Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1217: Counterattack, must counterattack

Inside the command building on the south wall.

"It's really a reinforcement of Wolf City. I really didn't see that the little wolf has grown to the point where it can exude abilities to form a tornado. This strength is stronger than me, and I feel no less than Wu Qing sister. "

"I'm afraid it will not stop." Mu Wuqing frowned.

Bai Youwei was a little surprised: "No? Does Wu Qing think that Xiaolang has reached the same height as Xiaoying?"

Mu Wu innocently gave Bai Youwei a glance.

She really dared to think.

Reach the same level as the phantom?

Really, apart from using the Awakening Potion to improve the abilities of the Phantom, the training on weekdays is a joke?

Not to mention, the Phantom's strength improvement brought about by exhaustion with each training is enough to compare with Bai Youwei today.

Although there are shortcuts to improve the power of fifth-level fighters, hard work is another shortcut.

Moreover, compared with the improvement brought by medicine, the strength gained through training is more stable and easier to use.

Phantom, Mu Wuqing absolutely believes that she is the top of the five fighters at this stage.

As for the specific strength of the Phantom, no one knows, including the Phantom itself.

It is estimated that in the current apocalypse, no one will be her opponent except Wei Xiao.

"The reason why I say that Little Wolf is better than me is because Wolf City has eliminated two corpse emperors before and after. Our base's No. 4 Awakening Potion will be distributed except for some high-level officials. The husband gave us all the sisters. The distribution, compared with the awakening potion in the hands of the little wolf alone, can catch up with me by the quantity."

Hearing Mu Wuqing's explanation, Bai Youwei seemed to believe her.


Xiaoyue Sirius may become a fifth-level warrior later than Phantom and Mu Wuqing, but it is not impossible to surpass Mu Wuqing with the promotion brought by the awakening potion.

Of course, don't think that Wolf City knows that the Awakening Potion can improve the power of the superpower, and the researchers of other people's homes are not vegetarian.

It is not difficult to discover this secret as long as you study it in depth.

Compared with the two women's concern about the strength of Xiaoyue Sirius, the eldest sister and the others didn't think so much.

Now that even the defense line to the southeast is solid, they are now confident in blocking the enemy Corpse Emperor's attack.

The eldest sister changed the subject and said: "Now the east and southeast sides are stable, and the south side is making it difficult for the enemy zombies to move. The crisis in the Western Polar Region is completely resolved. When the Phoenix forces arrive, the corpses of the non-Emirati continent It is undoubtedly wishful thinking that the forces want to enter the land of Longxia again."

Xia Zhu: "The elder sister is right. The future is destined to be a protracted war, but it doesn't matter. Our human race needs time to grow up. As long as the human race grows up during this time, it is not impossible to counterattack the corpse race power."

After the two had finished speaking, Lin Xiao's expression changed slightly.

He looked at Wei Xiao.

A few days ago, the reason Wei Xiao persuaded Longweicheng to surrender the military power was not what the elder sisters thought.

Didn't Wei Xiao tell his eldest sister about his purpose?

Wei Xiao noticed Lin Xiao's eyes and was not silent.

"The counterattack against the enemy Corpse King forces does not necessarily have to wait until later. Do you suspect that we have insufficient power to deal with a second-level Corpse King?"


What does Wei Xiao mean?

Dongye and Xia Zhu looked at Wei Xiao one after another.

Xia Zhu asked: "Chief Wei, are you planning to wait for the arrival of the Phoenix Army to attack the enemy Corpse Emperor's forces?"

The others held their breath, and looked at Wei Xiao with anxiety and excitement in their hearts.


Wei Xiao was blunt.

"I didn't come to the West Polar Land to help you block the enemy Corpse King's attack. It's just a Corpse King. If we even deal with a second-level Corpse King, we need to be fearful, and there will be more advanced Corpse Kings in the future, isn't it? Should we continue to forbear?"

Speaking of this, Wei Xiao stopped speaking, and his sharp eyes swept across the crowd.

"Don’t forget, all of you, fighting hard, the ten current human races are not the opponents of the corpse race. Their reproductive ability and growth cycle are incomparable to our human race. Therefore, as long as there is a chance to get rid of the invading corpse king, we absolutely Can't hesitate."

Fuyuba: "But wouldn't this cause heavy casualties for the coalition forces?"

"Does defense on the spot mean fewer casualties?"


Dongye and Xia Zhu were silent.

"Long pain is not as good as short pain. What's more, it is better to pay a certain amount of casualties in exchange for victory than chronic death. Completely defeat the enemy's corpse king, and we can get even more impressive improvement. Like now, the enemy's zombies have stolen. The corpse thief, every time passively defends, when will he be the head? The coalition forces cannot exist forever."

"Once the same crisis occurs in other directions, it won't help to defend the West Pole."

When Wei Xiao finished speaking, Lin Xiao nodded and said.

"I agree with Brother Wei. Before, we were not sure to counterattack the enemy's corpse king's forces. No, it should be said that once we leave the defense line, we will lose. But now the coalition has the strength to counterattack the enemy's corpse king's forces, then There is no need to fight them attrition again. A battle will determine the universe, even if there are more sacrifices."

The eldest sister was calm.

She didn't know what she was thinking, and then looked at Wei Xiao.

"Chief Wei, if we take the initiative to attack, how sure are you to win this battle?"

Wei Xiao got up, propped the table top of the conference table with both hands.

"Before the results come out, it seems impractical for me to give you any guarantee. But you have to understand one thing."

"What's the matter?" The eldest sister was puzzled.

Wei Xiao said: "Once the Phoenix Army arrives, the command of the Allied Forces in the Western Polar Region will be handed over to my Phoenix. This is what we said in advance. You can only trust me now, and you can only believe that we will get it. The final victory."


Very domineering, even a little unreasonable.

But Lin Xiao and the eldest sister were unable to refute them.

If they continue to fight defensive battles according to their will, the human race’s vitality is destined to be consumed little by little and perish. As long as those who know the corpse race’s ability to reproduce, they know that it’s only a matter of time.

And if you do what Wei Xiao said.

There is nothing to say about failure.

From now on, the defense of Longxia Land will be like nothing.

What bases and forces will become a thing of the past, but once it succeeds...

think about it! Nearly 100 million zombies, the corpses of the second-level corpse emperor, and the many zombies above the fifth and fourth-level tips, these will bring terrible upgrades to the coalition forces in the Western Polar Region.

This is a gamble where benefits and risks coexist.

If you lose, everyone will live and die in destiny. If you win, the coalition will rise completely.

"Master Wei Xiao, the Earth Corps Emperor forces will unreservedly obey your command." When the eldest sister and them were silent, Jin and Yin, the representatives of the Queen of the Earth, first expressed their stance.

Perhaps there seems to be another existence for them to say this.

The territory also included the Queen of the Earth, who was on the southern line of defense. Maybe her consciousness was now on any corpse in the command building.

The forces of the Earth-based Corpse Clan were the first to express their stance, and their attitude was very firm.

Lin Xiao, the eldest sister and others in silence, after a moment of consternation, Lin Xiao also stood by Wei Xiao's side.

"I believe Brother Wei. They have all succeeded in dealing with three or five corpse kings. There is no reason why they will fail this time."

"As Brother Wei said, if we can't even deal with the current enemy corpse emperor, what else can we talk about? A counterattack is necessary, and I firmly support it."

"Eldest Sister..."

Xia Zhu and the others looked at the eldest sister.

Without the eldest sister nodding, even if they were interested, they would not dare to make a decisive decision.

The eldest sister noticed that the eyes of everyone present were on him.

After hesitating again and again, he finally gave up.

"Okay, counterattack. I hope Chief Wei can lead us to the final victory."

Wei Xiao smiled.

"I don't do things that are uncertain. Of course, you will also be grateful for this decision now."

At this point, everyone's gathering this time can be regarded as an end.

This brief meeting has basically decided on the next battle plan of the coalition forces.

Now that three sides can independently resist the attack of the enemy zombies, what they lack now is a force to break this balance, and the phoenix army coming towards the east line of defense is undoubtedly this force that tilts the balance. .

It can be said that everything is ready, only the east wind is owed.

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