Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1246: My little shadow is back

No matter how many questions the Queen of the Earth had in her heart at the last moment, she was destined to never get an answer.

After cutting out with two knives, his aura suddenly vented. Wei Xiao, who felt his whole body strength was completely emptied at this moment, staggered and fell directly to the ground.

"Oh oh oh..."

When the Empress of the Earth died, the corpse of the Earth system that had contained the enemy's corpse suddenly went mad.

Seeing their dead mother, she immediately abandoned the enemy's corpse and rushed towards Wei Xiaofei with a roar.

"Boom boom..."

At the juncture of the crisis, the shadow guard members in the dark recovered from their consternation.

Regardless of what happened at the scene just now, the sniper shot at the ground corpses that pounced on Wei Xiao.

The running corpse kept falling down.

The number was not very large, and there were more than a dozen ground-related corpses, and most of them were killed directly before they touched Wei Xiao's figure.

In the end, the remaining five corpses approached Wei Xiao, and the sharp claws slashed across Wei Xiao's armor emperor's armor, and did not cause any harm to him.

When the ground-type corpses were still attacking, a new round of sniping by the Shadow Guards arrived. The last five ground-type corpses around Wei Xiao also fell beside Wei Xiao.

Seeing this scene, the corpses of the enemy corpse emperor did not dare to hesitate, and fled into the distance one after another.

They came here with their mother emperor this time, originally for the purpose of sneak attack.

They did not have reinforcements, and there were more than 70 corpses left with less than ten of them. After seeing the end of the ground corpses, they had extremely high IQ and decisively chose to escape.

And when they fled this place of right and wrong, more than four million zombies left by the enemy corpse clan forces rioted on the battlefield.

Without the suppression of the corpse emperor and the corpse, they, who "did not share the sky" with humans, directly launched a counterattack.

Lan Qiang and the others also reacted from the shock just now.

"Kill them all—"


All this happens just like a drama.

When the two fighters who were allies a second ago didn't know what was going on in front of them, they instantly became hostile.

But no matter what happened to Wei Xiao and the others, the ground-based zombies launched an offensive against the Terran Alliance. How could the Terran Alliance sit still?

Not to mention that according to Wei Xiao's meaning, the corpse emperor forces of the earth are also among their must kills.

The war between the two sides broke out inadvertently.

In addition to the Terran coalition forces that were killed and wounded by tens of thousands of enemy zombies without understanding the situation at the beginning, the Terran coalition forces that gradually recovered, quickly beat the zombies on the ground.

Wei Xiao is here.


Two figures quickly came to him.

"Chief Wei, let Xiaoying take this down." It was the eldest sister.

She didn’t know what happened on Wei Xiao’s side just now, but the Phantom fell from the air, and then Wei Xiao became very temperamental. As a woman, she also knew the sequelae of the super soldier, she rushed to Wei Xiao’s side for the first time. .

Wei Xiao's scarlet gaze looked at the elder sister and Xia Zhu beside her.

Being watched by Wei Xiao's terrifying eyes, no matter the eldest sister or Xia Zhu, his expression couldn't help but change.

What a terrible look.

Enduring the fear of Wei Xiao in her heart, the elder sister said anxiously: "Hurry up and give these two awakening potions to Xiaoying, otherwise it will be too late. Don't believe you look at her body."

Wei Xiao was stunned, his gaze involuntarily looked at the Phantom.

With this gaze, Wei Xiao's face trembled.

The phantom at this time should be the start of gene backlash.

Although there was a Heavenly King Armor who could not see her body changes clearly, Wei Xiao was frightened by the skinny face of the Phantom Shadow.

Involuntarily speaking, Wei Xiao didn't care whether the genetic medicine was useful or not, he directly grabbed the genetic medicine in the hands of the older sister and fell to his knees beside Phantom.

Pulling out the piston at the mouth of the test tube, Wei Xiao lifted up the Phantom and poured the medicine into her mouth.

"You can't go in..." Wei Xiao said eagerly.

The eldest sister frowned.

Xia Zhu suddenly said, "Feed her mouth to mouth."

Wei Xiao's spirit was lifted.

Without hesitation, in front of the eldest sister, Xia Zhu, and the others, he poured all the remaining genetic medicine from a test tube into his mouth, and then opened the small mouth of the Phantom and kissed it.

Although the Phantom is in a coma, it still has instincts.

She could only swallow the small mouth blocked by Wei Xiao, and quickly swallowed the medicine in a test tube.

"It works!" Xia Zhu said in surprise.

Wei Xiao also noticed.

Before taking the genetic medicine, Phantom’s face dwindled at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it was relieved by swallowing the genetic medicine. This was a surprise that Wei Xiao could not say.

Upon seeing this, Wei Xiao took the other potion in the same way and let the Phantom take it down.

"any left?"

After taking the two medicines, Wei Xiao asked the eldest sister directly, regardless of whether it was enough to maintain the Phantom Shadow.

The eldest sister shook her head: "I only took these with me. There should be a gene extraction base behind the battlefield, but now it’s too late and time is too late."

Wei Xiao's face was not very good.

He looked at the face of Phantom again.

As a result, Wei Xiao found that Phantom’s shriveled skin was gradually rejuvenating, and his scarlet eyes had a huge surprise.

Not long.

The phantom in a coma woke up.

The closed eyelids twitched, and then slowly opened.

Wei Xiao was ecstatic.

"Xiaoying, are you awake?"

"Master, master..."

"How do you feel now?"

"Very hungry, very tired, and want to eat."

Wei Xiao's face was even more ecstatic.

It’s better to feel hungry, better to eat.

Apart from anything else, Wei Xiao didn't even need his own saber. He picked up the Phantom and turned around and flew towards the defense line of the city defense.

The eldest sisters only felt a gust of wind passing by, and then wanted to capture Wei Xiao's figure, the other party had disappeared without a trace.

"What a fast speed?"

Xia Zhu was surprised.

The eldest sister didn't look surprised.

"Let's go! It's time to do the finishing touches."

Xia Zhu returned to his senses and looked at the Empress Earth and the corpse of the third corpse emperor not far away.

"Eldest sister, the corpse of the corpse emperor?"

"I know, but that's not what we should consider now. In the end, Chief Wei has the right to speak." Then, the mask in front of the eldest sister closed, picked up Wei Xiao's Emperor Sword from the side, and tied the zombie to the ground. Kill the battlefield where you are.

Xia Zhu hesitated for a moment.

"I hope that Chief Wei can share a portion of the gene potion of the corpse emperor."

With a expectation, Xia Zhu also joined the battle to destroy the corpse of the earth system.

The resettlement area behind the defense line.

Wei Xiao took the Phantom to find the logistics.

Facing the people here, Wei Xiao didn't have any nonsense, and directly asked them to prepare enough food for the Phantom Shadow.

The logistics staff also knew how to measure, in other words, Wei Xiao's identity was not something they could disobey. After Wei Xiao informed, they immediately carried the prepared food to Phantom Shadow.

The powerless Phantom could only feed her by Wei Xiao himself.

After the Phantom has a bit of strength, her gluttonous feast will also arrive.

In one breath, the Phantom directly ate more than 100 catties of meat.

Don't ask how her small belly can hold so much food. The question is to swallow genes to break down the food into energy forms, and then absorb them one by one.

More than an hour later.

"Master, I'm full and I want to sleep."

Phantom’s voice is still very weak, but compared to her state of dealing with the third corpse queen, she is really just exhausted now.

Wei Xiao didn't dislike the greasy Phantom, and hugged her and kissed her.

Wei Xiao didn't let go until Phantom lost all strength.

Today he almost lost this obedient, sensible, and sensible Keren who held an important place in his heart.

It was a lost and recovered, with a loving Wei Xiao in his expression, warmly said: "Okay, I will take you to sleep, I have been with you today."

The Phantom smiled sweetly.


In response, the Phantom took the initiative to reach out and put his arms around Wei Xiao's neck. The whole person was like a little girl in love, nestled in Wei Xiao's arms.

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