Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1214: Really scented warning

The enemy's rear position.

"Hit me, hit hard, don't think about saving shells, we can't take it with you anyway. Retreat after the fight."

In the rear, the members of the Shadow Guard, who have fully controlled the enemy's firepower, are now using the enemy's equipment to continuously deliver shells to the forward battlefield.

They are not their own weapons and ammunition, and they do not consider the issue of head accuracy.

As long as the bombing position is determined to be in the camp of the enemy zombies, even if a place is emptied, they will continue to output.

"Boom boom..."

When they frantically bombed the enemy's zombie camp, there was finally a corpse on the enemy's zombie side to check the situation.

It's a pity that the Shadow Guards, who had already guarded the opponent's hand, saw the sky corpse passing by, and before they could react, the sniper below immediately launched a frenzied sniper on the sky corpse.

It's true that the sky corpse's flying speed is very fast.

But that was in battle, knowing that it was dangerous.

At this moment, the corpse that appeared above the enemy's artillery position came to detect the situation, and the speed was naturally slowed down a lot, and this slackness also gave the Shadow Guard sniper mobile phone club.

Hundreds of people fired at the four corpses that appeared in the sky at the same time, and the dense armor-piercing bullets formed a field of bullets with no dead ends in an instant. Even if the corpses reacted to it, they wanted to escape the dangerous area too late.

In just one wave of shooting, three corpses were shot and fell to the ground and died.

The other was lucky, and the place he was hit was not fatal.

"The corpses of the three heavenly corpses, that's the three No. 4 potions, or the Awakening potions, take the corpse away."

"The artillery positions continue to output."

After eliminating the corpse who came to investigate, the members of the Shadow Guard continued to bombard the battlefield.


"what's the situation?"

However, before they continued to play happily, an earth-shattering roar came from their ears.

"Captain, the corpse group, a large number of corpse groups are coming towards us, and they are all zombies above the senior level, the number exceeds one million." Some members hurried over to report.

Hearing this news, the person in charge of the Shadow Guard, who was responsible for the sneak attack on the enemy's rear, had a heartbeat.

Damn, didn't you just kill three corpses? Is it necessary to be so crazy?

"Brothers, arrange the bomb, and then take the corpses of three corpses and retreat immediately."

There is no need to stay and smash with the corpses.

Their main task was to destroy the firepower of the traitors. Now that the task has been completed, since the enemy Corpse Emperor has already launched an encirclement and suppression of them, there is no need to take any risks.

The retreat order was issued, and the members of the Shadow Guard, hidden inside and outside the position, moved quickly.

After arranging enough shells to urge all the equipment on the position, the members of the Shadow Guard retreated decisively.

After a certain distance, a sniper shot from a distance of kilometers away and exploded the shells on the ground.


I don't know how many shells exploded one after another. Anyway, even on the line of defense on the other side of the city wall, a huge mushroom cloud can be seen rising into the sky.

Some of the enemy zombies who had come to encircle the Shadow Guards just entered the position.

In this way, when the Shadow Guards retreated, they not only destroyed the equipment of the rapes, but also let tens of thousands of high-level and top zombies be buried with them.


Farther behind the enemy zombies.

I don’t know if it was because the Shadow Guards were not wiped out or because the high-level zombies rushing to the artillery position suffered a large number of casualties. Heart-piercing, extremely angry.

On the front of the east line of defense.

With this wave of support from Lan Qiang, the defenders do not say that they have the ability to actively attack the enemy zombies, but only to deal with the enemy zombies attacking the city, Du Guyi and the others are no longer as strenuous as they were at the beginning.

The strength of nearly one hundred thousand third-level fighters is not just for fun.

The third-level fighters who are not afraid of zombies infection, and are fully armed, as long as they are not besieged by hundreds of high-level zombies and deal with dozens of zombies alone, there is not much pressure at all.

Weapons and equipment are of the top level, and their strength is even higher than that of senior zombies. Those zombies who finally climbed onto the city wall with a rain of bullets were killed by the elites of the Phoenix before they showed their strength.

The defenders are assisted by the phoenixes, and there is not much pressure just to defend the walls.

In the evening, the first wave of support from the south appeared.

One million friendly sky-grabbers joined the battlefield under the leadership of Ziezi Copper, which made the east line of defense even more solid.

There are more reinforcements coming from behind, and the east line of defense seems to be as stable as a mountain.



Neither the east nor the south could open up the situation, Bai Youwei's previous guess was still fulfilled.

The enemy's zombies in the southeast, who had not seen an increase in troops before, were frustrated and unable to make profits on the other two sides.

The attack on the east side failed, and the next day, the army of the enemy zombies on the southeast side increased by more than 20 million, including the **** unit.

The enemy's zombie troops, which are almost the same as the south siege army, launched a fierce attack on the southeast that day.

The request for help is affirmative, but when the soldiers seeking help from the southeast are still on the way, the rear of the southeast...

"Finally arrived."

"Brother Wolf, according to the information we just got, the three fronts of the West Pole, the south and the east were attacked by enemy zombies a few days ago. The enemy zombies used more than 60 million troops, but they were all attacked by them. Blocked, the southeast we are heading now has just become a new attack location, do we still have to support the southeast?"

"More than 60 million? It seems that the tenacity of the coalition is far beyond my imagination."

Xiaoyue Sirius exclaimed, and then thought of the little brother's words, his eyes were sharp.

"Go, why not? A West Polar land that has no powers can block the attack of more than 60 million zombies. Isn't our Wolf City still inferior to them?"

"After the team is repaired, we will rush to the southeast defense line at full speed. This is our first battle in the West Pole, and it is also our first battle to show the muscles of the coalition forces in the West Pole."

"In this battle, we must play the prestige that belongs to our Wolf City, and play the style that belongs to our Wolf City. Through this battle, I will tell the world that there is not only one undead bird invincible, but I Wolf City. The same is not weaker than anyone. I want other forces to know the horror and strength of Wolf City."

"Yes, Brother Wolf."

Xiaoyue Sirius looked into the distance, and a figure that appeared in his sleep involuntarily appeared in his mind.

That was the figure he couldn't get rid of, and it had become the nightmare of Xiaoyue Sirius.

"Huh..." Taking a deep breath, Xiaoyue Sirius' eyes burst into sharp edges.

"Wei Xiao, I believe that even if you are not in the West Pole, you must be paying attention to the battlefield in the West Pole."

"The next battle will not only announce the arrival of Wolf City to all the forces in the West Pole, but also a signal for my Howling Moon Sirius to jump out of the shadow of your dominance."

"I, Xiaoyue Sirius, I am no longer the little one who needed to bow down and beg for you. Now I also have the capital to communicate with you on the same level. I swear that from now on, I will never see you again, Wei Xiao. Acting with his face, I will be the wolf king, the real wolf king."

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