distance, looking forward to the arrival of Chen Haojie and the others.

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