Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1209: When Bai Youwei has a bright brain

"I don't know, but it is a fact that the enemy's zombie forces suddenly increased their troops. General Dugu hopes that the elder sister can send reinforcements as soon as possible. Otherwise, they can only hold on for two days at most, which is the night after tomorrow. If there is no reinforcement in the east, the fall will become inevitable. ."

"Damn it. The south is attacking, and the east is also increasing its strength. Is the enemy Corpse Sovereign really that strong?"

In Lin Xiao's anxiety, the eldest sister hurriedly asked, "What is happening in the southeast?"

"Everything is normal in the southeast, and the enemy zombie forces on the attacking side show no signs of increasing troops."

Hearing the soldier's report, everyone present frowned.

To defend against enemy zombies, the southeast and the south can be said to be the two most stressful directions.

Because of these two directions, it is the main route from the non-emirate continent to the western polar land, but it is east.

The line of defense over there has deviated from the main route of the non-emirate continent into the western polar land.

If the enemy zombies want to enter the West Pole from that line of defense, they have to detour a long way.

Because of this, there are rarely encounters with enemy zombies that exceed the strength of the defenders. Many times the eldest sisters even thought about reducing the number of defenders there.

But this time, the enemy zombies obviously no longer play cards according to their routines.

There is no increase in troops in the southeast direction near the south, but instead a heavy attack on the east side. What does the enemy Corpse King think?

"Tune the tiger away from the mountain, the sound hits the west." Bai Youwei said suddenly.

Everyone looked at her.

"What did you think of?" Wei Xiao asked.

Bai Youwei said with a serious face: "Isn't this obvious? The enemy zombies are unable to start the situation in the south, and continue to stand in a stalemate. In the end, they are doomed and continue to return to the scene of the previous small fight, but this time the opponent is obviously Resolute."

"Do you think, how is the enemy's zombies attacking the south now?"

Xia Zhu: "It is naturally fierce. Since the friendly zombies were wiped out a few days ago, the enemy Corpse Emperor's attacks on the south have become fiercer."

"That's right. The enemy Corpse Sovereign continues to maintain an absolute offensive to the south, and now let another force attack the east. She just wants to move the tiger away from the mountain, and it is clear."

Bai Youwei breathed a sigh of relief and continued: "It is obviously too late for us to let the Queen of the Earth transfer troops from the territory to support the east. Where do the reinforcements to support the east come from? Isn't it the south of us? But once the south is transferred part of the defense How can the army resist the ferocious attack of the enemy zombies outside?"

"If you don't mobilize a part of the south defenders to support, the east will not be able to defend. This is completely a dilemma. Either way, one party is destined to be unable to defend."

"Can't we mobilize the defenders in the southeast?" Ailor said suddenly.

Bai Youwei smiled bitterly: "The southeast is indeed possible, but who can guarantee that if there is a change in the southeast defender, the enemy Corpse King will immediately increase its troops? If they still plan to attack the west, they will target the southeast from the beginning. , Isn't our transfer right in the arms of the enemy?"

With Bai Youwei's words, everyone present trembled in their hearts.

Tune the tiger away from the mountain and slam the sound away?

If it was as Bai Youwei thought, no matter what kind of result, it would be extremely unfavorable to them.

Already trying to understand the horror of it, the eldest sister and the others couldn't help but feel anxious for a while.

Sister: "The east must support, that's for sure. If that side falls, the line of defense we have built will also disappear."

"Why did the enemy Corpse King suddenly possess such terrifying strength? In the three-line battle, each attacking force is no less than tens of millions. The combined forces on the east and south even exceed 60 million. Never before?" Jiang Wei asked in surprise.

Winter Leaf also nodded.

"That's right! If the enemy Corpse Emperor has so many troops, there is no need to wait until now to do it. At the beginning of the war, if the enemy Corpse Emperor possesses such a powerful force, we can't stop it at all."

"It's a corpse stealer." Wei Xiao said at this time.

"The corpse stealer?"

Everyone is puzzled.

"That's the name I gave to a new type of zombie. I discovered it on the battlefield not long ago."

"The corpse stealer, as the name suggests, is a special type of zombies that constantly carry the corpses to the rear on the battlefield. Perhaps the corpse king you deal with has been accumulating strength all the time. Have you forgotten that the first night in the south, you Thousands of zombies that Fang sacrificed?"

Everyone's pupils shrank suddenly.

"How could this happen?" Xia Zhu was astonished.

Lin Xiao suddenly shook his head: "That's impossible. Suddenly there are tens of millions of zombies. That's not what nine mothers can do in just a few days."

"The mother's corpse really does not have the ability to breed tens of millions of zombies within a few days, but what if you start preparations a long time ago?"

The corpse who had been silent for a while suddenly spoke.

Sister: "Jin, do you know something?"

Jin nodded: "The female corpses of our corpse clan can breed 1,000 to 5,000 third-level zombies a day, or 10,000 to 50,000 corpse slaves, and nine female corpses with sufficient food. This number seems to be close. A tenfold increase. Zombie larvae may not be able to form combat power in a short period of time after they are born."

"When the flesh and blood are insufficient, they will continue to stay in the brood waiting to grow. In other words, the outer corpse emperor suddenly has a large number of troops in a short period of time. Perhaps the nine female corpses under her command have survived in the beginning. A batch of young zombies that have not grown up until this time has provided them with enough flesh and blood to quickly grow them up."

"You zombies can still play like this?" Bai Youwei exclaimed in exclamation.

But as soon as the words were spoken, she immediately covered her mouth, feeling that she was a little impolite to be so direct.

Kim didn't care about these.

"This is also a defensive method for our corpse clan. During the war, the mother corpse may not have time to breed a large number of zombies to supply battlefield needs. Let the mother's corpse prepare for this. Especially in areas where competition is fierce."

"Once the two corpse kings confront each other and they are evenly matched, everyone will race against time. The act of moving corpses from the battlefield, as Mr. Wei Xiao said, will be difficult for both parties to carry out before the end of the war. After all, the more power on the battlefield is more. With a chance of winning, no corpse emperor will do this kind of thing that demolishes the east wall, repairs the west wall, and wastes limited forces."

After listening to what Jin said, Wei Xiao and the others had a better understanding of the corpse emperor.

According to Jin, this is no different from garrisoning.

Reduce the time for mother corpses to reproduce zombies, and use this part of time for the rapid growth of zombies larvae, so as to achieve the effect of having a large number of troops in a short time.

"Do we still need support from the east?" Dongba asked.

Sister: "It must be supported, but the guards in the south cannot be weakened too much."

Speaking of this, the eldest sister looked at Lin Xiao and Jin.

"General Lin, Jin, how many reinforcements are you bringing this time?"

"There are more than three million in Longwei City. This is already our full combat power."

"We brought more than ten million."

"Well, we were able to block the two attacks of enemy zombies with a million troops before. Now that we have increased so many troops, it doesn't make sense to start." The elder sister said and looked at Wei Xiao, "Chief Wei, according to your guess. , How long will the Phoenix Army reach the West Pole?"

"It should be within two or three days."

"That's enough."

The eldest sister looked confident.

"Next, we don't have to think about going out of the city to deal with the enemy zombies. Everyone, including the friendly zombies, will garrison the city with all their strength. As long as we hold the defense line and wait for the reinforcements to arrive, we will be half-victorious in this war."

"So, I decided to mobilize five million friendly zombies and 1.5 million defenders to support the east. No matter what plot the enemy Corpse Emperor has, as long as the line of defense is still in our hands, we have nothing to fear."

Lin Xiao nodded.

"If it's just defense, the remaining troops are enough. Of course, the premise is that reinforcements can arrive in a short time."

Wei Xiao: "That's okay, no more than five days at most. My people will inevitably arrive at the front line of the Western Pole battlefield."

With Wei Xiao's guarantee, the eldest sister will no longer hesitate.

"In that case, immediately mobilize reinforcements to the east to support. The friendly skimmers can set off in advance to relieve the pressure on the east first."

"I let copper and lead go." Jin responded.

"Jiang Wei, the east side seems to need you to take a trip."

Jiang Wei smiled and said, "No problem."

After making a decision, Jiang Wei, Copper and Lead did not hesitate, and immediately went down to prepare.

As for the southern battlefield, the battle is still fierce.

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