Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1456: The corpse is not at peace

The next day.

Alternating day and night, Wei Xiao's figure reappeared in the dense forest.

Noting the situation of the corpse clan's defense line in front through the gap of the leaves, Wei Xiao's figure only stayed in place for a moment before retreating.

The sacred judge left a supreme envoy to sit on the northern border. This method really contained Wei Xiao's unscrupulousness.

If he reappears, the Supreme Envoy will find him the first time, so that he has no chance to attack those ordinary zombies.

It stands to reason that if the Supreme Envoy can be eliminated and the sacred judge loses a clone that can carry his full strength, such a loss is definitely greater than the blow to the corpse clan that Wei Xiao will kill millions of ordinary zombies.

But Wei Xiao did not do this.

It's not that he doesn't want to, but that there is not enough time.

The supreme emissary with autonomous consciousness is indeed not as strong as the body led by the holy referee, but even if the supreme emissary's strength is greatly reduced, it is definitely not something Wei Xiao can solve.

Facing a supreme envoy who can fight against him for dozens or even hundreds of rounds without losing the wind, this little time is enough for the holy judge to take over everything.

Wei Xiao is not stupid.

His goal of coming to the African Emirates has always been clear.

Thankfully, Wei Xiao is not so stupid to continue wasting time in one place.

The corpse clan has more than one line of defense in the non-emirate continent.

Now that the Northern Border Tribunal was prepared, Wei Xiao just changed the direction.

So, a few hours after Wei Xiao's figure disappeared outside the northern border, the news of the massacre of the corpse tribe army quickly fell into the ears of the holy judge.


"Damn, **** Wei Xiao, what the **** is he going to do?"

The decree cannot be said to be not angry.

Just now, news came from the west line of defense that zombies were slaughtered by strong humans.

The sage sees through the coming of consciousness, who is it if it is not Wei Xiao?

Only then did he leave behind on the north defense line, and Wei Xiao changed his place directly.

What's the point of staying in the northern line of defense?

Feeling like a clown being teased by Wei Xiao, his mentality exploded.

But anger is anger, and the holy judge can't ignore it.

If Wei Xiao is allowed to kill, although they can stop the damage as soon as possible every time, the corpse clan will also be dragged down by Wei Xiao if they continue to consume.

The most important thing is that it is still unclear whether Wei Xiao's behavior is intended to be continued or staged.

Helpless, the Supreme had to activate another Supreme Envoy clone again, and rushed to the west line of defense with the two imperial concubines.


"Wei Xiao——"

When the enemy meets, they are extremely jealous.

Came to the battlefield to the west and saw Wei Xiao slaughtering his people wantonly. The Saints roared from the air, and the figure greeted Wei Xiao in the next second.

Wei Xiao smiled coldly.

"You came fast enough."

"The deity wants your life--"

The holy judge who was dazzled by anger deceived and killed him.

The two sides immediately launched a world-shattering and weeping battle.

In the end, Wei Xiao was once again shot to death by the Supreme Court and the two Emperors and Concubines.

But the saint's heart did not feel relaxed at all.

At night, sure enough, there was another problem with the southern line of defense.

It's Wei Xiao, or the lingering fellow.

He was like a dung-stirring stick hiding in the dark, disturbing the whole corpse clan's hinterland.

The holy judge was about to be driven mad by Wei Xiao.

But he couldn't stop Wei Xiao.

Even if the sage sent the four supreme envoy clones to guard the Quartet, Wei Xiao could always find an empty place to cause heavy casualties to the corpse clan.

The most hateful thing is that Wei Xiao relied on his "clone" and was completely unafraid of life and death.

So, three days passed.

In the past few days, Wei Xiao attacked the corpse clan frontier defense six times before and after.

Every time, because of Wei Xiao, more than tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of zombies were completely lost.

This number seems insignificant to the corpse clan, but if things go on like this, everyone will understand the consequences without saying more.

While Wei Xiao continued to make trouble in the hinterland of the corpse clan, the West Polar Wolf City resident was here.

The three-day deadline has come. According to the agreement between Wei Xiao and Phantom a few days ago, they should leave this place today.

Using these three days, Yu Wei and the others recruited more than three million people from the Women's City and its affiliated bases to follow them to leave the West Pole.

Most of them are old, young, women and children.

As for the young and middle-aged, except for some people who really want to live in a stable environment, others who are slightly ambitious, refuse to go to the Immortal City.

The idea of ​​these people is simple.

They want to go it alone, to live a life of unrestrained and reckless behavior.

Although they know that in these last days, without a strong force behind them, it is easy to wipe out the entire army, but what about it?

"It is enough to die in the evening", "I would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail".

It was hard to get rid of the suppression of the big eldest sister, they didn't want to continue to be restrained by others.

Yu Wei and the others did not impose any interference on these people's ideas, and they didn't even bother to explain anything to them.

Wei Xiao said that everything is voluntary.

Since people have other choices, why should we force them?

Three million people, it seems that young and middle-aged people are indeed less, but so what?

Nearly half of them are children, and these are the guarantee for the future of the immortal city.

Other bases may not be able to protect the growth of these children, but for the Immortal City, it's nothing to say.

Moreover, accepting a group of children who grew up in the Immortal City, and when they grow up, whether it is loyalty or a sense of belonging, it is definitely far higher than that of mature men with mature thoughts.

It takes a little time to get a group of people who are more loyal to the Immortal City. Anyone who has the strength knows how to do this deal.

"The master hasn't come back yet."

"Master of the Phantom, we all know the strength of the Lord, and nothing will happen."

"I know."

The Phantom retracted his gaze from the direction of the non-emirate continent.

The mood is a bit low, but he didn't deliberately express it.

"Let's go! According to the previous agreement with the master, three days have come, and we should return to the Immortal City."

Yu Wei looked at the Phantom and hesitated for a moment, as if he was hesitant to speak.

The Phantom seemed to have guessed what Yu Wei was thinking, and said calmly: "Don't you say it all? With the master's strength, if he wants to leave, who can keep him in this world? Let's go back and wait for him."

Seeing that the Phantom did not seem to be self-comforting, Yu Wei nodded.

On the same day, the Phantom sent people to say hello to Xiaoyue Sirius, and then returned to the Immortal City with the remaining troops and more than three million survivors of the Immortal City of the West Pole.

"All the people in the Immortal City are gone?"


"Then we have to hurry and leave. There is no Boss Wei in the Western Polar Region. Once the Emperor Zombie comes to the door, we are not opponents of the other party." Xiaoyue Sirius said.

"Well, I'll make arrangements."

"By the way, how many people have you recruited these days?"

Xiaoyue Sirius suddenly asked about the acceptance of the survivors in the Western Polar Region.

"Not a lot. The entire West Pole has a population of nearly 10 million, but only about 600,000 people are willing to go to Wolf City with us."

"So few?" Xiaoyue Sirius was a little surprised.

Liu Xian'er smiled bitterly: "With the jewel of the Immortal Sky City in front, how can others see us? We have all worked hard to accommodate these people."

Immortal Sky City?

The thought of Wei Xiao's power made Xiaoyue Sirius's expression gloomy.

He never doubted Liu Xian'er's words.

Comparing the forces of the two sides, plus Wei Xiao, a "celebrity" who has a certain influence all over the world, as long as the survivors of the Western Polar Region are not stupid, they all know how to choose.

"If this king has the strength of Wei Xiao, will this situation still occur?"

Xiaoyue Sirius thought to himself.

He can only think about it.

If he really has the strength of Wei Xiao, he Xiaoyue Sirius still needs to be as low-key as he is now?

"How many people did the Immortal City accept?"


Xiaoyue Sirius: "Speak directly, this king is mentally prepared."

"More than five million!"


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