Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1479: Everyone gets punishable

In Villa No. 1, Wei Xiao had received news from the Shadow Guards.

After he finished reading the above content, over the years, with the changes in his character, Wei Xiao gradually reduced his hostility, and the murderous intent in his heart was once again induced.

The one-time destruction didn't make the dark night somewhat restrained, on the contrary, it intensified. This was simply hitting him in the face of Wei Xiao in Chi Guoguo.

The big devil is very angry, and the consequences are serious.

"Husband, the news from the Shadow Guard is very serious?" Seeing Wei Xiao's furious look, Shu Wang asked concerned.

"Look at it for yourself! This matter must be closed."

Shu Wang and the others quickly received the information passed back by the Shadow Guards from Wei Xiao.

Not long.

After they finished reading the above content, one by one was shocked and dazzling.

"Use millions of living people to create first-class zombies? How dare they?" Shu Wang was shocked.

"It's done this already, what else do they dare not?"

Wei Xiao said coldly, and then said coldly: "Shu Wang, call the heroes and them right away. This time, I will never stop until I find the person behind the dark night."

Knowing the seriousness of the situation, Shu Wang did not dare to hesitate.

Immediately notify the staff of the internal affairs team to convey Wei Xiao's meaning to Chen Haojie and the others.

More than half an hour later.


All the high-level officials above the power holders of the Immortal Sky City are here.

Wei Xiao motioned everyone to sit down.

Waiting for everyone to sit down, Wei Xiao, who is not nonsense, directly handed the information passed back by the Shadow Guard to Chen Haojie and the others.

At first, Chen Haojie and the others were still confused.

After reading the information sent by the Shadow Guards, everyone present was furious.

Pay a million: "How dare they do this to these god-slaying beasts?"

Leng Chengfeng: "Several millions of people! Millions of living people have been harmed by them in this way. Are they still human?"

"Lord, please fight with Lan Jian. Lao Tzu must rescue all the beasts who are inferior to pigs and dogs and kill them all, otherwise, Lao Tzu will be in vain."

Wei Xiao waved his hand and motioned everyone not to get excited.

"You are here for this. I won't say any more. I will inform the East and West continents as quickly as possible, and announce the crimes of Dark Night to the public. All human forces on the two continents must cooperate indestructible next. Tiancheng fully encircled and suppressed the dark night organization."

"I don't need their leader to agree or not. Everyone is responsible for encircling the dark night. Whoever opposes, tell them, I don't mind changing to a leader who understands things."



Chen Haojie stood up.


"You are solely responsible for the organization of the encirclement and suppression of the dark night. You can mobilize all the power that can be used in the immortal city. I don't ask about the process, as long as the result is the result, the dark night must disappear."



"Yes, master."

"You and Shu Wang will go to the Four Holy Cities. I don't care about the others. I must see Qinglong and Suzaku. I have to see people in life, and corpses in death, understand?"


"Okay, without further ado, act now! Any force that dares to add blockage to this matter will not be forgiven."


Everyone got up, except for those in the villa, everyone else left.

"Husband, what about you? Are you not going to make a move?"

After Chen Haojie and the others left, Shu Wang noticed that Wei Xiao had arrangements for others, but he didn't, so he asked curiously.

Wei Xiao squinted, looking at the sky outside the villa.

"It's really a tiger father and a dog son. Lin Xiao walked upright and sat upright all his life, working for the human race to death, but his good son went against him, hehe...It's really ironic."

"Are you going to Longwei City?" Shu Wang guessed Wei Xiao's plan.

Wei Xiao got up, eyes full of killing intent.

"It's time to go. I have some friendship with Lin Xiao. Since the Longwei City he left behind is now a place where dirt is hidden, I will help him clear the ground."

That day.

The immortal Tiancheng that had been calm for a long time made a huge move.

The three trump cards of the doomsday mecha unit, the doomsday warrior unit (armed armor unit) and the newly formed pet unit are all out.

After that, ground armed, air force, and armored forces followed one after another.

The total number of people exceeds two million.

The unprecedented grand armed army walked out of the Immortal City, and on the same day, it shocked the surrounding survivors who were scavenging waste or traveling to and from the Immortal City.

"problem occurs?"

"Oh my God! The most elite troops of the Immortal City have all been dispatched. Is this going to be a war?"

"Could it be that there is another corpse emperor's force being stared at by them?"

"What's a joke? The Corpse Emperor's power is worthy of the Immortal Sky City to invigorate the people like this? I think the Immortal Sky City is launching troops against the African Emirates."

"With so many troops, this is a major event. No, we have to send the disappearance back to the base as soon as possible."

Just when the people of the various forces in the Immortal City were thinking about Wei Xiao and the others' actions, at the same time, from inside the Immortal City, the news about the dark night experimenting with living people and cruelly harming millions of humans also followed. It spreads out.

People who have not yet recovered from the shock brought by the mobilization of the immortal city, learned of this news, but after a short period of silence, the people's anger completely erupted.

Dark night was once notorious for using living people to cultivate advanced potions.

But because Immortal Sky City and Wolf City discovered and destroyed their headquarters in time, the influence of this organization was gradually forgotten by people over time.

But now, the name of this organization has once again entered people's lives, and this time it has intensified. The people who learned of the situation will find it difficult to quell the horrible anger.

Experiment with living people?

Is this okay?

According to the news from the immortal city, the humans of the old age below level 3 will be the target of the dark night's capture. Doesn't this mean that the dark night that was originally thought to be destroyed has been hidden by them all the time, and it will even become extinct. Are most people regarded as prey?

We must know that in today's apocalypse, the old humans below level three are still the mainstream.

I don't know how many people shudder when I think that I have always been on top of other people's "recipes" and belonged to hunting objects.

Whether it was out of righteous indignation or thinking about danger in times of peace, once the news came out, the dark night organization was condemned by everyone.

"Mad, Lao Tzu wants to kill all the miscellaneous things in the dark night."

"Don’t think about taking care of yourself. By our side, who have few relatives and friends who have not yet reached the third-level fighter? If we don’t use the power of the immortal city to eradicate this evil organization, maybe next time. Among their experimental subjects, there are relatives around you, even yourself."

"This organization called Dark Night must be eradicated. This is not only a matter of the Immortal City, but also a matter of all of us."

"Activate all the power around you to pull out all the rats hiding in the dark."

The voices condemning the dark night became more and more louder.

There is no need for the Immortal City to do anything. The outside forces have spontaneously begun to search for the whereabouts of this organization.

Among them, the most active are the civil forces.

They are the weakest organization in the last days, and their ability to protect themselves is also the worst.

There are as many as eight thousand people, and as few as hundreds of people. If they don't take this opportunity to find out and eradicate this evil organization that threatens their interests, once they are targeted by the dark night, they don't think they have the ability to resist.

Besides, if this organization is not eliminated, whoever would dare to wave outside for all survivors who did not reach the third-level fighters in the future?

Compared with the so-called freedom and life, most people know how to choose?

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