Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1244: The real strength of the Phantom

The giant of a kilometer was only ten seconds away at Wei Xiao's extreme speed.

The figure approached the enemy's corpse emperor for a hundred meters, and Wei Xiao swung the Emperor Sword in his hand.

"Stop it for me."


The whole body's blood qi was mobilized, and Wei Xiao slashed out. Suddenly, there was a sonic boom, shaking the space.

Invisibly, a terrifying force that cuts the air and surpasses common sense slashed out of the Emperor Devouring Knife in Wei Xiao's hand.


When leaving the battlefield with the Phantom, a mysterious power that was unintentionally touched by the impatience was once again displayed by Wei Xiao.

That kind of invisible force created by his own blood, with the help of a quick slash of the Emperor Sword, instantly touched the figure of the enemy Corpse King.




He was mobilizing the alien ability to control the high-altitude celestial body to crush the enemy Corpse King of the Queen of Earth. The tough armor was hit by Wei Xiao from the air, and the No. 5 armored shell needed two damages to destroy part of the defense. It was actually in Wei Xiao's knife. Break down the defense.

The enemy Corpse King screamed.

The power to control the celestial body was disconnected, and the huge body involuntarily retreated tens of meters.


Wei Xiao succeeded with a single blow, but his own situation seemed unsatisfactory.

Just slashing out, it's like having experienced a battle that spares no effort, the body is a little unsteady, and the body is stabilized by inserting the Emperor Sword into the ground.

He was panting heavily, and he seemed very tired now.


Did not give him much time to breathe.

The energy output of the enemy Corpse Emperor was interrupted, and from behind him, there were more than a dozen enemy Corpse corpses rushing towards Wei Xiao.

Wei Xiao's eyes condensed under the crystal goggles.

Ignoring the exhaustion on his body, the emperor sword swept across, and the figure in the armor of the emperor faced the corpses of the enemy who had been killed.

"Puff puff……"

The enemy corpse was still vulnerable in front of Wei Xiao.

However, if you look closely, you will find that compared to Wei Xiao's initial speed at slaying the enemy's corpse, after he cuts the enemy's corpse emperor, it is undoubtedly much slower at this moment.

Even the corpse who had time to display supernatural powers caused Wei Xiao a lot of trouble in the process.

After being attacked by different powers, Wei Xiao's figure rolled on the ground several times in a row.

But after several confrontations, he seemed to have figured out the abilities of the enemy Corpse Emperor.

One is an attack similar to mind power.

It can control everything, and it can also condense this power into an invisible attack across a distance to give him a certain threat.

The other is the manipulation of Qi.

When the enemy's corpse activated its ability several times, he felt that the surrounding air was evacuated and it was difficult to breathe.

Naturally, in addition to evacuating the air, it can also cause the air to produce terrible shocks.

If it were not for the protection of Emperor Armor's armor, Wei Xiao suspected that his physical body would be shattered by the shocking space.

They were all invisible abilities, and Wei Xiao, who had not mastered active abilities, except for slaying the enemy's corpse with speed, once he gave the opponent a chance to activate the ability, he could almost only dodge.

"Master Wei Xiao, we are here to help you."

When Wei Xiao looked a little embarrassed, the friendly corpse finally arrived.

They flashed past Wei Xiao, facing the enemy's corpse.

The friendly corpse with a layer of supernatural powers on her body didn't seem to be restrained by the other's supernatural powers like Wei Xiao.

With the ability to counterattack, the confrontation between the friendly corpse and the enemy's corpse can be described as having a relationship.

Seeing that the friend's corpse can offset a certain degree of attack from the opponent with the blessing of abilities, and also has the ability to counterattack in the process, it is a lie to say that Wei Xiao does not envy it.

Without active abilities, he will only struggle more and more to face enemies with abilities in the future.

However, this is not the time for him to envy these.

The enemy's corpse was pinned by the friendly zombies, and Wei Xiao's eyes locked on the enemy's corpse again.

"No one will bother us now."

Wei Xiao secretly said, his figure flashed in place, and instantly reached the enemy Corpse Emperor's side.


The enemy Corpse Sovereign obviously also noticed Wei Xiao.

The hideous face let out a roar.

Suddenly, in the invisible air, a terrifying force directed at Wei Xiao's figure.


Feeling that a powerful boost was blocking his attack, Wei Xiao didn't have time to react, and a terrifying shock wave erupted in the air in front of him, knocking him into the air on the spot.


Wei Xiao's figure flew back towards the rear.

At this time, a large number of mud and rocks on the ground rose up, forming a siege to Wei Xiao in the air.

In the blink of an eye, Wei Xiao was wrapped in a lot of mud and rocks like a rice dumpling and fell to the ground.

"The emperor can't hold on anymore—"

the other side.

Although Wei Xiao interrupted the enemy Corpse Emperor's control of the celestial bodies, the huge celestial bodies that had formed a climate were not badly wounded by the Empress of the Earth.

Ten minutes of support is already the limit of the Queen of the Earth, completely relieved.


Without the earth pillars strengthened by the Queen of the Earth to destroy the power of the earth, the holding celestial body above could not be blocked at all.

Under the crushing of huge celestial bodies, a large number of soil pillars continued to break and collapse.

The terrifying celestial body is crashing towards the ground.

That's it!

This is almost everyone's mind.

A giant celestial body with a diameter of more than one kilometer hits the ground from an altitude of two to three hundred meters, and its power is not what ordinary people can imagine.

The rear of the battlefield.

The Xiaoyue Sirius, who had fled before, was watching the terrifying celestial body approaching the ground from a long distance, and under the opened mask, his eyes were horrified and shocked.

"has it ended?"

Xiaoyue Sirius seemed to have foreseen the fate of the next coalition forces.

He couldn't imagine how many people in the coalition on the battlefield would survive after the giant celestial body collided with the earth.

Xiaoyue Sirius' heart was dripping blood.

Almost all the elites of his Wolf City are on the battlefield, are they all going to die here today?

Just when everyone had been appointed to wait for the final "heaven and earth collision", suddenly, from behind the city defense, a purple lightning instantly resisted the center of the ground where the celestial body fell.

"Master of the Phantom, leave quickly, take the Lord and leave..."

Found the figure appearing under the celestial body, the wounded Lan Qiang showed horror on his face.

Hurriedly shouted heartbreakingly.

The Phantom is unmoved.

Indifferent eyes looked directly at the celestial bodies that were getting closer and closer in the sky.

There is a determination, and there is also a determined phantom, with purple electricity all over the body high, and the surrounding thunder is vertical and horizontal.


Accompanied by the phantom scream.


On the ground, the figure of the Phantom was instantly submerged in the thunder.

Within a kilometer of a radius, endless purple electricity was suddenly surging like a tide.

The white and purple electric light forms a domain by itself, in the magnificent thunder sea. At this time, countless purple electric lights gather in one place. From the thunder sea covered by strong light, a humanoid object condensed by thunder is constantly rising from the ground. .

Ten meters, twenty meters, thirty meters...

In a blink of an eye, a faceless giant with a height of more than 150 meters and countless thunder scattered around stood between the sky and the earth.


The Thunder Giant appeared, and similarly, the celestial body above it also matched it.

I saw the thunder giant roaring and holding up his hands against the falling celestial body.



When the two touched, the earth shook.

Whether it is a high-altitude celestial body or the ground below, there are countless debris splashing and flying into the air.

The place where the Thunder Giant was located was even more submerged by heavy smoke, leaving only the body of the giant above the heavy smoke and the huge celestial body that stopped falling.


A loud female voice suddenly uttered from the thunder giant.

Suddenly, from the Thunder Giant, a large number of purple electricity, like vines, continued to extend toward the surface of the celestial body through the Thunder Giant's hands.

In a blink of an eye.

The surface of the huge celestial body is wrapped in purple thunder.


With the sound of a rock-shattering and groundbreaking explosion, the huge celestial body exploded under the squeeze of thunder, turning into rain-like fragments and smashing to the ground.

The smoke billowed and the wind shook.

A shocking scene appeared, and everyone on the battlefield was completely silent at this moment.

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