Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1221: Your uncle is always your uncle

Temporary headquarters of the defenders on the southern line of defense.

Today is destined to be a special day and a day to remember.

With the retreat of enemy zombies on three sides of the West Polar Defense, the coalition forces finally ushered in a major alliance.


"I have seen the Lord and three mistresses."

One day after the enemy on the east line of defense retreated, Chen Haojie, Lan Qiang, and a few military commanders took a helicopter to meet Wei Xiao.

There were ten people in the party, and Du Guyi was impressively listed.

The current command of the east line of defense is temporarily handed over to the Phoenix Army commander to pay a million.

On the Phoenix side, in addition to Chen Haojie and Lan Qiang, there were Long Ba, Ye Yingjie, Wu Xiaoqi and Yu Wei who came with them.

The remaining three people are Yao Yue, the owner of the Hongchen Hotel, and her two cold-blooded confidants, Yun Xuan.

They are here as representatives of civil organizations.

After Wei Xiao and the others left the Hongchen Hotel, Yaoyue used his influence in the civil society to gather more than half a million civil armed forces in a short period of time.

As the phoenix army passed the Hongchen Hotel, they directly joined the team and rushed to the West Pole.

Seeing their group walk in from outside the temporary headquarters, Wei Xiao, who was sitting at the head of the headquarters conference table, nodded.

"You are finally here."

Long Ba said eclectically: "Knowing that your old man is here, how dare we neglect? No, I will give you a big gift as soon as you get to the West Pole. I wonder if you are always satisfied?"

Wei Xiaoxie smiled.

"You should be fortunate to have won a beautiful battle. If that kind of war caused the Phoenix to suffer heavy losses, you won't have to show up in front of me today."


Originally wanted to ask Wei Xiao for credit and show off, but when he heard this, Long Ba suddenly shrank his head.

Should the Lord be so strict?

"Haha... Lao Long, my husband is joking with you! You are here very time, and the battle is very beautiful." Bai Youwei said, giving Long Ba a step.


Long Ba smirked.

He actually knew that Wei Xiao was joking with them.

But you can't say this clearly. There must be someone who dares to speak out in front of Wei Xiao without losing the skin of Wei Xiao, and then you can get down the pole.

Compared with Wei Xiao continuing to sit on the main seat and talk to Hero Chen and the others, the eldest sister, Lin Xiao and the others were not so self-willed, and they got up one after another.

"Brother Wei, who are these?"

Without Wei Xiao's answer, Du Guyi, who had followed Chen Haojie and Yao Yue, came forward and gave an introduction to both parties.

When the people on both sides met, Lin Xiao and the eldest sister both showed extreme enthusiasm, especially Lin Xiao, and took the initiative to shake hands with Hero Chen.

"Honor Chen, Army Master Chen, it's better to be famous than to meet, it's really better to be famous than to meet! Your name, someone Lin, has long heard of it, and seeing a real person today is really a blessing for three lives."

Chen Haojie and Lin Xiao’s big hand I was together, and said neither humble nor arrogant: "General Lin also makes heroes admire. In these last days, I can still remember my original aspirations and block the Western Antarctic Plateau corpse forces from invading and attacking the hinterland. , To gain valuable development time for the human race in the Western Polar Region. Compared with General Lin, there are still many places for heroes to learn."

"Brother Chen is too modest. Lin can do this, but the predecessors left us with enough strength to resist the corpse. Unlike you, you have won beautiful battles with many corpse emperors before and after, Lin Mou I have long expected that one day I can fight side by side with you. This time, Lin's wish has come true."

"Everyone work together."

"well said."

Wei Xiao saw that the two sides knew the same thing, and said coldly, "Okay, take a seat first, and someone else will come later."

Devil King Wei spoke, Lin Xiao and the others stopped talking, and returned to their positions one after another.

When the group was seated, Wei Xiao couldn't help but set his eyes on Yaoyue.

"I didn't expect you guys to actually come?"

Yaoyue looked at Wei Xiao on the main seat with awe in secret.

I have to say that as a representative of non-governmental organizations, there is still a big gap between her and the bigwigs present.

Not to mention other things, it's just the momentum, facing the real bigwigs like Wei Xiao, eldest sister, and Lin Xiao, she feels a little breathless at this moment.

He knew Wei Xiao as well, but in the presence of so many bigwigs, Yao Yue didn't dare to go beyond the slightest.

"Yao Yue said that he would support the West Pole, so he would never break his promise, let alone say it in front of the Lord. Yaoyue deceived no one and dared not bully the Lord Phoenix."

Wei Xiao smiled indifferently: "The courage is commendable, I hope you can survive after this battle is over."

"Life and death are destiny. Although we don't have the mind to be the king and hegemony, we also know that the world is up and down, and everyone is responsible. What we are doing now is just to have a good environment for survival."


Wei Xiao didn't say any more, it was considered her approval.


Just when the atmosphere in the command headquarters was slightly quiet, outside, no one was seen, and the voice was heard first, and a hearty and proud laugh came from outside the headquarters.

"Who! So arrogant?" Long Ba frowned slightly.

At the moment, the Great Devil, there are people who dare to laugh out loud at such a serious meeting. How does this not put Wei Xiao and everyone present in his eyes?

Of course, even if the other party does not have such thoughts, it is indeed very impolite to laugh for no reason at such occasions.

The people outside don't know what some people think inside.

The laughter passed, and only the rough voice came from outside.

"I heard that representatives of other forces have already arrived, but I am the only one who missed Wolf City, but we are negligent."

Soon, from outside the headquarters, a group of people walked in under the leadership of a rough man.

"Little wolf?"

"Lord of Wolf City?"

Seeing the person in the lead, Chen Haojie, eldest sister and their eyes changed slightly.

Xiaoyue Sirius entered the headquarters with the people behind him.

His eyes swept over everyone present.

When he saw Wei Xiao on the front seat, Xiaoyue Sirius' eyes were obviously taken aback.

But he soon recovered his calm, with a smile on his face.

"I didn't expect you to come, Boss Wei. This Western Polar land seems to be much more lively than the king had imagined."

Wei Xiao's eyes half-squinted.

The lone wolf, who hadn't seen him for a long time, felt completely different this time.

Without the humility of the past, it is not like the "little man" who had to bow down when he saw Wei Xiao.

Now he is very confident and looks very confident.

Not to mention, he dared to call himself "the king" in front of Wei Xiao, which shows the change in his attitude.

Is it because of the current rise of Wolf City? Or is it because he has become a supernatural person?

Seeing some Xiaoyue Sirius of Xiao Zhang Yang, Bai Youwei said jokingly: "Haha...little wolf, it seems that after leaving Minghai City, you are completely prosperous. Now even the'King' is proud of it, that's it. I wonder if you recognize me now?"

Xiaoyue Sirius looked at Bai Youwei.

No matter how many times I watch it, the women around Wei Xiao always make people feel amazing from the soul.

The beauty is no longer enough to describe the face of Bai Youwei and the others, who hits the soul directly, even if there is a peerless Xiaoyue Sirius like Liu Xian'er, there will inevitably be thoughts that shouldn't be there.

However, Xiaoyue Sirius is not a person who can easily swell, especially in front of Wei Xiao.

Some arrogance can be done in moderation, but some taboos, he will never touch it easily.

Faced with Bai Youwei's question, Xiaoyue Sirius smiled and said, "What is your sister-in-law talking about? Even if this king doesn't know other people, he can't forget you."

"So you still know me! I thought that after a long time no see, the once little wolf has become defiant?"

"My sister-in-law joked, no matter how the king changes, in front of you and Boss Wei, this king will always be the lone wolf that you used to be familiar with."

"Really?" Wei Xiao's tone was cold.


No matter how Xiaoyue Sirius grew up, there was always a sense of fear in his heart towards Wei Xiao.

Wei Xiao only changed his tone slightly. In terms of observing words, observing colors and understanding people's hearts, it can be said that there is an instinctive Xiaoyue Sirius, which seems to have caught a dangerous signal from Wei Xiao's inadvertent question.

His complexion twitched slightly, Xiaoyue Sirius met Wei Xiao's eyes that were deep into the vastness and seemed to stare from the abyss, and his heart squatted.

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