Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1252: Yelang arrogant

Outland within Korea.

It is often said that luck is also a part of strength. This sentence is correct in Goryeo.

During the time when Wei Xiao was supporting the West Pole, something unexpected happened in Korea.

Less than a month after the two major corpse emperors in Korea were forced to leave their hometown in Chutianhe, the two major corpse clan forces finally launched a fierce devouring battle.

In this battle, the two sides fought fiercely for half a month.

In the end, the corpse emperor in the Kingdom of Jin won the victory.

But what is surprising is that the corpse king who won this battle was not the final winner.

The so-called two tigers fight, one is killed and the other injured.

After the corpse emperor in the golden kingdom won the victory, the human forces of the dormant state of gold and the bangzi kingdom seized the opportunity of the corpse emperor of the golden kingdom to be seriously injured, and launched a surprise attack on the same day.

The Emperor Jin’s Corpse King just fought a battle with the enemy Corpse Emperor, and at the same time he was going to swallow the corpse of the enemy Corpse Emperor. Moment of weakness.

It was precisely this opportunity that the two human forces in Goryeo successfully killed the Golden Corpse Emperor who had just swallowed the enemy Corpse Emperor and was evolving after three days and two nights of fighting.

However, the victory of this sneak attack, the human forces in the Kingdom of Jin and Bangzi also paid a heavy price.

More than four million people launched a sneak attack, and fewer than 1.5 million survived.

As the saying goes, dead camels are bigger than horses.

No matter how weak Jin Kingdom Corpse Emperor is, her domain still causes heavy losses to the two human forces.

Although the process was a bit cruel, the ending was beautiful.

For this, the two human forces should also thank Chu Tianhe.

Because Chutianhe occupied the human base in the Bangzi country at the beginning, it brought a lot of important information to the survivors of the Outland. Among them, the "Apocalypse" and the genetic medicine were the two human forces that successfully killed the Golden Corpse Emperor. The key factor.

Li Xiangfeng, the only fourth-level fighter in the Bangzi country.

Because Chutianhe needed to dominate the local human survivors and gather people's hearts when he was in Bangzi Country, he trained Li Xiangfeng, the leader of the survivors of the Bangzi Country, to become the only fourth-level fighter in Korea that was not a nine-day city.

It is precisely because of this condition that in this battle between the two human forces sneaking on the Golden Corpse Emperor, Li Xiangfeng, the only one who can get close to the Golden Corpse Emperor, became the savior of the human survivors in Goryeo.

Killing the King of the Corpse King and obtaining a large number of zombies, Li Xiangfeng and the leader of the human race survivors in the Kingdom of Jin, Jin Buyao, based on this, according to the method of extracting genetic medicine brought to them by Chutianhe, quickly let the people in Korea The rise of human survivors.

In just one month, there were two fifth-level fighters and more than twenty fourth-level awakened fighters (super fighters with a certain chance of awakening abilities) in Goryeo.

With the improvement of strength, and the fact that Goryeo has two fifth-level fighters, the self-confidence of Li Xiangfeng and others has also been greatly expanded.

Can it not swell?

At the beginning, Chu Tianhe existed like a "god" to them, but such a person was only a fourth-level fighter.

Now they themselves have surpassed the realm of the fourth-level super fighters. Under the influence of Chu Tianhe, Li Xiangfeng and Jin Bu Yao felt that they were now invincible.

It is precisely because of the expansion of self-confidence. After months of recuperation, Li Xiangfeng and Jin Bu Shao, who are strong and "excellent", no longer have their ambitions confined to the territory of Goryeo.

The first step in their land is to take down the neighbor, Nv Island, not far away.

This is their first plan.

After the Female V Island is taken, they will also get involved in Longxia Land.

The land of Longxia has been the place where these small shots are eager to settle in since ancient times.

For this fat and oily delicacy, they didn't have the strength before, even if they had a covetous heart, they didn't have the strength to get involved.

But now it's different.

As a representative of the local survivors promoted by Chu Tianhe, Li Xiangfeng also had a certain understanding of the strength of Longxia Land during his contact with Chutianhe.

Even forces like Jiutian City are among the best in Longxia Land, and now their cutting-edge power far surpasses Jiutian City, making it unreasonable to be inferior to other forces in Longxia Land.

Therefore, after becoming a fifth-level fighter, Li Xiangfeng and Jin Bu shook together to start their road of conquest.

During this period of time, the two have been sending spies into Longxia Land and the surrounding waters of Female V Island to investigate the situation.

The land of Longxia has become sparsely populated after the end of the world, and no useful information has been sent back in a short period of time. However, the female V island is different. For reasons of distance, they already know that it is now being controlled by the Longxia people.

Seoul House.

Once the capital of the Bangzi country, now it has become the main city of the human forces in the unified Goryeo area.

"The female country V is really vulnerable. It is occupied by the Longxia people so quickly, they are simply the mud that can't support the wall."

"As expected, all of their culture was learned from our Dagoryeo teacher. They are not as smart as the Longxia people. They can apply what they have learned. It is not surprising that this will end."

Li Xiangfeng looked laid back.

Jin Bu shook coldly: "Now Female V Island is occupied by Longxia people. Once we do it, we must face the forces in Longxia. Will the previous plan continue?"

"Of course. I said that even the Nine Heavens City of Chutian River is ranked in the Longxia Land, and the other forces who want to come to Longxia Land are not much stronger. Today is not what it used to be, as you and I are now. Strength, do you think anyone can stop us from dominating the world?"

"After all, the land of Longxia is crowded and powerful. Although you and I have become fifth-level fighters, we are far less than the other forces in the land of Longxia in terms of population. If you go to war with them, there will be no small casualties. Flowing. There are not many people of our noble blood in Korea, and they should no longer be harmed."

"We don't necessarily need to use force to conquer them. There is a good saying, people who know the times are outstanding, as long as you and I show strong enough strength, those untouchables who have never seen the world will naturally know who can live better with. "As he said, Li Xiangfeng flipped his palm, and before his eyes, a stream of water appeared out of thin air.

As if the water flow had spirituality, it was running regularly around Li Xiangfeng's palm.

This is the power Li Xiangfeng obtained from the corpse emperor, the power of water.

Jinbu frowned.

"Are you sure there are no fifth-level fighters in Longxia Land?"

"The original Chu Tianhe didn't say it clearly, but what if there is? To reach our height, no one is willing to fight for life if it is not necessary. We can test it. If the forces that occupy the female V island have five levels Warrior, we can cooperate with him, if not, then we will start our first step in annexing Longxia Land in advance."

"Whenever we meet a fifth-level fighter like us, we will start a new plan."

Jinbu hesitated for a moment and nodded.

"Okay! Just follow what you said. I don't know how many survivors in Longxia Land today? As the world's most populous country before the end of the world, don't let me down too much."

"I can be sure of this. The population of Longxia Land is definitely much larger than that of Korea. To dominate the world requires population resources. We should be thankful that our neighbors have given us this condition. As long as we conquer the whole Longxia Land, the future world, We say it in Korea."

Speaking of this, Li Xiangfeng's eyes became frenzied.

"In the past, the end of the world was the beginning of a nightmare for us, but now, we use our life to get a chance to stand on the top of the world, and then we will hold it tightly. In the future of Korea, I want her to be the most sacred and most majestic in the world. The place and the history of the world will be rewritten by us Koreans."

Perhaps because of Li Xiangfeng's infection, Jin Buyao's emotions also began to become agitated.

"What a lofty and grand goal, I look forward to that moment."

"Hahaha... That moment will come. Let us start a new era that belongs to you and me, and belongs to the Koreans based on Nv Island."

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