Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1245: The dead unidentified queen of the earth

What did they see?

What have they experienced?

In this world, there are people who can block a giant celestial body with a diameter of one kilometer by themselves. Is this surely a joke?

And the giant formed by thunder.

They haven't seen the scene where the supernatural player controls the giant.

Whether it is the earth giant summoned by the Queen of the Earth or the metal giant that Bai Youwei controls the metal condensed, the size is not much smaller than the thunder giant in front of him, but no matter which kind of giant, it seems to be inferior to the thunder giant in front of him. What to order.

Yes, the soul, I feel that the giant in front of me is completely transformed from a living human being, full of spirituality.

far away.

Relying on the power of the wind to maintain his figure in the air, Xiaoyue Sirius saw the Phantom's handwriting, and his whole person was frozen on the spot.

I couldn't believe that the scene in front of me was the Howling Sirius created by the phantom of the same ability. While his heart was terrified, his eyes were full of fear.

Can the power of the supernatural person grow to this point?

Xiaoyue Sirius looked terrified, and muttered: "Is this the real power of the supernatural power? What she said to Wei Xiao before that she didn't use many supernatural powers is actually true?"


Extremely scary.

Those with supernatural powers are really terrifying.

When everyone on the battlefield was still in shock, a large number of celestial bodies turned into fragments fell, and the Thunder Giant, half of his body above the thick smoke, suddenly turned and faced the enemy Corpse Emperor thousands of meters away.


The enemy Corpse Sovereign seemed to feel some threat, his huge body stood between the heaven and the earth, and the blood basin that could swallow a hill was roaring hysterically at the Thunder Giant.


The female voice uttered from the thunder giant.

"Boom boom boom..."

The figure moved, the thunder giant trotting like flying, and the devastating thunder with his body rushed towards the enemy Corpse Emperor.


The enemy corpse queen retreated tens of meters, accompanied by a roar, and rushed towards the Thunder Giant after a certain stature.

Two behemoths charged head-on.

At this moment, the earth trembled violently under their feet.

When the two sides were less than 100 meters apart, the Thunder Giant jumped into the air, swinging a huge fist and hitting the enemy Corpse King in front.


"Boom boom boom..."


With a hit, the purple electricity carried by the Thunder Giant was like the return of a thousand rivers to the sea, and the purple electricity was unified, all poured onto the enemy's corpse emperor.

Thunder bombarded the enemy Corpse Emperor, whose entire body was completely submerged in the thunderstorm, with a heart-piercing scream.

For a time, within a radius of one kilometer, the sky was broken, the earth was cracked, purple electricity was vertical and horizontal, thick smoke was everywhere, and the sun and the moon were dark.

Everyone is watching this scene, and also watching the place where the purple electricity is raging.

The coalition forces who held their breath, concentrated, and dared not blink their eyes, quietly waited for the last moment to appear.

for a long time.

The thick smoke dissipated, and the purple power disappeared.

On the earth gradually returning to calm, the Thunder Giant still stood between the sky and the earth.

In front of her, the enemy corpse emperor was lying on the ground with an anxious, golden blood flowing body.

has it ended?

This is the question in everyone's mind.


Just when everyone focused all their attention on the enemy Corpse Emperor on the ground, the enemy Corpse Emperor suddenly let out a roar, and the fallen body suddenly strung together.

Doesn't it die like this?

The coalition forces with a sigh of relief saw this scene, saying that they were scared to death.

The enemy corpse emperor did not die under the attack of the Thunder Giant that was capable of destroying the mountains and destroying the world. Is this defense TM excessive?

The crowd was thrilling and souls flying beyond the sky.

But in minutes.

The enemy corpse emperor who got up from the ground again seemed to be back to light, and did not hold on for long, and then fell to the ground again.

"Boom" sounded.

This time, the enemy corpse emperor twitched a few times on the ground, and finally there was no movement.

At this moment, the Thunder Giant, who had been standing on the ground, changed.

The huge body trembled violently, and the condensed thunder body seemed to slowly dissipate in the breeze.

In the end, the Thunder Giant completely disappeared between the sky and the earth, and a tiny figure fell down in the air.


Seeing that the falling figure was about to collide with the ground, at this moment, a figure flew across the sky and hugged it into his arms and landed firmly on the ground.

Wei Xiao looked at Ke Ren'er in his arms, his eyes trembled under the mask.



The mask in front of Phantom Shadow opened, revealing the pale, bloodless face.

"Lord, Master, I, I really want to sleep, I'm so tired..."

When Wei Xiao heard the sound, his heart trembled.

For some reason, he suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of crisis in his heart, as if he was about to lose something.

Wei Xiao's eyes suddenly panicked.

"No sleep, Xiaoying, I order you, no sleep..." Wei Xiao called out anxiously.

But it was difficult for Keren in her arms to stay awake again.

"Lord, Master, I, I can't control myself, so let me sleep for a while, okay, okay? Just, just for a while..."

Regardless of whether it was right or wrong, no matter how serious it was, the Phantom that never violated the order to Wei Xiao, even if it was death, did not execute it again.

The voice in his mouth became weaker and weaker, and the opened star eyes gradually merged.

Wei Xiao's heart beat wildly, and his firm body also began to tremble violently invisibly.

"Xiaoying, Phantom, you listen to me, don't sleep, I order you don't sleep, hear no, wake me up..." Wei Xiao shouted loudly.

He even shook the opponent's body in order to keep the Phantom awake.

But this does not change anything.

The phantom with his eyes closed, no matter how Wei Xiao shook or shouted, he never opened his eyes.

Her vitality is slowly dying.

"Hahaha...haha... another corpse emperor, another second-level corpse emperor, they belong to the emperor, and they belong to the emperor..."

Suddenly, a series of loud laughter came into Wei Xiao's ears at an untimely time.

Thousands of meters away, the Empress of the Earth, who was fighting against a huge celestial body, looked at the enemy Corpse Emperor who had lost his vitality, and she had strength, and laughed and rushed towards the body of the enemy Corpse Emperor.

But she didn't notice that Wei Xiao's body was full of chill at the moment, and the breath of death spewed out like a river in his scarlet pupils.

"Boom boom boom..."

The figure of the Empress of the Earth whizzed past Wei Xiao.

"I laughed at you paralyzed--"

Wei Xiao suddenly put down the phantom in his arms and burst into flames.

Nearly mad and emotionally violent, he turned around and swiped the Emperor Sword in his hand.

With endless anger and grief and anger, the whole body's blood can be said to have changed the surrounding environment. It was cut out with a single knife, countless **** eyes, and a blood-blue blade of hundreds of meters long flashed from the middle of the earth queen's body.


Suddenly, a dull sound of cutting came.

The Empress of Earth, who was still approaching the corpse of the enemy's corpse emperor in excitement, ran, suddenly felt as if there was something missing in her body.

After a while.


The screams of the Queen of the Earth resounded through the sky.

Her body, which is one hundred meters long, is already divided into two at this time, and it is difficult to connect the end to the end.

"Wei Xiao, are you crazy?" Looking at the half of her body lying on the ground behind, the Queen of the Earth yelled in anger and endure the severe pain.

Wei Xiao red eyes, his face looked very hideous.


Without beeping with the Empress of the Earth, the Emperor Devouring Sword in his hand was cut out again against the upper body of the Empress of the Earth.


The Queen of the Earth was shocked and could not speak.

At the time of the crisis, she couldn't take care of other things. The power of the earth was launched, and a thick, tall earth wall blocked her in front of her.

However, Wei Xiao, who had changed his personality since the beginning of the violence, slashed at the Queen of the Earth with the second knife, and the opponent's defense looked extremely ridiculous in front of him.

The thick earth wall was divided into two by Wei Xiao's knife. Together with the Queen of the Earth behind, the upper body itself was cut directly from the head by Wei Xiao from the middle.

The eyes of the Queen of the Earth were horrified.

His eyes faded gradually, his body split into two halves and fell to the ground.

To death, she didn't know why Wei Xiao suddenly attacked her.

Are we not allies?

Haven't our previous cooperation been good?

Why? Why did Wei Xiao suddenly attack the emperor?

Did I do something wrong or Wei Xiao, the bastard, wanted to kill me from the beginning?

The emperor is not reconciled--

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