Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1233: The enemy corpse king is here

The corpse emperor is not unfamiliar to the survivors of Longxia Land today.

But you have to say that the people who have actually seen the body of the corpse emperor, especially the living corpse emperor, are only a small part of them.

Now that a living corpse emperor really appeared in front of him, and the appearance was so exciting and shocking, for the first time facing the corpse emperor, the visual impact it brought could not be described in words.

Ai Luoer couldn't believe that the giant in front of her was the empress of the earth she was familiar with.

Was the Empress of the Earth they saw half a month ago like this?

Isn't that the existence that is not much different from the corpse?

Why hasn't she seen for more than half a month, so she has grown to such a terrifying point?

Obviously, Ai Luoer was one of the people who had never seen the body of the corpse emperor.

That day, Wei Xiao took her to the lair where the Queen of the Earth was located. This girl completely regarded the corpse possessed by the Queen of the Earth as the corpse emperor that countless survivors feared in her mind.

Because of this, seeing the deity of the Empress of the Earth now, her small heart has endured a lot of impact.

Wei Xiao didn't explain much.

The figure flickered on the wall, and came to the head of the Empress of the Earth in the blink of an eye.

"Wei Xiao?"

The Empress of Earth felt the figure above her head, her tone was cold.

"The movement you created was too great, and the earth was smashed by you. After the war, how did you ask my human race to collect the corpses on the battlefield?"

The Queen of the Earth's huge eyes flicked.

"The emperor is in control of the power of the earth, invincible on the ground. Don't you think that this will clear the army of outer corpses faster?"

"Of course I know. But this is not what my human race wants. If it's just to destroy the corpse group, we can detonate the taboo weapons at the place where the enemy zombies pass by. Why bother to defeat them with the front? , Can make the loss of our human race not small."

"Hmph! Little profit, if you can kill the enemy Corpse Emperor, before the Emperor is promoted to the Supreme, the Emperor can help you realize how many corpses of the Corpse Clan you want."

Wei Xiao said coldly: "Don't waste the rest. It shouldn't be difficult for your strength to kill the enemy and leave the corpse. Don't forget, we have cooperated more than once. If you are not strong enough to cause problems in the subsequent battles. , Let alone becoming a supreme, it is a question of whether you can save your life."

"The emperor does not need you to teach. Don't forget the things you promised to the emperor. The emperor can feel it. When the emperor appeared on the battlefield, he had already rushed here."

"The promise you made will naturally not break your promise, but you also have to consider the interests of my human race."

"I hope you do what you say."

The Queen of the Earth didn't know if she had listened to Wei Xiao's words.

As I spoke, I saw that the surrounding abyss that had become a rootless place once again roared.

The sunken ground re-uplifted at a speed visible to the naked eye at this time, finally filling the empty space.


On the ground that reappeared, most of the zombies that fell before have not yet died.

The enemy-type zombies who were wailing in their mouths and voices full of horror, ignored the pain on their bodies, and fled away from the Empress of the Earth.


However, they hadn't ran far, and a terrifying pressure spread out from the Empress of the Earth.

I only felt that the earth trembled, and then, the heads of the undead enemy zombies, Dou Da's heads burst open as if they were stimulated.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiao said no more, and the figure disappeared on the head of the Empress Earth in the blink of an eye.


The Empress of the Earth moved.

The remaining enemy zombie army, wherever the figure is in her domain, is either destroyed by the rolling ground or pierced by the uplifting soil.

Compared with the mother's corpse, the Queen of the Earth who cleans up the miscellaneous soldiers, her ability is even more terrifying.

Wei Xiao returned to Ai Luoer and them.

The human coalition under the city wall looked at the enemy army who was violently dying with hundreds of thousands of zombies under the power of the Queen of the Earth. While stunned, their bodies were also terrified.


It's terrifying.

Is this the corpse king?

Is this the "absolute realm" of the corpse emperor recorded in "Apocalypse"?

This is too scary.

Faced with such an ability to destroy the heavens and the earth, once the super warriors who have no strength in the human race stray into the absolute realm of the corpse king, there is a chance to survive?

It's no wonder that "Apocalypse" especially emphasizes that human beings who have not reached the third level of super warrior can never enter the realm of the corpse king.

Just the terrifying power of the Earth Corpse Emperor to harvest enemy zombies, I believe that with this personal experience, human survivors in the future will take it even more seriously.

"Brother-in-law, like this corpse emperor, have you really killed a lot of animals?"

Ai Luoer can no longer describe the ability of the Empress of the Earth with conventional cognition.

But when she thought of such a "god"-like corpse emperor, her cheap brother-in-law had killed many of them, she couldn't imagine how Wei Xiao and the others did it.

Wei Xiao said disapprovingly: "It looks like something to deal with some ants. The real powerhouses have tricks. What you see now can't get on the stage at all."

This, this is not on the table?

Ellor's heart trembled.

As a third-level warrior, although she has not been targeted by the Queen of the Earth, she can feel that if she is in the realm of the Queen of the Earth, it is estimated that her fate is not much different from those of the enemy corpses.

But such ability is not worth mentioning in Wei Xiao's mouth?

She really didn't know what to do with her feelings at the moment.

Is it because I don't have enough vision or do I have any misunderstandings about being truly powerful?

"Don't think too much, the next battle is the key. If you can't stop it, the whole army will really be wiped out." Wei Xiao suddenly turned around, holding the Emperor Sword in his hand, facing the battlefield outside the city.

Ai Luoer felt that her heart was almost numb.

The strength shown by the Empress of the Earth, her brother-in-law, didn't pay much attention to it, but he paid particular attention to the unknown danger.

I really don’t know how terrible the "key" that my brother-in-law said?

far away.

The Empress of the Earth came to the battlefield in person, as an enemy corpse emperor of the same kind, it is impossible not to capture her breath.

As the corpse emperor, everyone knows what it will be like to let the army under his command face the other side.

without any exaggeration.

With the same level of the two corpse emperors, the corpse emperor of either party can wipe out all the people under the other's corpse emperor with its own power.

Even if it is replaced by a top-level corpse emperor’s army facing the first-level corpse emperor, if the former’s ideas cannot reach the area of ​​the battlefield and give a certain blessing to its own zombies, the first-level corpse emperor can completely rely on the suppression of the emperor’s power and bloodline. Sweep all the army of the top corpse emperor in their own absolute domain.

This is also the main reason why the zombies of the Nether-type did not enter the realm of the outer-type corpse emperor in any case without the leadership of the Mingzhao.

Because of this, the Queen of the Earth appeared, and the enemy corpse emperor hiding behind could not sit still.


The roar that resounded through the world came out one after another in the lair where the enemy corpse emperor was currently located.

The enemy zombies still in the rear corpse nest seemed to be stimulated. The nine female corpses were dispatched and the guards followed.

More than 30 super zombies (including enemy mother corpses) carrying more than 100,000 top zombies (level 4 zombies) rushed towards the southern defense line.

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