Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1457: Come here

Xiaoyue Sirius felt that he was mentally prepared, but when he heard the manpower recruited by the Immortal City, he admitted that he was sore.

Nearly ten times the gap?

It is also the top powerhouse in the world, is there such a big gap?

"Husband, you, are you okay?" Liu Xian'er asked.

The bitterness on Xiaoyue Sirius's face flashed past.

"It's okay, as expected by this king."

"Let's not compare with the Immortal City. It is enough to be ourselves. In fact, more than 600,000 yuan is not bad, at least we have made up for the losses in the Western Polar Region."

Liu Xian'er warmly comforted Xiaoyue Sirius.

But who knows, Liu Xian'er's heart is really not ordinary black.

five million?

The real manpower recruited by the Immortal City is only 3 million. Where is the extra 2 million?

Needless to say, Liu Xian'er told Xiaoyue Sirius that Wolf City had only recruited more than 600,000 survivors. According to the actual situation, it is estimated that more people were secretly transferred by Liu Xianer, and Immortal Celestial City was just taking care of her.

Liu Xian'er believed Xiaoyue Sirius would not ask Wei Xiao about this, and he didn't have the guts.

Therefore, Liu Xian'er can do whatever he wants.

"Sooner or later, this king will be able to replace Wei Xiao. Let's make arrangements! Let's leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible."

"I'm going now."

Liu Xian'er responded, then stepped back.

The hinterland of the non-emirate continent.

Wei Xiao's three days of torture has made the super zombies such as the sage "exhausted", mainly heart-tired.

Faced with an enemy who "puts life and death out of control", rushes and can't run away, kills and can't kill, everything is only for consuming part of the corpse clan's power, today's sacred judge has long gone from the initial anger and madness to powerless and exhausted .

"Wei Xiao, do you really want such a shameless disgusting deity?"

The newly born Wei Xiao confronted the sage again.

Now that the four defensive line of the non-Chief mainland corpse tribes have left behind, it is impossible for Wei Xiao to slaughter ordinary zombies as he did at the beginning.

But this did not let Wei Xiao retreat.

Since the sage left a supreme envoy on each line of defense, Wei Xiao simply stopped firing one shot from the east and one shot from the west, and directly attacked the core area of ​​the corpse clan-the final battlefield.

Wei Xiao came with the determination to die.

He didn't ask for it once and overturned all the zombies, but as long as the corpse clan was depleted every time, he would never get tired of it.

This is also true this time.

However, after failing to kill Wei Xiao in the first six times, the holy judge has lost his initial anger.

At this moment, when he faced Wei Xiao again, his heart was full of powerlessness.

Yes, aloft, the first time he appeared on the stage, he showed the supreme sage of the corpse clan in front of the world in a manner of being above and below the ground, and showing himself in front of the world. When facing Wei Xiao for the seventh time, he was subdued or weakened.

Because of this, confronting Wei Xiao again, he didn't have to fight as soon as he came, but dispersed the surrounding zombies and faced Wei Xiao directly.

"Why, don't you plan to do it directly this time?"

The sage feels blue smoke rising above his head.

You TM let the "clone" come to death every time. What use is there no matter how much the deity kills?

If you let the ontology go off the court in person, how do you see the result?

Resisting Wei Xiao’s impulse, the holy judge said gloomily: “The deity admits that it is completely disgusting by you. But the deity’s patience is limited. If you continue to be so endless, then the deity will go personally. Take a trip to your human territory."

"The deity has to see, whose race will perish first in the end?"

Wei Xiao: "Okay! Go ahead! I don't care. If the human race perishes, perish! As long as I'm still there and don't destroy your corpse race in one day, then I will use two days, and two days can't do it for a year... Anyway, you have nothing to do with me. I kill a little every day, and the only corpse clan who can kill one day is you, a lonely family member..."

"Oh! You shouldn't be able to breed, right?"

"you you……"

All of the face of Shengzheng Yubai became red.

"What good will this do for you? You and the deity are both lonely and widowed. Is this what you want?"

"Didn't you force it?"

"When will the deity force you?"

Wei Xiao sneered: "Is it true that the millions of human races in the Western Polar Region committed suicide? You TN all know how to bully the weak, why can't I do it?"


The saint's eyes widened.

He didn't expect that Wei Xiao attacked his people everywhere like a mad dog these few days, actually for the West Pole.

But what is this TM?

When he was not born, how many corpse members were killed by the human race? How many did Wei Xiao kill again?

But do you see that the tribunal is angry?

Are you crazy?

Why is it that Wei Xiao, a mad dog, is doing everything he can when he changes to an adult clan now?

It seems that compared with the casualties of the corpse race, the millions of human races after the end of the world are not enough for a fraction of the deaths of the corpse race.

Under the frightened eyes of the sage referee, Wei Xiao said coldly: "Don't make peace with Lao Tzu. Since you like to bully the weak so much, well, from now on, we will kill each one until the other members of the two clans. All disappeared from this world. I really thought that the corpse race was invincible with you? My human race also has it, and he is right in front of you now."

Wei Xiao fought back strongly against the holy referee.

That arrogant expression and fearless expression seemed to be telling the holy judge: Come on, hurt each other.

The corners of the saint's mouth were twitching.

The sharp teeth clenched in his mouth.

"Are you killing fewer members of my corpse clan? Compared to you, the human beings who died in the hands of the deity are not enough for you to kill."

"The pickled things can also be compared with my human race? Are you planning to laugh at me to death?"

"Fuck you..."

"Yeah, have you all learned to breathe fragrance?"

The divine judge stopped halfway through his words.

He took a deep breath and stared at Wei Xiao with gloomy eyes.

"Wei Xiao, you are really not ordinary disgusting, this deity has never seen a brazen person like you. The people of your human race are fate, but the corpse of my corpse race is not fate?"


Nima, this was said from the mouth of a zombie, how did it feel so against?

Wei Xiao shook his head, throwing away the extra thoughts in his mind.

"Is it useful to tell me this? I bet on the life and death of the entire human race, do you dare?"

"Why doesn't the deity dare? Do you really think the deity is afraid of you?"

"Since you are not afraid, come and fight again!"

"Okay, come on!"

"Come here!"

"Come over here."

"You come here!"

"Damn, you really dare not come over as the deity?"

"I really treat you as if you dare not come over."

"You will be dead if the deity comes over."

"Then come here!"

"You will be dead as soon as the deity takes action."

"Grass, you just came to Lao Tzu--"

Wei Xiao shouted violently, swiping the new Emperor Sword in his hand, and his figure disappeared in place at the same time.


"what the **** do you want?"

When Wei Xiao's figure reappeared, he was already in front of Sheng Cai, and the new Emperor Sword Sword that he swung also touched the energy shield released by Sheng Cai in time.

At the moment when the forces of the two parties conflicted, the holy referee finally subdued and shouted these words hysterically.

It was precisely these words that Wei Xiao strengthened his hand to attack the Emperor's Devouring Sword of the energy shield in front of the saint, and the blood surrounding it gradually faded.

When Wei Xiao's new Sword Sword was no longer threatening, the energy shield released by the sacred judge also retracted.

Looking at Wei Xiao who was close to Chi Chi, Sheng Cai said with a strained face, and said coldly: "How on earth are you willing to give up?"

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