Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1480: Heaven and earth cannot tolerate

The news fermented two days later.

At this time, the leaders of the major forces in the east and west continents already knew about the publication of the immortal city.

"Is it exposed?"

The Western Dark Temple.

After the leader Leighton heard the rumors outside, the whole person was not calm.

"The leader is exposed on the Eastern Continent. I heard that the Immortal City has sacrificed many members of the Shadow Guard for this. Now the Immortal City has deployed troops to the dark night, and other forces are ready to move, I am afraid that this dark night is inevitable. ."

Layton: "Can members of the Shadow Guard be found in the Western Continent?"

"I haven't heard of it yet."

"Immediately sever all cooperation with Dark Ye, and at the same time, stabilize the people in Dark Ye in the Western Continent, look for opportunities to wipe them out in one fell swoop, absolutely can not leave a living, understand?"


The holy city of light.

"Under the Pope's crown, the events of the dark night have caused a backlash from believers. Now all believers in Guangming City strongly demand to purify this evil organization. Have we acted?"

"Is there any results for what you asked?"

"Sorry, Mianxia, ​​the dark night's whereabouts are weird, and every time we dispatched members will encounter obstacles on the way, so far they have not found their stronghold."

Pope Eliza of Illumination frowned.

"You haven't got any results after so long, now where are we going to find someone from the dark night?"

"Under the title of the Pope, we may not know the stronghold of Dark Night in the Western Continent, but now the Dark Night Crisis is also erupting in the Eastern Continent. We can form an alliance with the forces in the Eastern Continent and ask for a group of high-level Dark Night in their hands to inquire about the Dark Night Organization in the West. Whereabouts."

"Well, contact the forces in the eastern continent and find out the dark night that exists in the western land as soon as possible."


Eastern continent.

Wolf city.

"This dark night really surprised this king. Millions of people experimented, and they are afraid that they have a lot of abilities now? And the dark night female emperor, who had almost not the strength of this king at the beginning, is now so Over the years, I am afraid that the strength of the body will be even more terrifying."

Liu Xian'er looked at Xiaoyue Sirius with a calm complexion, her eyes turned, and she asked.

"What is your attitude towards the dark night?"

Xiaoyue Sirius glanced at Liu Xian'er without any doubt.

Turning around, he said solemnly: "The organization that can block Wei Xiao is worthy of my respect, but the dark night is too much. Sacrificing millions of people to achieve their goals, this horrible method, I Xiaoyue Sirius thinks he is cruel, but when compared with them, this king suddenly feels that he is a peerless good person."

"So you don't actually reject them?"

"I can't talk about it. What they have done can no longer be regarded as human beings. Leave them, and the human race will never have peace."

"Wolf City also has to do something against the dark night?"

Xiaoyue Sirius nodded: "Not to mention that Wei Xiao has already spoken, even if it is to reassure the people, this organization can't exist, they have crossed the line."

Hearing Xiaoyue Sirius' words, Liu Xian'er's face was a little sad.

But it only happened in a flash.

Her face quickly returned to normal, she said: "You are right. The genes of most people in the base are still at the first or second level. If this organization is not completely eradicated, the citizens below will find it difficult to feel at ease. I support it. you."

"Xian'er, it's not that this king wants to help Wei Xiao, but we are also doing this for ourselves. Can you understand what this king means?"

Liu Xian'er smiled softly.

"Knowing that what the dark night does is intolerable. Nowadays, the Christians under every power need an attitude from a higher level. If we don't set an example, it will shake people's hearts and even make the Christians underneath depart from morality. I don't want to Seeing you have worked hard for many years, it was destroyed by a little bit of personal grievances."

"To deal with Wei Xiao, we need a strong force to support behind."

Xiaoyue Sirius was very moved.

Liu Xian'er could see so clearly, he was very pleased.

"Don't worry, Wei Xiao will not collapse for long. You have also heard that the man named Chu Tianhe in the Southern Continent can actually be tied with the Corpse Emperor. If we want to have strength, we don't have to be much worse than Wei Xiao. If we can form an alliance with him, Wei Xiao will no longer be invincible."


Seeing Liu Xian'er's sensible appearance, Xiaoyue Sirius couldn't help pulling her into his arms and loving her.

What Xiaoyue Sirius didn't notice was that where he couldn't see, Liu Xian'er's emotions changed from disappointment to complicated, and then became cold.

She seemed to have made some decision, and finally returned to her shy appearance, letting Xiaoyue Sirius do what she did.

Outside of Wolf City.

Other forces in the Eastern Continent.

Those big influencers now have the same thinking as Xiaoyue Sirius.

Among the bases they control, the number of survivors is also the highest among the survivors below level 3.

Since the news about the dark night came to their base, the Christians underneath were particularly frightened.

No one wants to be someone else's experiment, even if there is only one possibility.

No one's guarantee can reassure them.

The best way to free them from the shadows brought about by the dark night is to make this organization completely disappear.

Precisely because of this, for the stability of the base and the stability of the hearts of the people, the dark night that arouses public anger must never exist. .

As the most powerful hostess in Wolf City, Liu Xian'er shouldn't be too simple to inquire about the attitudes of various forces towards Dark Night.

When she knew that both large-scale and non-governmental forces in the East and West had to deal with Dark Night, she had no hope for Dark Night.

Almost all human beings in the world will completely disappear from the dark night. When this situation is formed, the dark night that used to be extremely hidden has nowhere to hide.

Unless they escape from this world.

The situation has developed so far that the field is irretrievable, and Liu Xian'er has also decided to make sacrifices.

"Wei Xiao, you ruined everything I have once again. Okay, very good. Since you are doing the right thing with me everywhere, then I won't make you feel better. Wait for my revenge!"

The end of the dark night seems to have been unable to change.

But just as Xiaoyue Sirius was preparing to cooperate with the Immortal City to carry out a full-scale encirclement and suppression of the dark night, Liu Xian'er, who was in the Wolf City, began to retaliate against Wei Xiao.

Dark night headquarters.

"The Empress..."

"Stay outside the cave, no one is allowed to enter without the emperor's order."


Outside an inner cave, four maids with golden masks watched Liu Xian'er enter the cave and turned to guard in front of the cave entrance.

When Liu Xian'er entered the cave, he saw neat rows of shelves.

The shelves, from high to low, are all genetic medicines of different grades.

From the most advanced No. 4 medicine to No. 1 medicine, the quantity reaches more than one hundred thousand.

The horror of the number is simply jealous.

Liu Xian'er didn't care about these genetic medicines on the bright side.

Go straight to the deepest part of the cave.

Here, there is a treasure chest.

Liu Xian'er opened it directly.

What I saw in the treasure chest were five No. 5 potions glowing with golden brilliance.

Looking at the five No. 5 potions in the treasure chest, Liu Xian'er gritted his teeth.

"This is my first revenge against you, I hope you can bear it."

With that said, Liu Xian'er took five No. 5 potions and turned and left.

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