Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1222: Little wolf or little wolf

"Boss Wei, what Ben and Xiao Wang said are from their hearts. To you, Xiao Wang only has a heart of awe."

With a "death gaze", Xiaoyue Sirius' self-proclaimed consciously dropped one level.

Not his willingness, but from instinct, from the fear of that figure in the soul.

"Haha..." Wei Xiao smiled, "Sit down! Everyone is just you."

What is a big boss?

This is.

It doesn't need to be too strong, just a single sentence to "succumb to the enemy without fighting", Wei Xiao's influence in Xiaoyue Sirius' heart can be seen.

"Good, good."

No longer the arrogance before, Xiaoyue Sirius responded instinctively, not daring to do more, and sat down in an empty seat next to Lin Xiao, very regular.

Behind him, sitting down at the main table like him were Long Feihong, Liang Zhijun, Canglang King, and Li Guangliang.

These four people are now the deputy city masters of Wolf City.

Although a bit of a misnomer, the status of the Deputy City Lord was recognized by everyone in Wolf City.

The only difference may be the restriction on the mobility of the Wolf City army.

Thinking back to them, they may not be as strong as Wei Xiao, but their status is at the same level as Wei Xiao.

But after a period of change, the status of the two sides is now very different.

Long Feihong felt most deeply about this.

Looking at Wei Xiao, who was sitting on the main seat, who was overwhelming and dignified, he couldn't help sighing again and again in his heart.

Thinking that when Wei Xiao was at the Liming Base, although Wei Xiao already had the capital to aspire to the peak of the apocalypse, at that time, the gap between the two sides had not reached the huge gap it is now, but now, the height of Wei Xiao's location has long been beyond his reach.

Together with the lone wolf who had to succumb to him at the beginning, they have become his "head boss". It has to be said that the world is unpredictable.

"In this life, I have no chance to compete with them anymore." Long Feihong felt a little lost in his heart.

Xiaoyue Sirius sat down.

At this time, he realized that he did not know when his aura was already weaker than Wei Xiao.

He secretly scolded himself for being unworthy.

When I came here, I clearly thought about it. In any case, I couldn't weaken my temper in front of Wei Xiao.

But when the truth came, he found that he couldn't control his inner fear of Wei Xiao, and he couldn't help putting himself at a level lower than Wei Xiao.

Damn it!

Why should I be afraid of him?

I now control tens of millions of (I think) combatable soldiers, and I have everything I need for aircraft and cannon.

Besides, I am still a capable person, who can destroy the existence of 100,000-level zombies with every gesture. With such confidence, what reason do I need to fear him?

But, why is my mouth so weak?

"Okay, everyone is here now, let's talk less nonsense, let's go directly to today's topic."

When Xiaoyue Sirius had frequent inner activities, Wei Xiao directly entered the content of today's meeting.

With his opening, everyone present except for someone who was still sulking himself had a right attitude.

Wei Xiao did not delay, and said bluntly: "First of all, what I want to talk about is the command power of the coalition forces in the West Pole. Here, the Heroine City, Longwei City and the friendly Queen of Zombie Land have agreed to hand over command power. Give the phoenix control, I think, there should be no problem with the remaining two parties, right?"

"Civil organizations have no opinion."

Yaoyue agreed with Wei Xiao's decision without even thinking about it.

As for Xiaoyue Sirius, he just walked out of his inner activities and didn't say anything yet, only to find that the military power in his hand no longer belonged to him, and his expression couldn't help but be taken aback.

Seeing no one was speaking, Wei Xiao settled down.

"Very well, since there is no objection, the command will be decided like this. The next thing to say is how we will fight the next battle with the enemy Corpse Emperor forces."

"Wait! Ben, Xiao Wang..."

"What do you want to say? If it is something that cannot be changed, it is best not to waste everyone's time."

Wei Xiao shook his eyes, and the Xiaoyue Sirius who had just reached his mouth suddenly disappeared.

He was scared.

is not that right?

Taking 10,000 steps back, even if he is really not afraid of Wei Xiao, what he wants to say is nothing more than the ownership of the command. But four of the six major forces on the scene are already on Wei Xiao’s side. What to change?

"No, no, boss Wei, you continue to say." Xiaoyue Sirius chose to follow his heart.

Wei Xiao didn’t seem to see the distress on his face, and continued: “I’ve said before that I’ve never come to the Western Polar Land to help the human race here to defeat the enemy Corpse Emperor’s forces. I want What they did was not only to repel them, but also to eat the enemy corpse emperors who had invaded the Western Polar Region."

"The coalition forces in the Western Polar Regions did not have this strength before. I don't want to force it, but now that we already have such strength, there is no need to be conservative."

"Our next battle will be based on active offense, and defensive warfare has become a thing of the past. Okay, I'll talk about this in general, and you can say anything you want to say next. By the way, hero..."


"From now on, you will become the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces. You need to know what you can ask everyone present now."

Chen Haojie nodded.

After Wei Xiao had finished speaking, he stood up and looked at the crowd and said, "Since the Lord appointed me as a commander, I will not refuse. Then, I will first ask the questions I need to understand."

"Today's total number of coalition forces, what kind of firepower is equipped, how many super fighters are there, and how long can the logistics support the army to fight?"

His voice fell. In the presence, the leaders of all parties told him about the number of people they probably knew so far, as well as other information.

According to statistics, not counting the number of friendly zombies, the total combat power of Human Race alone exceeds 10 million.

Among them, Phoenix is ​​2 million, Wolf City is more than 2.8 million, and the number of civil organizations is more than 400,000. The number of soldiers is more than six million.

In the entire human coalition, the number of super soldiers is also very impressive, reaching about 8 million.

The Phoenix City and the Wolf City accounted for more than half, and the remaining three million or so belonged to the defenders of the West Pole.

Needless to say the weapon.

With the existence of Longwei City, a self-produced weapon base, the coalition forces need not worry at all.

As for the logistics, especially the food.

It is absolutely impossible for you to say how good you want to eat, but to maintain the normal food and clothing of the coalition forces, with the wild fruits and vegetables everywhere in the wild, with some staple food, it will be enough for tens of millions of troops to consume for two or three months.

The strength of the coalition forces is undoubtedly unprecedentedly strong.

Among other things, the tens of millions of troops are equipped with thermal weapons to charge the enemy zombies. As long as they don't enter close combat, it is definitely a nightmare for second and third-level zombies.

Knowing this, Chen Haojie immediately deployed and assigned tasks for the coalition forces to do next.

"The strength of the coalition forces is much stronger than I thought. This is easy to handle. Next, the general plan of the battle is as follows..."

"First, the Phoenix will send a shadow guard into its territory to have a comprehensive understanding of the enemy Corpse Emperor's troops. We need this information."

"Secondly, the Shadow Guards and the Shadow Guards are dispatched at the same time to fight against the human traitors of the enemy corpse emperor. Don’t ask them to help us deal with the enemy zombies, but tell them that before the battle is unclear, they’d better not too much. Too positive. In this regard, it can be coerced and lured."

"A group of people who are greedy for life and fear of death, as long as our coalition forces are not defeated, they know what to do."

"Third, since it is an active offensive, the third-line battle is no longer suitable for us. When the relevant information about the enemy's zombies is available, the coalition forces will form a front line, in one go, and go straight to the base camp of the enemy's corpse emperor."

Lin Xiao frowned: "Sergeant Chen, what do you plan to do with the friendly zombie army?"

Chen Haojie smiled and said: "The friendly army of zombies naturally confronts the enemy as our front army. The biggest advantage of the human race is the ability to fight at long distances. As long as it is not close combat, the weapons we have can draw us closer. There is a gap in the number of enemy zombies. Hundreds of millions of zombies are not enough to be feared."

"Of course, you can't blindly let friendly zombies be in the forefront. Once they all die in battle, it is us who face the enemy. This is not what the coalition wants to see. Therefore, when the enemy is charging forward, we have nothing to do with it. We must also take the initiative to attract a part of the enemy army to leave the main force to open up a new battlefield."

"In these local battlefields, we have to use the wisdom of our human race. All kinds of traps, ambushes, and siege will all be used. Although such a small-scale battle cannot affect the frontal battlefield, it can share some of the pressure on friendly zombies. Get them a longer fighting time."

Then, Chen Haojie said some details.

For example, soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals.

The most difficult point for enemy zombies to deal with is the sky corpse.

This kind of corpse is too fast, if it is not unexpected, it is difficult to damage them even with a sniper rifle.

At this time, Xiaoyue Sirius and the others were able to play their role.

The battle has started, and their main purpose is to guard against the attack of the corpse.

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