Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1218: Life and death are indifferent, just do it if you don't accept it

In a blink of an eye, a day passed.

During this period, the Queen of the Earth sent another three million troops to the front, although most of them were corpse slaves.

The defensive strength of the defending army continues to be maintained, and the enemy zombies have no chance at all.

But also on this day, a sudden change occurred on one of the three sides of the battlefield.

Battlefield to the southeast.

After three days of defense, the number of enemy zombies attacking the southeast line of defense has gradually dropped from more than 30 million at the beginning to about 15 million.

After three days of fighting, Xiaoyue Sirius, who had thoroughly understood the strength of the enemy's zombies, could no longer bear the days of hiding on the wall for defense.

He has shown his absolute strength to the defenders on the southeast line of defense, but the true combat effectiveness of the Wolf City fighters has not yet been fully utilized.

Defense is destined to make it impossible for the world to re-recognize the power and horror of Wolf City, so today, three days later...

"Brothers, after three days of fighting, you have also seen it. The strength of the enemy zombies is not as terrible as we thought."

"At the beginning of the last days, all the people in the venue were ordinary people, but what about it? We are still holding weapons and bravely fighting against mid- and high-level zombies. Haven't we killed them too? Now, everyone at least They are all first-class fighters, and their strength is stronger than before. There is no reason to fear these monsters."

"Look at the front. The friendly zombies dared to stand in the enemy's **** battle to the end. Could our Terran warriors be persuaded? Now there are friendly zombies blocking the front for us to contain a large number of enemy zombies. What if there are none in the future? ?"

"Fuck, both shoulders and one head. WHO is afraid of WHO? The soldiers of Wolf City, if they belong to the men, picked up arms for Lao Tzu and stood up, killed them with me, and let them know. The offense is not only for the corpse clan, we humans can also."

"Oh oh oh……"

"Fight with the wolf king."

"Wolf City doesn't have a gangster, **** it."

"I'm fed up with this kind of defense. It's me that kills and moves deadly."

"The wolf must have the **** nature of a wolf, Wolf King, we will fight you."

As the wolf city fighters on the city wall's defense line boiled up, the remarks about Xiaoyue Sirius also spread throughout the entire southeast front in an instant.

Xiaoyue Sirius is becoming more and more courageous.

Just a few words drove all the soldiers in Wolf City. If this influence were placed on the once selfish and visionless lone wolf, there would be absolutely no.

Hearing the echo of all the soldiers in Wolf City, Xiaoyue Sirius rose into the sky, standing high in the sky.

"Brothers, we are not huddled dogs, but a group of bloodthirsty wolves. Today, this king will take the lead in the charge, and the brave will win if we meet on a narrow road..."

In order to create a more blood-warming atmosphere, Xiaoyue Sirius was halfway through his voice, spreading his hands to both sides.

Immediately, eight small whirlwinds formed between his fingers.


With a loud shout, the Howling Sirius waved with both hands, as the eight small whirlwinds separated from his ten fingers blew forward, it constantly absorbed the surrounding wind and merged into the power injected by the Howling Sirius.

In an instant.

Eight tornadoes with a height of seven or eighty meters and a radius of more than five meters swept toward the enemy corpses in front of him.

A face-to-face.

The tornado swept across the battlefield for hundreds of meters. Wherever it went, the enemy's zombies were either shattered or turned into cannonballs flying in all directions and landing, and the entire sky seemed to be raining corpses.


Xiaoyue Sirius has already shown his attitude and actions.

The wolf city soldiers on the city wall saw this scene, as if they had been beaten up with chicken blood, one by one roared, jumping off the wall, leaving the city wall and opening the city gate to rush and kill.

For a time, the entire southeast line of defense, twelve gates made of zombie bones opened wide, and from inside, a terrifying army of human races emerged.

Like a flood, like a tsunami, they swept the enemy's zombie camp outside the city wall with an unrivaled force.

The enemy zombies who did not expect that the defenders would take the initiative to attack, at the beginning, directly ushered in the unilateral slaughter of the defenders.

Under the leadership of Xiaoyue Sirius, the soldiers of the wolf city rushed farther and farther.

The army of Wolf City, like a shadow, continuously swallowed the existence of enemy zombies outside the city.


"Die to me—"

"Puff puff……"

The fighting power of Wolf City is ferocious.

Hot weapons and cold weapons shot and slashed all the way, and the enemy zombies fell in groups.


"General, Wolf King and the others?"

Seeing Xiaoyue Sirius and their actions, Qiu Feng and others were stunned.

Unexpectedly, Xiaoyue Sirius would be such a mighty crowd. Looking at the Wolf City soldiers who continued to extend outside the city and gradually approached the forefront of the friendly zombie battlefield, they were shocked in their eyes, but there was also a blood burning in their hearts.

Qiu Feng gritted his teeth.

"Fuck! Brothers and sisters from Heroine City and Longwei City, others have done this for us, and we have no reason to continue to nest in the back. All have, all defenders, and they usually have defensive battle clothes on them, and their strength is up to The first-level fighters are charging me! The rest will continue to defend the city and kill—"

Qiu Feng was also infected by Xiaoyue Sirius, so he didn't hesitate anymore.

Holding a gun in one hand and the big sword in one hand, he jumped directly from the tower.

When the others saw it, they roared grimly: "Damn, die or die, come on, brothers, don't let allies look down upon our soldiers in the West Pole."

"Come on—"

The killing sound shook the sky, and the blood was boiling.

With the arrival of Wolf City, the defenders of the West Polar Region were also stimulated.

Who has no blood, although no passion?

It didn't appear before, and that was no one taking the lead. Now, this person has appeared, and the soldier who has been holding a anger in his heart for this period of time is completely released at this moment.

The so-called life is alive, it's better to die vigorously than to live sluggishly.

It would not be in vain to follow a group of brave people who threw their heads and sprinkle blood together on the battlefield.

Qiufeng and the others were also dispatched.

And following them, the mobile units deployed behind the city wall also drove out of the city gate, starting from the front, rushing to kill the enemy zombies.

The battlefield suddenly fell into chaos.

At this time, the treacherous troops who had bombarded the defensive line in the rear were dumbfounded.

Mad, how do you fight this time?

The defenders are completely glued to the enemy's zombies. If they continue to bombard the battlefield, wouldn't they even kill themselves?

Without the high-level zombies of one's own side, the traitor does not have the courage to act on the zombies of one's own side.

"What should we do now?"

"What else can I do? Withdraw!"

Human **** is human rape.

They helped the corpse race to deal with the human race in order to survive, and now, seeing that they are going to meet with the human defending army, they don't have the courage, and they don't want to die.

So, what can they do besides retreat?

As for whether the enemy Corpse Sovereign will punish them for "fleeing without a fight", there is no need to worry about rape.

Although the enemy Corpse Emperor is smart, he is not yet enchanting enough to know how to control the military's mind.

As long as she still needs rape, she will not attack the living, and at most deal with the leader as the target of venting.

This wave of operations by the human defenders completely disrupted the attacking steps of the enemy zombies.

Although there are more than 10 million enemy zombies on the battlefield, the defenders are not weak at all.

The defender originally had more than two million, plus the three million in Wolf City, the more than eight million in friendly zombies that existed in the morning, and the five million in support from the south, which also exceeded ten million.

Even if there were five or six million casualties in the previous few days, there were still tens of millions.

A gap of several million is nothing to the entire battlefield.

Under the madness of the defending army, the enemy army was retreating steadily.

The madness from the southeast soon spread to Wei Xiao and the others.

Wei Xiao didn't even expect this change.

He originally thought that the first counterattack should be from the east.

After all, the Phoenix Army is coming.

Waiting for the phoenix army to appear on the east line of defense, with the vision of the hero Chen, it is impossible not to know what to do.

But now, there was no news of the defenders' counterattack from the east. Instead, the situation that Wei Xiao and the others expected first appeared in the southeast. This couldn't help but shock people.

Mu Wuqing: "Is the little wolf so powerful already?"

"It's no wonder that people often say that they should treat each other with admiration for three days. This little wolf surprises us so much." Bai Youwei said in shock.

Phantom: "Master, the man who needs to bend his knees in front of you has grown up."

Xiaoyue Sirius' performance really surprised Wei Xiao, but that was all.

"The little wolf that has grown up? Hehe... Suddenly, I am looking forward to your next performance."

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