Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1251: New situation in Minghai City

After the five major powers divided the benefits, in the next half month, all the people with a certain strength in the rear bases of the coalition forces and the two major forces in the Western Polar Region joined the battlefield to collect zombies.

When the coalition forces in the Western Polar Region enjoyed the fruits of victory in the war, the other direction was that the parties were happy and the others were sad.

The four holy cities to the north.

From the time when the West Pole was in danger, the senior officials of the Four Holy Cities made people pay close attention to the battle in the West Pole.

Although they didn't want to come and support the eldest sister and them, it doesn't mean that they don't care about the final result of the Western Polar Region.

Now, more than half a month after the war, they already know what they should know. Regarding the final victory of the Allied Forces in the West Polar Region, the senior officials of the Four Holy Cities, not to mention how envious and jealous they are.

"You all know, right?"

"The news I just got. I didn't expect that in the face of the corpse army of that size, the coalition forces in the West Polar Region not only won the final victory, but also received five No. 5 potions at a time. That is the No. 5 potion! It's enviable if you think about it."

"Who said no? I heard that even a small non-governmental organization has obtained a No. 5 potion. I really don't know how they deserve to have such a "God's potion"? That should be. Belongs to us."

"We are also to blame. If we knew this was the result, then our Four Holy Cities should send troops to support. If so, the No. 5 potion obtained by the non-governmental organization belongs to our Four Holy Cities. I should regret it!"

"What's the use of saying this now? We chose to sit back and blame us for not having this life. What's more, who would have thought that the corpse force would be completely wiped out by the coalition forces?"

"Everyone, I think we still want to think about how we should go in the future? Because of our indifference, this time the Four Holy Cities are completely separated from the other forces of Longxia Land..."

"Once other forces develop, this Longxia land may not have our foothold."

A high-level executive suddenly said such a sentence, and the other three people who were present were silent for a while.

When the West Pole was in danger, they did not send a single soldier to support the West Pole on the grounds of the distance. Now the West Pole has won an all-out victory and gained huge benefits in the West Pole campaign. You don’t have to think about it. Several people present can imagine.

Once the coalition forces digest the fruits of the attack, their strength will inevitably get a huge improvement.

In this way, the Four Holy Cities that were once considered to be on par with other top forces were suddenly surpassed by other forces.

Even, because of the emergence of the No. 5 Potion, and according to hearsay that the representatives of the civilian forces have also obtained the No. 5 Potion, the Four Holy Cities, they now suspect that it will not be long before the strength of their base will be united by the civilian forces. Than go down.

This is definitely not what they want to see.

"What are your thoughts?"

The others in the room looked at each other.

The leader from the former Suzaku base said in a deep voice: "We can't hold on like this anymore. We must take the initiative to attack the corpse clan. Not to mention, at least let the four holy cities have a fifth-level fighter. I have a hunch, this level The super soldier will determine whether a major force can occupy a place in the end of the world in the future."

The leader of the Xuanwu base agreed: "A corpse emperor must be killed."

The leader of the White Tiger Base: "Boss Qinglong, what do you think?"

The leader of the Qinglong base codenamed Qinglong pondered for a moment, and a pair of eagle eyes burst out with a sharp light.

"Joining hands to let people contact the human forces in the polar bear territory, and we also have a big vote. Whether the Four Holy Cities will have the right to speak in these last days, the appearance of a fifth-level fighter is a must."

The four quickly reached an agreement, and then they discussed the details of the corpse emperor.


The Phoenix Base of Minghai City.

More than half a month after the war in the West Pole, news of Wei Xiao and the others' final victory had already spread to the base.

Upon learning of the situation of Wei Xiao and others, Shu Wang, Jiang Xiyu and the others, their hearts have finally settled.

"Sure enough, as long as he makes a move, he won't fail. Now we can finally rest assured."

Jiang Xiyu looked at Ni Qingcheng with a relaxed look, and smiled cleverly: "I don't know who has been worrying about this and that all day long. If it weren't for the Shadow Guards to send information back, are you sure you can rest assured?"

Ni Qingcheng didn't refute either, and smiled charmingly.

"Yeah! I'm just worried about them, but some people are not much better. I don't know who stands alone on the third floor rooftop and talks to himself?"

When Jiang Xiyu heard this, his jade face was reddish.

"You watch me?"

Ni Qingcheng tilted his head and hugged his hands forward, with a slight ridicule on his face.

"Does this still need to be monitored? Everyone in this villa knows."

"how is this possible?"

"Sister Xiyu, Sister Qingcheng didn't lie to you! We all know it."

Yan Yi absolutely didn't mean to demolish Jiang Xiyutai, she just wanted to tell a fact.

Jiang Xiyu gave her a white look.

This little girl is good at everything, but sometimes too straightforward.

Doesn't she know that she is duplicity?

As a result, when she spoke, Jiang Xiyu's last quibble was pale and weak.


Ni Qingcheng chuckles when he sees Jiang Xiyu's taste.

Yan Chuan Huizi held Wei Ling, who was more than a year old in his arms.

"Should you not discuss now that all the No. 5 potions the master has obtained have those supernatural powers? The Shadow Guard people can say that the master got four No. 5 potions this time, that is to say, our remaining four sisters, each Everyone will have one."

"Sister, how did you know that O'Neill will give us the No. 5 potion?"

"The master said."

I don't know what Yan Chuan Keiko thought of. After answering Yan Yi's words, her face flushed involuntarily.

There seemed to be some unknown secret behind this, Yan Yi's words reminded her of some unsuitable scenes for children.

Jiang Xiyu and the others did not notice the change in Yan Chuan Huizi's expression.

Sitting on the sofa, Shu Wang said with a faint smile: "No matter what power the No. 5 potion possesses in my husband's hand, I won't know when my husband comes back? Now that they have defeated the corpse forces that invaded the West Pole, then we too You don’t need to focus all of your attention on the West Pole. It’s time to consider the problems in front of you."

The girls nodded.

The things they were most concerned about had already had results, and now they only had to wait for Wei Xiao and the others to return.

"By the way, Qingcheng, does Goryeo have new information now?"

Shu Wang changed the subject.

I don't know if it is an illusion.

When Shu Wang mentioned the topic of Goryeo, the faces of the girls in the hall suddenly became serious.

Ni Qingcheng said coldly: "Not for the time being. Since the last incident, there seems to be a lot quieter. However, there have been quite a few strange ships in the outer waters of the Female V Island recently. According to our people. Goryeo seems to have an idea about Nv Island."

"The people over there are obviously uneasy and kind. No one can imagine that since they have met that kind of once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, they can only say that the sky will not die in Korea." Yan Chuan Keiko said.

Yan Chuan Huizi, who rarely participates in the internal affairs of the base, seems to know something about Goryeo. Moreover, listening to her tone, there is a sense of anger in it.

I don’t know what has happened in the past few months since Chutianhe’s people disappeared in Goryeo?

Shu Wangliu's eyebrows were slightly furrowed, and his eyes were sharp.

"A group of life-and-death things, they really think they can be deceived by picking up a bargain? There was no time to take care of them before. Now, I have to see what they want to do?"

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