Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1210: A new storm has appeared

The West Pole, a town a hundred miles away from the eastern line of defense.

The vegetation in the city is covered, and the buildings are dilapidated.

The car parked in the middle of the road has long been rusty, and the huge town looks very deserted and deserted.

The decayed breath rushed forward, indicating that the traces of the human race were fragile and unbearable in front of nature.

Although it is far away from the battlefield, it is not inhabited.

Without the shelter of the corpse emperor, and there is no corpse emperor in the corpse clan, there will be three or two new types of zombies in the town occasionally.

"Puff puff……"


In the calm town, a dull sound suddenly sounded, and then a low groan of zombies wailed.

"Position number one is cleaned up and safe."

"After cleaning the battlefield at the second position, there is no danger."

"No zombies were found in position 3. It's safe."


A burst of formatted reports sounded in the abandoned buildings.

Not long after, in the empty and lonely town, a bunch of heavily armed people emerged from every corner.

Lan Qiang looked at the time on his wrist.

"How long will the transport plane arrive?"

"There are still twenty minutes. Captain, all the hidden dangers in the town have been eliminated, and the infrared laser can be installed in advance."

"Well, immediately install infrared laser equipment on the tallest buildings and turn them on to guide the air force and the peripheral security teams to pay attention to safety. Don't take it lightly and watch out for zombie attacks."


The newsletter came with responses from various fighters.

Soon, on the five tall buildings in the town, a wave of eye-catching infrared lasers shot into the sky above the tallest building in the city, piercing the sky.


The device started up, and after a short while, there was a roaring sound in the air.

Lan Qiang them up.

From their headspace, first a few fighter jets escorted by the front, then, twelve transport planes flew in under the protection of more fighter planes.

Before reaching the sky over the town, an object fell from above on the transport plane.

Thousands of dazzling large quantities of materials appeared in the air, slowly drifting towards the town.

Seeing this scene, Lan Qiang said in a straightforward voice: "Prepare to receive materials and equipment, equip them at the fastest speed according to their respective number plates, and support the front battlefield on foot at any time."


After Lan Qiang gave the order, he took a few guards to the nearest container containing materials and equipment.

Considering that it will take some time for the Phoenix army to reach the front line of the West Antarctic battlefield as a whole, the Lan Gun, which started early, has led nearly 100,000 troops to the rear of the eastern defense line in light armor.

They have already detected the crisis facing the east defense line, but since the equipment has not yet arrived, they can only continue to wait.

Now that the equipment is in place, the reinforcements that have not shown up are finally ready to start operations.

As for going directly to the southern defense line to support Wei Xiao and the others?

Lan Qiang hadn't thought about it, their initial task was to meet Wei Xiao first.

However, there was a temporary change in the east line of defense, Lan Gun resolutely decided to help the east line of defense get through the crisis first, and then rendezvous with Wei Xiao and the others.

As the materials from the sky fell to the ground, more soldiers sprang from the secrets of the town.

According to the number mark on the material container, the owner notified the corresponding fighter to come and receive the weapon.

After more than an hour, the entire lightly loaded unit was completely renewed.

This time, Lanqiang brought out five thousand Doomsday fighters, thirty thousand Shadow Guard members, and sixty thousand elite fighters above the third level from the large army.

The worst-equipped ones have a set of defensive suits to protect the vitals of the whole body.

The top combat power is also extremely good.

The army commander Lan Qiang led the team. Under him, four-tier fighters such as Jasmine, Leng Yu, Guanguan, Peacock, Bailing, and Falcon were among them.

Only four fighters have more than forty.

"Commander, the team has been armed and can act at any time, please give instructions?"

Everyone was armed, and the reports kept ringing in the earphones in the ears of Lan Gun.

"Xiao Leng, Peacock, how about you? You need all the equipment, right?"

"Very complete, with our current equipment, even the upper level of the corpse emperor will have the power to fight."

"My sniper rifle is already in hand, fearless."

Four-level fighters responded.

"Well, according to the previous information provided by the Shadow Guards, we approached the battlefield of the Eastern Defense Line along the route. The Shadow Guards immediately dispersed. Except for the teams that have already determined to destroy the human firepower point, the rest will target the corpse and the one-eyed. On the body of the giant corpse, try to make them all lose their combat effectiveness as soon as they are shot."


"Anyone who doesn't know the mission?"


"Then go!"

With the order of Lan Gun, one-third of the armed men in the town immediately disappeared.

They are all members of the Shadow Guard.

When it comes to assassinations, they are professional.

Like the peacocks, these four-level fighters, their main target is the corpse.

Only Lan Qiang needs to lead the rest of the army to support the defensive line of the defending city wall from the front.

Forward positions on the east line of defense.

Du Guyi was in a state of high tension this day.

The enemy Corpse Sovereign suddenly increased the zombie force on the east line of defense, and also invested no less than 500,000 men and women with heavy firepower. The powerful strength made the defense of the east line of defense miserable.

The reinforcements have not yet arrived, and the number of friendly zombies confronting the enemy’s corpse tribe’s forces has rapidly decreased. Once the restraint of friendly zombies is lost, the strength of the 800,000 defenders on the east line of defense alone cannot stop it. Several waves of the enemy's corpse clan forces.

Temporary headquarters on the frontline battlefield.

"Eldest sister, do they have a response?" A soldier who came back inquired from Du Guyi, who was heroic, dressed in the armor of the heavenly king and saucy and heroic.

The soldier said harshly: "The eldest sister and their reinforcements have already set off, but it will take at least three days for the large troops to reach us. The support we can get now is only one million friendly skimmers, and they estimate that they will be able to do so this evening. Arrived."

Duguyi frowned.

Is there only one million?

In other words, they need to rely on the reinforcements of these million friendly air-grabbers, and cooperate with the original defenders of the east line of defense to guard the enemy's corpse clan's offensive for at least three days.

However, the number of enemy corpses on the battlefield is as high as double digits, and there is also the firepower of human traitors. The battle is definitely not as easy as they thought.

"How is the loss of friendly zombies now?"

"Not to be optimistic. The two corpses leading the friendly zombies have fallen and lost their leader. The friendly zombies who rely solely on the Queen of the Earth consciousness to influence the battle are not opponents of the enemy zombies. At most one day, they will basically be all Died in action." There is a confidant report around him.

"Damn it!"

"Without friendly corpses directing friendly zombies, we can't even do the most basic communication. If we can't communicate, then we can't let them make changes according to our plan. Go, let's go to the city wall, no matter what, we must stick to it. To the arrival of reinforcements."

With that, Duguyi picked up the doomsday spear leaning on the side and strode out of the headquarters.

The other people around did not hesitate and followed.

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