Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1253: That's it?

A new day has arrived.

Goryeo is heading to the sea of ​​Nv Island, and a huge warship is quickly heading towards Nv Island.

On the deck.

"grown ups……"

Standing on the edge of the railing, Li Xiangfeng's hair fluttered and stood in the wind.

Li Xiangfeng, who was handsome and elegant, did not turn his head back, his eyes were always fixed on the sea ahead.

"How long will it take to get to Female V Island?"

"There are about six hours of voyage, and it is expected that it will be able to reach the shore at six o'clock this afternoon."

Li Xiangfeng stared at the front for a moment, and said: "The previous few times you sent people to try to land on Female V Island and were expelled by the people on it. Do you know the strength of the people on the island?"

"According to reports from those who have returned, there are many armed forces stationed on the island, most of which are super fighters. The specific level of super fighters cannot be confirmed, but there are many third-level fighters."

Li Xiangfeng's eyes half-squinted.

"No fighters above level 4 were found?"

"Our people can't get close to Nv Island at all, so they don't know anything about the island."

"That's really disappointing!"

The reporting staff hurriedly said: "The main reason is that the fighters we want to infiltrate on Female V Island are too low. However, this time there are adults with us. I believe that no one on Female V Island can stop us from landing on the island."


Li Xiangfeng smiled.

Turned his head.

"Shijie, how long have you been following me?"

Pu Shijie didn't know why Li Xiangfeng asked himself so, and seriously said: "From the early days of the last days, the adults have been following the adults after they rescued me from the beautiful city. It is almost two years since now."

"Yeah! Two years ago, in order to survive, we had to hide in dark underground caves to barely save our lives. Who would have thought that two years later, we would be able to take advantage of this kind of war weapon one day? Conquering other countries really complies with the old saying, fate is tedious."

"All adults are Hongfu Qitian and superb. If there is no adult to kill the corpse emperor personally, let alone become a super soldier, it is hard to say whether Shijie can survive. In this life, Shijie will definitely look forward to the head of an adult, and go through fire and water. I will die."

Li Xiangfeng waved his hand.

"It's serious, I don't need you to go through fire and water. I look forward to the day when you conquer the world, you will still stand by my side, together at the highest end, reviewing the glory that belongs to our Koreans."

"With your current strength, Shijie believes that this day will not be too long."

"Haha! You can see clearly. Taking you to Nv Island this time is the first step for us Koreans to conquer the world. At the same time, I will let you know whether I have the strength to lead Koreans to stand in this world. The top."

Pu Shijie was a little excited: "In fact, we all want to see how strong an adult's supernatural ability is."

"Oh! Many people want to see my supernatural power?"

"Yes. From "The Last Days", we know the existence of the supernatural power, but we have not seen it with our own eyes. The subordinates really can't imagine how powerful the superpower is. If we can see the abilities of adults with their own eyes , The subordinates will have no regrets in this life."

When Li Xiangfeng heard the words, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"Since you want to see the power of the supernatural being so much, then I will satisfy your curiosity."

Pu Shijie was taken aback.

"My lord, what do you mean?"

Li Xiangfeng did not respond.

I saw him facing the sea, one hand stretched out, and his five spread fingers made a twisting motion towards the sea not far away.

Under Pu Shijie's bewildered gaze, he soon saw a huge sea vortex appearing out of thin air on the sea hundreds of meters away from the battleship.

As Li Xiangfeng increased the power output, the vortex that appeared on the sea became larger and more terrifying.

In a matter of minutes, the huge vortex that expanded toward the surroundings at a speed visible to the naked eye had reached a diameter of thirty meters.

"This this……"

Seeing this scene, Pu Shijie was stunned.

"No, there is a large vortex ahead, immediately notify the person in the cab to bypass."

"What's the matter? How could such a large vortex suddenly appear on the sea?"

"Damn it, it's still expanding, and it's too late to change its course now. With everyone, immediately find a place to fix their position."

Many people on the battleship discovered the huge vortex created by Li Xiangfeng.

Seeing that the vortex of terror that has threatened the safety of warships continues to grow, many people feel desperate.

However, Li Xiangfeng, the chief culprit of all this, did not stop his attitude of showing supernatural powers to his subordinates because of this.

After the front vortex reached a certain level, Li Xiangfeng, who was already sweating from his forehead, suddenly shouted: "Qi——"


Just as his voice fell, from the swirling vortex of convolution, a water jet rose into the sky.

A huge water column rushed into the air at a height of 100 meters, and a water column with a radius of four or five meters appeared in front of the battleship, and the impact on the people on the ship was unimaginable.

"Oh my God! What the **** is that?"

"How could such a horrible thing happen? Could there be any monsters under this sea that we don't know about?"

The crew members who were already thrilling because of the whirlpool appeared out of nowhere, now seeing this scene, each and every one's eyes are staring like copper circles.

"My lord, General Pu Shijie, there is an abnormality in the sea. Please return to the cabin as soon as possible to avoid the risk."

An armed soldier came behind them and said eagerly.

Pu Shijie recovered from the shock.

Turning to look at the soldier behind him, and then at Li Xiangfeng, he didn't know how to respond to the soldier behind.

At this moment, Li Xiangfeng's use of different abilities for a few minutes continuously consumes a lot of money.

Fortunately, the effects he wanted have been achieved.

Not long after the warrior's voice fell, Li Xiangfeng's ability was withdrawn.

Suddenly, the water dragon column that lost the ability control and the vortex that appeared below it quickly collapsed completely, and the sea surface soon returned to its previous calm.

Li Xiangfeng turned around and smiled elegantly: "This is my power, how about it?"

"My lord, my lord..." Pu Shijie was a little stuttered, swallowed suddenly, pressed the shock in his heart, and said with excitement on his face. "My lord, this is too powerful, no, it is simply the power of ghosts and gods. Such terrifying power is controlled by adults, and adults are destined to be invincible in the future."

Li Xiangfeng was very appreciative of the shocked look on Pu Shijie's face.

"These are all trails. When my abilities become successful, let alone the scenes that I showed before, even if the rivers and seas are overwhelmed and the waves are raised, it will not be a problem."

"But the adults are already very powerful now. With this power of ghosts and gods, who is the opponent of adults in this world?"

"Without this strength, I wouldn't be able to lead you to conquer the world." Li Xiangfeng was not modest at all.

The key is that Pu Shijie, who has become a loyal admirer of Li Xiangfeng, firmly believes in this.

The soldiers behind them were a little baffled by what they said.

And the vision that just appeared on the sea, how did it suddenly disappear?

What exactly is going on?

"My lord, you..."

Pu Shijie turned his head and said, "Don't be nervous. The vision just now was created by adults. Let the soldiers on the ship do whatever they want. There is no danger."

"What, the vision just now was controlled by an adult?" the soldier asked in surprise.

"Otherwise? Go ahead! Tell the people below that we are safe with an adult."

The fighters were a little unbelievable.

Look at Li Xiangfeng.

When he noticed that the other party nodded and admitted that all of this was his work, the surprise on the soldier's face became agitated.

The warrior, trembling with excitement, nodded vigorously, "Yes, General."

After speaking, the soldier left.

Not long after, everyone on the entire battleship knew that the vision just now was caused by Li Xiangfeng.

After they completely believed this fact, their original nervous and desperate mentality became excited.

"I didn't expect that the vision just now was actually done by Master Li Xiangfeng, it is incredible?"

"This is a different ability, it must be a different ability, I can guarantee it."

"It's too powerful to control sea water. With such power, can Master Li Xiangfeng still be regarded as a mortal?"

"As expected to be our savior of Goryeo, long live Master Li Xiangfeng."

"Long live--"

Hearing the high voices of the crew members, Li Xiangfeng was full of spirits.

Pu Shijie beside him was even more excited.

If you can follow such a strong man, in the future, wouldn't it be so great.

"My lord, now your subordinates can be 100% sure that you can lead the entire Dagao nation to the top of the world, and you will become the unprecedented leader of the Dagao nation."

"Hahaha...Shijie, I love to hear what you say. Now that you know that day will come, then follow my steps and witness the birth of a great miracle together."

"Shijie will definitely live up to the expectations of adults."

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