Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1484: Big brothers out

The changes in the Four Holy Cities will not spread in a short time.

Affected by the slow transmission of messages in the last days, people from other forces wanting to get what happened in the Four Holy Cities, it takes less than two or three days.

Perhaps no one cares much about the changes in the Four Holy Cities.

Because in the outside world, the major power alliances of the East and the West have launched an encirclement and suppression of the major strongholds distributed in the Eastern Continent by Dark Night.

The Immortal City directly dispatched two million troops, and under the guidance of the Shadow Guards, joined forces with other forces to sweep the determined dark night stronghold with the momentum of thunder.

The general trend is unstoppable.

In just one or two days, seventeen strongholds outside the Dark Night Organization were taken down by major forces.

From these strongholds, the coalition forces successfully rescued more than 200,000 survivors and obtained first-level zombies, giant zombies, and a number of genetic medicines ranging from No. 1 to No. 4.

However, such a huge result did not make the major forces that encircle the dark night any joy.

On the contrary, when they witnessed the rescued survivors and the vast majority of people appearing in front of them like the corpses of their colleagues, their determination to punish the members of the dark night was even stronger and firmer.

"This group of innocent bastards, I must pull out all their accomplices hiding in the dark one by one, cramping and torturing to death."

"Kill, kill him a corpse of blood, kill him without leaving a piece of armor."

"Anyone who is in the dark night, don't live up to it, kill without mercy."

All forces worked harder to encircle the dark night.

But this momentum did not last long.

When forces outside the Immortal City faced the armed forces of the Dark Night Division Headquarters, the originally invincible and invincible encirclement and suppression army suffered its first failure since the encirclement and suppression.

That is the encirclement and suppression army of Wolf City.

In the entire Wolf City, because of Xiaoyue Sirius' selfishness, apart from him and Liu Xian'er, there was no third power in the huge base.

When their encirclement and suppression army swept away the outlying strongholds of the dark night, and under the leadership of the fourth-level fighters, launched an attack on one of the main strongholds of the dark night, the dark night stronghold directly dispatched two superpowers.

The wind and fire abilities alternately swept the encirclement and suppression army, and in just ten minutes, the wolf city paid a heavy price.

After Wolf City, other forces also began to encounter this situation.

Every force that encounters the attack of the dark night powers will pay a heavy price.

"Damn! How could the dark night's superpowers be so strong? At least the warlord-level powerhouses are the ones who attacked us."

"We seriously underestimated the strength of the dark night. We must report this to the leaders. Otherwise, it will be difficult to carry on the encirclement and suppression, at least we can no longer pose a threat to the dark night."

Most of the encirclement and suppression forces were blocked.

Suddenly, the coalition forces in multiple regions suspended their encirclement and suppression operations against the dark night.

One party in the dark night.

"A group of people who don't know the heights of the sky and the earth really think that we will be invincible by destroying a few of our outer strongholds? Naive, the branch headquarters is the real power of the dark night."

"Hahaha... tens of thousands of casualties, I think they have been scared. What kind of **** to encircle and suppress the army, leaving those people on their heads, there is no one who can fight. If it were not for our supernatural powers, they could not support for a long time. In combat, I can sweep the clowns alone."

"In my opinion, even if the people on their heads can really make us jealous, they can count them with one hand. Don’t forget, our Twelve Envoys of the Dark Night, which one has not taken more than three pieces of No. 5 Potion? How many corpse kings are there in the world during the last days of the corpse king? The limited number of potions No. 5 is divided by the group of people, how many really grow up?"

"That's right. Now that the situation is here, Immortal Celestial City is a difficult point to deal with. Rats and dogs put them under a lot of pressure. They have lost their battles. I heard that they are now blocked by the Immortal Celestial army. In the main stronghold. But apart from the Immortal City, the other forces are just scraps for selling their heads, not to be feared."

"You can respond to the situation with the Empress. We may not have to evacuate completely. Now we are only afraid of Immortal City. If the Empress can solve this point, what are we afraid of?"

"It is necessary. The dark night of today is worthy of no one. Even if we are an enemy to the world, we are not without a chance. If we win this battle, the human world will respect the dark night in the future."

"It's better to launch several active offensives. As long as we come up with results, I believe it will be easier to persuade Lady Empress."

"I think it's OK!"

The dark night's counterattack achieved good results, which also made the twelve dark night emissaries, who were originally jealous of the encirclement and suppression army, greatly inflated their self-confidence.

Moreover, this confidence has been blocked one after another with the encirclement and suppression forces in other areas, and the successes time after time have made the high-levels of Dark Ye not pay attention to other forces except the immortal city.

Listen to what they said.

Use one force to fight against the world at the same time, but also to take the initiative to attack?

How expansive is this to say?

But don't tell me, the Twelve Dark Night Envoys really did this.

The multi-party encirclement and suppression forces were frustrated. When they sent the news back to their respective bases and waited for the next high-level order, the power of the major headquarters in the dark night was fully deployed, and in a true sense launched an active attack on the encirclement and suppression coalition forces other than the immortal city.

No one would have thought that Dark Night would be so bold.

Facing the dark night army led by a person with supernatural powers, the coalition forces that had temporarily avoided their edge because of their defeat had no time to deal with it.

Under the attack of the dark night army, apart from fighting and retreating, it is completely impossible to organize an effective counterattack.

Suddenly, most of the forces that fought against Dark Night were miserable.

Will not destroy the Heavenly City side.

When the other forces were smashed by the dark night, the immortal Celestial army was divided into two groups, and the situation was reversed by two key victories.

The first is an army of Chenhaojie as the mainstay and paying millions as a supplement.

After many days of layout, they launched an all-round attack on the target base that had been under siege for a long time.

After a day and night of battle, a headquarters in Dark Night was successfully destroyed, and the Dark Night Envoy who guarded it was also captured alive by Chen Haojie and Fu Wanwan.

The other is the immortal Celestial army led by Lan Qiang.

They also destroyed the dark night's other headquarters. The only thing that was not perfect was that the dark night envoy who guarded the other headquarters escaped from Lan Gun.

The two victories since then have undoubtedly greatly improved the morale of the coalition forces.

With the victory of the Immortal Sky City, other forces also responded.

Xiaoyue Sirius, the big bosses sitting in the back of the town, received the news that the encirclement and suppression army they had sent out had suffered heavy losses, and all of them couldn't sit still.

"Too much deception, do you really think that you are the only ones with supernatural powers? This king will meet you in person."

"Are the warlord-level abilities very strong? Really when I have no one in the base city of Skoxue?"

"Mu'er, let me go to the front line. I want to know where the courage of the dark night dares to resist in front of the coalition forces."


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