Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1213: The strength of Longxia's first force

"Immediately enter the city defense and cooperate with the defenders to block the attack of the enemy corpses."

Did not wait for Duguyi to continue to ask.

Thousand meters behind the city defense, the strange team that the soldiers said had arrived.

They move faster than ordinary people.

The figure that was still a kilometer away the first minute, the next minute, it was already less than a hundred meters away from the city defense.

The defenders had no time to take care of both.

While blocking the enemy's zombies' attack, they had to come over to prevent this sudden strange team from climbing the city. They didn't even have time to react.

The city wall tens of meters high is nothing at all in front of this unfamiliar army.

They approached the city wall and spread out on both sides.

The speed of ascending to the city is very fast.

While Duguyi and others were still in shock, this unfamiliar team had come to the city wall to join the city defense force.

One by one, they waved the Doomsday Blade to kill the enemy zombies above the city wall.

Seeking thunder, fast to power up, unmatched.

"So strong, so fierce, so powerful."

"Oh my God, the third-level predator was dropped by a single move. What level of super soldier is he?"

"One face-to-face seven corpse slaves are gone? How did he do it?"

As soon as the men of this unit shot, they blinded the defenders' titanium alloy dog ​​eyes.

As soon as they join the battlefield, the speed of killing zombies is as simple as cutting melons and vegetables.

The speed of this team's cleaning up of enemy zombies is simply faster than the speed of the rockets.

Basically nothing happened to the defenders in the next battle.

Like a torrent of unfamiliar troops rushing to the entire east front, they quickly helped the defenders to kill all the zombies that already existed on the city wall.

"General, are they, are they our reinforcements?"

By Duguyi's side, seeing the terrifying combat power displayed by all the unfamiliar troops, many defending generals couldn't help swallowing secretly.

It's too strong, and it's too scary.

With more than 70,000 people, everyone can carry out a unilateral massacre in the face of the enemy's high-level zombies. Such a strength, such a team, makes people's souls tremble involuntarily.

Duguyi herself didn't know how to describe her feelings at the moment.

Where did this team come from?

She can be sure that there is absolutely no such terrifying army in the West Pole.

If so, they would not be so strenuous to deal with the enemy Corpse Emperor forces.

In Duguyi's speechless state, from in front of her, dozens of doomsday warriors walked towards her with a hideous, domineering and demon-like figure guarding her body.

Although the fighters around Du Guyi were afraid of the terrifying power of this army, they stood up and stood in front of Du Guyi even if they were afraid of seeing the other party heading towards their general.

"Stop, who are you?"

The guards stopped the pace of the people.

Less than three meters away from Duguyi, Lan Qiang stopped.

The mask opened, revealing the not handsome, but very energetic, and very temperament face inside.

"Phoenix base, commander of the doomsday warrior, Lan Qiang, led one hundred thousand elite fighters from the base to support the friendly forces of the West Antarctica. I don't know if the commander of this line of defense can be present?" He speaks sonorously, neither dominance nor immortality. The majesty of the bird.

Phoenix base?

Hearing what Lan Qiang said, looking at the group of them again, Du Guyi and the guards who stood in front of Lan Qiang's eyes were shocked.

Duguyi said, "Are you from the Phoenix Base in Minghai?"

Lan Qiang nodded: "Yes, you should be the commander here, right?"

Although I am still not sure about the identity of Lan Qiang and others, as long as they can be related to Longxia's first force, Undead, Du Guyi can't neglect.

What's more, the other party helped them clean up the enemy zombies on the city wall as soon as they came.

Anyone who came to deal with the enemy Corpse Emperor forces was worthy of her serious treatment.

Without hesitation, Du Guyi walked out from behind the guard and faced Lan Gun: "Hello Commander Lan, I am Du Guyi, the commander of the Eastern Defense Line in the West Polar Region. Thank you for coming to support the Eastern Defense Line."

With words, Du Guyi took the initiative to stretch out her hand towards Lan Gun.

Both of them wore armed armor, and there was nothing rude to this move.

Lan Qiang shook hands with Du Guyi.

"Hello, General Dugu. We come here uninvited, and I hope it didn't cause you any trouble."

"Where is Commander Lan? You are here at the right time. Because of your arrival, we don't know how much pressure has been reduced."

Lan Qiang nodded.

Look at the battlefield outside the city.

"What's the current situation in the east line of defense?"

Du Guyi also looked towards the battlefield outside the city: "It is not optimistic. The artillery camp at the rear of our army is being attacked by ground walkers, and the firepower has been greatly reduced. Although I don't know why the firepower of the enemy's treacherous troops is also much weaker, but only The enemy corpse clan power in front of us is not something we can easily repel."

"You don't need to think about the situation of the enemy's rape. They are being attacked by the Shadow Guards. As for the rear artillery camp, you don't need to worry, I'll let someone go and clean up the land walkers."

"The weakening of the **** firepower is Commander Lan's handwriting?"

"Yes. I let the members of the Ten Thousand Shadow Guards touch the enemy's rear. Now it is estimated that the firepower controlled by the traitors has fallen into our hands. Wait and see, soon the enemy zombie forces will eat their own fruits." The gun turned to look at a doomsday soldier.

"Mufeng, you alone led a doomsday soldier group to support the defending artillery position. You must retake the artillery position and ensure its safety."

"Yes, military commander."

"General Dugu, please ask someone to take them over."

Duguyi hesitated for a moment, and then asked: "Commander Lan, the landwalkers are all level four zombies. I don't know how many doomsday fighters in a brigade you are talking about, and what is their strength?"

Knowing what Du Guyi was worried about, Lan Qiang smiled and said, "With more than two hundred soldiers of the third rank, how does General Du Guyi feel?"

"Three-level doomsday fighter?" Du Guyi was shocked.

Mu Feng said: "General Dugu, the Phoenix fighters who came here with the military commander this time, the weakest are the third-level fighters. You only need to deal with the fourth-level fighters. You don't have to worry at all."

"What, they are all third-level fighters? Nearly one hundred thousand third-level fighters?"

At this time, not only Duguyi was surprised, but the other defending generals around her took a breath.

"Now General Dugu is still worried about the abilities of our soldiers?"

Faced with a little proud Lan Qiang, Du Guyi now doesn't know what to say.

That blame just now those soldiers rushed to the city wall and killed the enemy zombies like cutting melons and vegetables.

All of them are Tier 3 super fighters, and they are armed to their teeth. With such a configuration and such conditions, if they are dealing with high-level zombies and desperately fighting like most of their defenders, does it make sense?

At this moment, Duguyi finally understood why Minghai City Phoenix was called the number one power of Longxia, no, or the number one human force in the world could not be overstated.

When other people's second-level fighters are less than 100,000, their third-level fighters have already exceeded this standard. Who is the first if they are not the first?

There was nothing to worry about, Du Guyi called a fighter with a strength of level 3 and asked her to take Mu Feng to support the rear artillery position.

"Boom boom boom..."

Shortly after Mu Feng and the others left, from behind the enemy zombies, a large number of shells reappeared.

But this time, the enemy's shells did not fall on the side of the city wall, but on the corpses of the enemy's zombies.

Intensive artillery fire carried out carpet bombing of enemy zombies in some areas. For more than ten minutes, the number of enemy zombies who died under "own" artillery fire was no less than 100,000.

"it has started!"

Seeing this scene, Lan Qiang knew that the Shadow Guards attacking the rear positions of the raped troops had started.

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