Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1208: I think you guys want to fart

That afternoon.

The enemy corpses, which took a few hours at night than the second wave of attack, still came.

This time, no enemy corpses appeared on the battlefield. Those who attacked the southern line of defense were all top-level zombies (level four) and third-level and second-level zombies.

The number is more than the second time.

According to their perception of gold and silver, the third wave of the enemy's zombie attack had at least 30 million troops.

The super zombies were not dispatched, but they used the quantity to make up for it. This was a good method.

Perhaps the enemy Corpse Emperor knew of Wei Xiao's existence through observations on the battlefield, so he didn't want his corpse to go to the battlefield to die in vain.

However, although no super zombies appeared, the third wave of enemy zombies' attack still showed a point that was not easy to deal with.

That is the **** force.

The treacherous troops appeared during the first wave of offensive, but after being almost wiped out by Bai Youwei's own power, the second wave of offensive did not come again, but this time, they not only dispatched a large number of troops, but at the same time, Tanks, planes, artillery and rocket vehicles were dispatched.

The African Emirate is a land contended by hundreds of countries. The countries on it don't have many cutting-edge high-tech weapons, but there are countless conventional warfare weapons.

Before the end of the world, relying on God to enjoy food and eat, their natural resources are extremely rich.

It is their normal state to obtain wealth by exporting resources and then buy weapons from countries.

Because of this, the non-Chief Continent fell and the corpse clan ruled over it. Almost every survivor's base has the shadow of the corpse emperor behind the non-Chief mainland people who have survived.

Similarly, the weapons they control have also become a powerful means for the corpse emperor behind to fight abroad.

This time, the enemy corpse emperor sent these people out of the "regular army", and within a short period of time, they really caught Wei Xiao and Lin Xiao by surprise.

Although Bai Youwei can control metal, there is an upper limit after all. With thousands of tanks and various heavy artillery appearing on the battlefield, the number that Bai Youwei can control is also limited.

What's more, when the artillery popped up on the battlefield, Bai Youwei had no time to be distracted just by intercepting these guys, let alone breaking through the blockade of the enemy zombies on the battlefield, and attacking the enemy's artillery camp in the rear.

"Damn, these hateful rapes, if they use these firepower to deal with the corpses, don't know how much pressure can be relieved for our defenders?"

Under the bombardment of the enemy's **** and artillery, the defenders suffered a lot of casualties.

But there is a battlefield formed by zombies on both sides. If you can't break through this front, it will be difficult for the defenders to cause a fatal blow to the firepower of the rape.

Relying on the two sides to fight head-on, even if the defender is stronger than the other in personal ability, the loss is not much smaller than the casualties caused by the enemy's zombies.

Wei Xiao's face was sullen.

"There is nothing to be angry about. People are under the eaves and have to bow their heads. They are all for their lives. Since they have made their own choices, stop treating them as human beings and just eliminate them."

"I'm just furious."

Lin Xiao looked like he hated iron but not steel.

Bai Youwei: "Husband, should we attack the rear position?"

When she spoke, Mu Wuqing seemed to think of something, and his eyes lit up.

"Maybe it's really feasible."

"Does Mrs. Wu Qing have a way to solve the artillery camp behind the rape?" Lin Xiao asked excitedly.

Mu Wuqing nodded: "Husband, you see that we have invisible suits. It's better to let You Wei and I sneak into the camp behind the rape. We don't need to kill the enemy, just destroy their equipment. With You Wei's ability , Close to the opponent's position, isn't that doing whatever you want?"

"Sister Wu Qing is the same as I thought. Husband, let's go!"

"One by one wants to fart."


Wei Xiao unceremoniously slapped the two women.

Directly let their plan die.

Looking at the stunned two daughters, Wei Xiao said coldly: "Is the enemy behind you where you can go? I really thought that if you have an invisible battle suit, you can sit back and relax? Don't forget, the corpses can feel the existence of strange auras. . If that second-level corpse emperor has any ability to see through your disguise, how will you come back once the figure is exposed?"


"Don't think about these unrealistic things for me, stay on the frontal battlefield with peace of mind. War will always accompany death. It is enough to hold the southern line of defense. If you have any ideas, wait until the arrival of reinforcements from other human forces."

After Wei Xiao's reprimand, Bai Youwei and Mu Wuqing didn't dare to say any more.

It was terrible for her husband to get angry.

Nobody's face is given.

Two peerless beauties who were still in high spirits a second ago were drunk by Wei Xiao and suddenly became good girls.

If they hadn't witnessed their performance on the battlefield with their own eyes yesterday, who would have thought that these two shy and pitiful peerless beauties would be superpowers that could easily kill millions of zombies?

I have to say that Wei Xiao's imperial wife is really good.

Worthy of being a great devil, really a role model for my generation.

"Haha!" Lin Xiao knew that Wei Xiao would not let Mu Wuqing and the others to carry out the extremely bad cause of the rear damage. A dry laugh was considered to have broken the embarrassment on the scene. , But it’s still far from the safety of the two younger siblings."

"The group of people raped us sooner or later, we can clean them up, there is no need to let the two younger siblings take risks."

Lin Xiao said so, in fact, in his heart, he really hoped that Wei Xiao would let the two daughters go.

If the sacrifice of two people can be exchanged for the destruction of the treacherous firepower camp, let alone outsiders, even if it is Lin Xiao's wife and daughter, he will not hesitate to let them execute it.

But when it was replaced by Wei Xiao, Lin Xiao didn't dare to say that.

Whether the West Pole can win the final victory in this war, it will soon depend on Wei Xiao. Lin Xiao is unlikely to lose too much because of a small loss, and he is unwilling to hate Wei Xiao.

This is not his character either.

Of course, if his wife and children or he had this ability, he would definitely not hesitate.

To make everyone with a small family, he did it.

Bai Youwei's proposal was not successfully implemented, and the situation of the battle could not be changed.

In a strong offensive, both sides can be said to have their losses.

However, this situation was quickly broken.

Around eight o'clock in the evening.

The eldest sisters woke up and returned to the battlefield.

Similarly, following them, there are the latest intelligence brought by other lines of defense.

"Eldest sister, General Lin, the east is in a hurry."

Suddenly someone from the east came to them, and the faces of the eldest sister and others couldn't help but change.

"East? What happened to the east?"

The soldiers who came to report on the situation did not hesitate and said quickly: "A large number of **** troops and an army of 20 million enemy zombies appeared in the east direction around 3 o'clock this afternoon. Although General Dugu responded in time, it was because of the huge disparity in military strength. , Now it’s in jeopardy."

Lin Xiao said in shock: "How is this possible? The east direction has always been a weak point of the enemy's zombies' attack. How could they suddenly increase their forces there?"

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