Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1212: Phoenix takes over the battlefield

Behind the enemy zombies army.


"Devil, we must have met the devil, run away!"

"This is the Lord's punishment for us. It must be the curse that the Lord cast down when he saw that we betrayed the human race... Ah..."

At this time, the firepower position controlled by the **** troops was undergoing a weird massacre.

All the traitorous soldiers who participated in the enemy's zombies dealing with the defenders fell to the ground unknowingly, and then a large amount of blood flowed out of their necks, lying in a pool of blood unconsciously.

Such signs happen frequently.

Everything seemed to erupt invisibly.

In just a few minutes, thousands of people died, and all the controlled artillery went to a standstill.

The unknown is always the most feared.

I don't know how the companions around me died, and the survivors who were still alive chose to run away under intense fear.

"Unexpectedly, there are not many super soldiers among these people? This task is simply not too easy."

"It's normal. Gene potions are all derived from the corpses of zombies. Even if there are factions between the corpse emperors, how can you watch the humans ravage their kinsmen? Wasn't the female V island the best proof?"

"Indeed, the method of extracting genetic medicine is well known today. If the enemy Corpse King allows her human forces to use the corpse of a zombie to extract genetic medicine, there will not be so few super soldiers who raped them. I guess the super soldiers in the rapes, All come from the occupied areas of the Western Polar Region."

"This is better. Without a powerful super soldier, we can deal with them more easily. Let the surrounding snipers pay attention to the alert, the corpse can perceive our existence. This time we have a lot of people to operate, and we can't use the terrain. Avoid the perception of the corpse, once discovered, it is easy to cause casualties."

"Don't worry, the Shadow Guard snipers trained by Leng Junshuai don't say they are hit by a hundred shots, but as long as the corpses dare to come here to check the situation, they must be told to come and go."

Members of the Shadow Guard are already in action.

Relying on their stealth ability, they avoided the frontline battlefield and directly touched the fire position behind the rape.

More than 10,000 shadow guards took action at the same time, and few of the super-soldiers' **** troops were not their opponents at all.

In minutes, the firepower of one person after another was severely taken down by them.

When there is an abnormality in the rear of the rape, the frontline battlefield, the change also occurs.

The three one-eyed giant corpses that appeared on their side are still petrifying enemy zombies, forming bridges and spreading over the city wall.

At this moment, the three wide bridge decks are less than five meters from the top of the city wall.

If you let tens of thousands of enemy zombies touch it, you will soon be able to complete the three passages directly above the city wall.

The figure of the Cyclops is naturally very eye-catching, and you don't need to observe it specially, as long as you enter the battlefield, you can get a clear view.

"The Falcons are in place."

"The Peacock team is in place."

"The Leng Yu team is in place..."

In the invisible air, the defenders did not know that a group of uninvited guests had appeared around them.

These people, no matter what they wear or the weapons they use in their hands, have the effect of invisibility.

In addition, the enemy's zombies are madly attacking the city. As long as they are not visible to the naked eye, it is difficult for the defenders to have extra thoughts to observe the existence that is invisible to the naked eye.

"Free fire, target, Cyclops."

The imperceptible operation began without the knowledge of the defenders.

They really didn't know that there were redundant personnel around, but the rapid changes in the battlefield made them look incredible.

"Boom boom..."

The sound of the anti-material sniper rifle rang.

This is not worth mentioning for the noise generated by the entire battlefield, but for the defenders whose gunfire appeared out of nowhere, when the sparks flickered in the air, the defenders near the sniper point were all frightened. Jump.

"What the hell?"

There was a burst of sparks in the air around me, and anyone who wanted to change would have an unusual reaction.

The most important thing is that there is no one around me.

How did this spark come from?


Gunshots appeared, and at the location of the Cyclops outside the city wall, whether it was protected by the skidder or the Cyclops without protection, they all made heart-piercing wailing sounds at the same time.

A total of eight cyclops appeared on the battlefield in front of the city wall.

But at this moment, all eight one-eyed giant corpses were wailing.

Du Guyi noticed that the three one-eyed giant corpses that released the petrified rays suddenly changed the direction of the ability to release, and the color of surprise on his face flashed.

Is it because your feet slipped and slipped?

"Sure enough, as stated in the intelligence, the Cyclops possesses a defense power comparable to that of the first-level corpse emperor. It is difficult to kill them with a No. 5 armor-piercing implosion in one position."

"The situation on my side is the same, but through the sight, it can be seen that the No. 5 armor-piercing projectile still has the ability to destroy the defense of the cyclops."

"Continue shooting, we lack everything, that is, there is no shortage of armor-piercing bullets. It happens that these cyclops are so strong in defense, and the armor-piercing bullets built with their bones and scales should be no worse than the corpse king. Now we There is no shortage of raw materials for armor-piercing bullets."

The strong man in the Phoenix said, the second wave of sniping against the Cyclops reappeared.

Flames appeared out of thin air around him again.

Could it be that I am dazzled?

"Great, the one-eyed giant corpse is dead."

At this time, I don't know who suddenly exclaimed, and the atmosphere above the city has obviously changed.

What, the Cyclops is dead?

How can this be?

The defenders' shells didn't fall on the Cyclops. How come these corpses died?

Is it because of the ability to release too much power to kill the corpse?

"General, the Cyclops is dead."

Du Guyi naturally saw it too.

On their side, the three one-eyed giant corpses in the distance fell to the ground and never got up again.

Through the telescope, she could catch the huge blood hole on the head of the cyclops.

"What exactly is going on?"

"Puff puff……"


As soon as the cyclops died, accidentally reappeared above the city wall where the defenders were.

All enemy zombies who were fighting in close quarters with the defenders seemed to be attacked by an invisible force, either being beheaded or their limbs being disassembled.

In the blink of an eye, the enemy zombies rushing to the city wall were reduced by at least more than half.

The defender looked at the enemy zombie in front of him, stunned.

Am I so good? Can the eyes really kill the enemy?


"I seem to knock something down?"

"Brother, you hit me, pay attention!"

"Sorry... wait, the air is talking? Brother Wuyingwei?"

"Wrong, it's the Shadow Guard."


Duguyi is here.

When Duguyi was still shocked by the sight in front of her, a soldier from behind galloped towards her.

"General, there is a new situation."

"what's the situation?"

"From behind us, an unfamiliar team of 70,000 people is rushing towards the defense line. They are all fully armed, almost all doomsday fighters."

Duguyi's spirits lifted up after hearing the words.

"What are you talking about? Seventy thousand doomsday fighters?"

"Yes, yes. Although there are many people whose armors are not as comprehensive as Doomsday Warriors, they are covered with armor on important parts of their bodies and they are very powerful."

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