Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1232: When the emperor came out, the world trembled

"Wu Qing, are you here?"

Seeing Mu Wuqing and the others, the eldest sister and others were ecstatic.

Mu Wu counted and nodded.

"Sister, give us the corpse, you are responsible for the other zombies."

"Hahaha... there are younger brothers and sisters with the Wolf King, what else should we worry about? Don't worry, there is no enemy corpse, the enemy zombies are nothing at all."

The arrival of the Phantom and the others greatly reduced the pressure on Lin Xiao and them.

Don't worry about the corpse's sneak attack anymore, they immediately killed the enemy zombies on the ground with all their strength.

"Kill them."

The enemy corpses were not afraid of the power of the Phantom.

With a roar, the remaining ten or so celestial corpses launched a siege to Xiaoyue Sirius.

"court death!"

The Phantom and the others separated, fighting each other.

One person fights two or three corpses alone, with ease.

At this time, the cyclops on the front battlefield were still on their way.

The arrival of enemy reinforcements did not seem to have caused much waves.

With the corpse of a mother joining the coalition forces, the confrontation between the two sides is difficult to distinguish within a short period of time.



On the rear battlefield.

The four female corpses who were killed in the enemy group finally ushered in the target of the one-eyed giant corpse.

The one-eyed giant corpse, also with a huge body, roared, and rushed towards the mother's corpse at a swaying pace on the mountain.

The mother corpse is not afraid.

The huge body stood upright, countless sharp claws thrusting **** the ground, and the whole body collided with the flying one-eyed giant corpse in the air like a cannonball.


When the giant monster collided, that scene, that scene, could be called the sky thunder hitting the ground and the fireball hitting the blue star.

The violent movement brought about by the collision was shocking and weeping.

Then the back shock caused them to shake each other away.

The huge bodies smashed to the ground one after another. I don't know how many zombies on both sides of the enemy were crushed into flesh by their falling huge bodies.



In the initial confrontation, no one took advantage, and roared, a behemoth scuffled together again.

For a time, the entire battlefield, where the cyclops and the mother's corpse confront each other, were quickly divided up, and no warrior on one side dared to approach it actively.

"It's really shocking! The confrontation between giants like this is not an exaggeration to say that the world is destroyed."

Wei Xiao admired the scene in front of him, and couldn't help sighing again and again.

It's spectacular, and it makes people excited.

That kind of clash of fists to the flesh and hard power makes people heart-stirring thinking about it, let alone witnessing it with your own eyes.

Ai Luoer stood beside Wei Xiao obediently.

"It's a pity that the Cyclops is destined to have no chance to fight fairly with the mother's corpse."

Wei Xiao turned his head and glanced at Ai Luoer.

"This is a war, not a duel."

"Boom boom..."

It seems to be to confirm the words of the two people. The confrontation between the giants of the enemy and us is fierce. At this time, the Quartet, the coalition snipers began to block the Cyclops.

The No. 5 armor-piercing bullet cannot kill the Cyclops at one time. The head is continuously penetrated by the armor-piercing bullets without the need to aim for a sustainable attack. round.

What's more, there are mothers' corpses on the sidelines.

Once the defense of the Cyclops is broken by the armor-piercing bullet, the mother's claws will not show mercy, and the place where the Cyclops loses its scale defense is a mess.

The sky corpse wanted to help the cyclops, but unfortunately, the friendly corpse was not a display.

The power of the earth was launched, and from the ground, a clay giant with a height of twenty to thirty meters rose from the ground.

The soil thorns on the body were like a goddess scattered flowers, and the dense mud rain covered the sky, forcing the sky corpses to dodge, and it was difficult to confront them directly.

Cyclops is the fastest type of enemy zombie on the battlefield.

The one-eyed giant corpses from the east and southeast were wiped out by the coalition forces on the battlefield within half an hour of their appearance.

Only the extremely fast corpse can continue to cause trouble to the coalition forces.

But with friendly corpses, their threats have been reduced to a very low level.

However, enemy zombies always occupy a terrifying number advantage.

The effect of the mother corpse on the battlefield is obvious, but facing enemy zombies like an ant colony, they are quickly consumed in the battle, and they are eventually swallowed by the enemy zombies.

In order to eliminate these four friendly mother corpses, the enemy zombies paid more than three or four million casualties.

This is still a situation where the enemy is a widow, if it is evenly matched, and the enemy corpse group does not have a mother corpse to participate in the battle, what kind of record will the four friendly mother corpses achieve?

From this point, one can also imagine how threatening the mother's corpse is on the battlefield.


The four mother corpses fell one after another, and the pressure on the enemy zombies did not decrease as a result.

Instead, after the last mother's corpse was besieged to death by them, things that made the enemy's corpse tribe fearful came out.

The roar that pierced the sky and tore the world came.


Whether it was the front battlefield or the rear battlefield, the enemy's zombies confronting the coalition forces had a look of horror in their fierce eyes.

"The human coalition forces in the rear battlefield immediately retreated."

Hearing this roar, hundreds of soldiers raised loudspeakers on the city wall and issued retreat orders to the Terran warriors in the rear battlefield.

The Terran Alliance did not know why, but did not hesitate, and retreated one after another toward the city defense.

"We also retreat."

The friendly corpses obviously got some instructions, and they broke away from the battle with the enemy corpses and returned to the city wall one after another.

On the contrary, none of the friendly zombies retreated, and the remaining five million friendly zombies, as if they had been beaten with chicken blood, tried their best to withstand the main force of the enemy zombies 800 meters away from the city defense.

The corpse in the sky was shocked at the moment, and there was no more war in his eyes.

"Go, go now, get out of here—"

They seem to be afraid.

Roaring and turning around, he was about to fly away from the rear battlefield.



Just as the sky corpse flees, the ground at this time, a vision suddenly emerged.

The battle line formed by friendly zombies, the sky is shaking, and the earth is torn apart.

Then the earth gushed and the underground river soared into the sky.

The coalition forces around the city wall were a little unstable in the face of this sudden, earthquake-like terrorist movement.

When they noticed the area 800 meters away, most people were scared to the sky.

What did they see?

Under the circumstance that the violent shaking continued, the ground in front was like the sky collapsed, the mountains collapsed and the four sides collapsed, and a large area instantly turned into nothingness. The zombies on both sides of the enemy and us above fell into it without even having time to react. No trace in the bottomless abyss.

Suddenly, as far as the line of sight is concerned, it is an infinite land covering more than ten square kilometers.


There are also the corpses on the run, and they cannot all be spared.

In front of them, from the collapsed ground, a hundred-meter mud giant sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain. A huge palm comparable to a small hill fell from the sky, and some of the corpses that could not dodge were hit and screamed. Fell into the abyss.

Life and death are unknown.

"External Corpse Emperor..."

When a corpse was seriously injured and fell, he exclaimed such a sentence.


Immediately, only a more violent noise came from the ground outside the city defense.

"Boom" sounded.

From the divided earth and the collapsed abyss in all directions, a terrifying figure that directly hit the soul of the human coalition army, accompanied by a raised sky pillar appeared under the sky.


The Hongyin jar vibrated for nine days, and the emperor was on the scene, and the sound screamed into the sky.

The figure that appeared with fear, death, shock and unmatched momentum, the world trembled at her appearance.

"The corpse, the corpse emperor?"

"This, isn't this the legendary corpse king?"

"Oh my God! What did I see? Ten square kilometers of land and tens of millions of zombies are gone. Don't tell me all this is caused by the monster in front of you?"

"I feel my soul trembling."

"Sister, brother-in-law, is this, is this really a corpse emperor?"

Ai Luoer stared at the huge figure 800 meters away, and asked Wei Xiao with a trembling voice.

Compared to all the stunned human warriors on the entire defense line at this moment, there was no wave on Wei Xiao's face.

Looking at the huge monster that appeared in front of him, Wei Xiao said coldly: "Yes, this is the corpse emperor, haven't you seen all of them half a month ago?"

"Ah...I, I have seen?" Ai Luoer asked in surprise.

"The Queen of the Earth."

Aylor's big eyes opened wide, unbelievable: "She, she is the Queen of the Earth?"

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